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Law & Mock Trials Lesson Plans: more detail |
21. Teacher Resources Lesson Plans Integrating Poetry And written tests role playing mock trials specifically geared to is allowed to pass anincome tax law. E. Burger Repository of lesson plans www.constitutioncenter http://www.constitutioncenter.org/sections/teacher/lesson_plans/html/10265b.asp |
22. Promotional Flyer - Law Week 2002! Some presentations also included mock trials in which students played 3. Visit theLaw Week website at www.lawweek It provides easyto-use lesson plans as well http://www.wsba.org/lawweek/flyer.htm |
23. An Invitation From Justice Guy - Law Week 2001 Some presentations also included mock trials in which students played all the Visitthe law Week website It provides easyto-use lesson plans as well as quick http://www.wsba.org/lawweek/2001/flyer.htm |
24. Education Planet Store ,store,Government And Law,Legal System - Landmark Cases,b buy from socialstudies.com STREET law mock TRIAL MANUAL detailed instructions fororganizing and conducting mock trials. contains dayby-day lesson plans and a http://www.educationplanetstore.com/store/Government_and_Law/Legal_System_-_Land | |
25. Education Planet Store ,store,Government And Law,US Constitution Lesson Plans complete scripts for trials (unlike mock trials in which decisions and helped shapeAmerican law and justice. Twenty lesson plans based on the documents are http://www.educationplanetstore.com/store/Government_and_Law/US_Constitution | |
26. Law Related Education LRE resources include books, lesson plans, mock trial scripts, and Partners can planclassroom presentations, mock trials, court or law firm visitations http://www2.state.id.us/isb/gen/lre.htm | |
27. Association Of Law Teachers (ALT) - Bulletin 107 (page 6) small group discussions, opinion polls, mock trials, debates, field of how the streetlaw programme works in practice, to prepare two lesson plans of their http://www.lawteacher.ac.uk/bulletin/107e.html | |
28. ERIC Clearinghouse For Social Studies/Social Science Education CongressLink lesson plans and other teaching resources on service learning, government,and lawrelated education, and mock trials and simulations. http://www.indiana.edu/~ssdc/civlinks.htm | |
29. ERIC Clearinghouse For Social Studies/Social Science Education (ERIC/ChESS) to historical documents, lesson plans, syllabi, bibliographies service learning,government, lawrelated education, and mock trials and simulations. http://www.indiana.edu/~ssdc/civwbdig.htm | |
30. Civics Lesson Plans Home Teacher Resources lesson plans Social Studies Civics and appreciationof the law and the Trial? Through participation in mock trials and analysis http://www.teach-nology.com/teachers/lesson_plans/history/civics/ | |
31. Uniwersyteckie Poradnie Prawne lesson plans. law students teach a minimum of ten lessons. the street lawtype clinic.law students organize mock trials and special. events with learners. http://www.fupp.org.pl/streetlaw/ | |
32. NATURE: For Teachers: Lesson Plans: The Trial Of The Bloody Sucker Hawaii Friends of Civic and lawRelated Education http very useful strategies forstaging mock trials, with guidelines for Web sites in this lesson, each group http://www.pbs.org/wnet/nature/lesson_plans/bloodysuckers2.html | |
33. Presumed Guilty. Research The System | PBS. Experience, this exciting set of lesson plans based on the answer their questionsabout mock trials what they value is whether they are law schoolbound http://www.pbs.org/kqed/presumedguilty/3.1.0.html | |
34. E-JHS: Junior High Justice - Lesson Plans at the junior high level and mock trials planned at our travel radius, we loan lessonplans, videos, worksheets Free presentations the law, and root causes of http://johnhoward.org/education/edprg.htm | |
35. Arizona Foundation For Legal Services & Education -- Law Related Education Acade simulations, and roleplays (including mock trials, moot courts Concepts of LRE (ABA,1995) law, power, justice LRE Model ideal for lesson plans, Activities, and http://www.azbf.org/Academy/news/IsItLRE10-02.cfm | |
36. Untitled with interactive teaching strategies and lesson plans correlated to trial and receiveseveral mock trials for classroom Overview of the lawRelated Education http://www.teenlaw.org/Workshops.html | |
37. Useful Links For National Law Related Education Programs free social studies lesson plans at this site. Street law, Inc. Learn more aboutprojects such as Teens, Crime and Community; mock trials; Street law; Teen http://www.tba.org/tncivics/links.html | |
38. ACTE Publications Career Education Career Opportunities of the Month; Technology Link of the Month; law Research; and mock trials Civiland Criminal. lesson plans SCRTEC TrackStar Starting Points for Teachers of http://www.dese.state.mo.us/divvoced/biz_other_teaching_resources.htm | |
39. Project Vote Smart knowledge and skills pertaining to the law, the legal The lesson plans are brokendown into elementary, middle mock trials for high school teams and material on http://www.vote-smart.org/issues/index.phtml?cat=Lesson Plans |
40. LAW RELATED WEBSITES Edmonton, this site gives detailed lesson plans for law A clear concise bibliographyof law related materials for teachers including more mock trials than you http://bss.sd69.bc.ca/sec_classwebpages/dbold/lawpage.html | |
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