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Livestock Misc Alt Agric: more detail |
1. NDSU Dickinson Research Extension Center substituted for soybean meal in livestock rations. Lupin seed is corn and soybeans. Amer. J. alt. agric. 5114119. Paper No. 20 036, misc. Journ. Series, Univ. Minn., St. http://www.ag.ndsu.nodak.edu/dickinso/research/1994/agron94c.htm | |
2. Usenet News And Lists agricULTURE DISCUSSION GROUPS MAILING LISTS If you know of an agriculture mailing list or newsgroup that is not included on this page please tell us we'll update our page. alt.agriculture.misc. alt.agriculture.fruit. alt.agriculture.ratites Missouri/Iowa Forage livestock Forum. NEWCROPS. New Crops Mailing body to subscribe subscribe agricL Your Name http://www.oneglobe.com/agriculture/newslist.html | |
3. Ag-list-archives-misc.txt10. 13- 23. 03. 08 Swtgrssfrm Nls. Edu Content-Type Tex alt.agriculture.misc. Farming, agriculture and related topics. alt.bad.clams Missouri/Iowa Forage livestock Forum. NEWCROPS. New crops your emailsubscribe agric-L Your Name http://www.ibiblio.org/ecolandtech/agriculture-list-archives-1999-2001/miscellan | |
4. EAP Publication List Int. Conf. misc. Publ. 694, Maine agric. Exp. Sta., Univ. Am. J. alt. agric. 5(2)7692. Sectionson weeds, pests, marketing and livestock. ($30.00). 205. http://www.eap.mcgill.ca/General/eap_ind.htm | |
5. About Resources and the Environment), Meat livestock Australia, Tyson COFFEE Maxwell,Sanka, Yuban misc Bakers Chocolate, Capri Sun Am J alt agric, 7129136 |
6. No Subject A. Yanoff) Newsgroups alt.internet.services,comp.misc,biz.comp.services,alt.bbs. sendmailcatalog offers Agricultural info (livestock reports, current http://www.ibiblio.org/london/agriculture/links/1/msg00488.html | |
8. Today's Market Prices alt.sustainable.agriculture; All about sustainable agriculture. uk.food+drink.misc;food and drink in all forms MUISUGRAZEL, Missouri/Iowa Forage livestock Forum. http://www.todaymarket.com/tmplink6.htm | |
9. The Prairie Chicken And Livestock On SNG Manage. 27529545. alt, Bernard W. 1988. misc. Pub. 1988. Management of livestockto improve and maintain prairie habitat on the Sheyenne National Grasslands. http://www.npwrc.usgs.gov/resource/othrdata/sheyenne/litcite.htm | |
10. Estrogen Mimics (15/45580) (Alan "Uncle Al" Schwartz; Bruce Hamilton; Oz; Torste Anyway using them in livestock is not a problem Newsgroups misc.education.science,sci.environment,misc.consumers,sci veg,sci.bio.foodscience,alt.infertilityIn http://yarchive.net/env/estrogen_mimics.html | |
11. New Riders' Offical WWW Directory, 5th Edition Agriculture Specialized site for marketing of food, livestock, seed, and other agriculturalproducts. alt.sustainable.agriculture. bionet.drosophila. misc.rural. http://www.bbs.ingedigit.com/sites/STANDARD/ag-fi1.htm | |
12. Untitled USDAARS misc. Pub. No. 1992. How sweet it is Yellow-blossom sweetclover fightsweeds, adds N and feeds livestock. The New Farm 146-8. Amer. J. alt. Ag. http://www.sare.org/handbook/mccp2/apendixg.htm | |
13. Open-systems.ufl.edu/mirrors/ftp.isc.org/usenet/news.announce.newgroups/sci/sci. news.groups195932 alt.agriculture.misc7081 alt.sustainable.agriculture11556 misc.rural28118 humanefarming of chickens and other livestock fowl. http://open-systems.ufl.edu/mirrors/ftp.isc.org/usenet/news.announce.newgroups/s | |
14. PROJECT ID 1000076, 1567 Assessment. 1000077, 1568 livestock Facilities. 1000244,9055 Management alt. Res. Proj. 1000370, 8142 Field Operationsmisc. http://virtual.clemson.edu/groups/CUBS2000/chart/10.htm | |
15. Sunsite.tus.ac.jp/pub/academic/agriculture/entomology/beekeeping/bee-l/log9503.t the total cost wi freight make these bees pretty expensive livestock. posted everymonth to news.answers, sci.answers, misc.answers, alt.answers, rec http://sunsite.tus.ac.jp/pub/academic/agriculture/entomology/beekeeping/bee-l/lo | |
16. PHOAKS: Frequency For Sci.agriculture 144126 GMT Newsgroups sci.agriculture,misc.rural,alt.agriculture.misc It is nothingbut ads from farmers selling machinery, livestock, feed/grain, misc. http://www.phoaks.com/phoaks2/newsgroups/sci/agriculture/resources0.html | |
17. Aquaponics Related Links http//entweb.clemson.edu/museum/misc/aqua/aqua15 http//www.ibiblio.org/london/orgfarm/livestock/maggots.as htmlhttp//ndsuext.nodak.edu/extpubs/altag/tilapia http://www.i55mall.com/aquaponics/links.shtml | |
18. SOILS-L Mar 97 Via AB4EL @ SunSITE waste, sci.engr.environment.waste or misc.legal.waste be posted in these groups alt.politics.greens arepromoting precision application of livestock waste to http://metalab.unc.edu/pub/academic/agriculture/agronomy/SOILS-L/199703xx.soi.ht |
19. Index Of /london/orgfarm/net-resources Ag.wwwpage 26-Oct-1995 2301 2k livestock.Exchange+Info database 16-Jun-1994 23312k ag.databases.misc 16-Aug mailserver.usage 14-Mar-1994 1449 2k alt-ag.info http://metalab.unc.edu/london/orgfarm/net-resources | |
20. Species: Populus Angustifolia livestock grazing should be excluded for at least five years after fire, with wildlifebrowsing misc. Publ. Swenson, Jon E.; alt, Kurt L.; Eng, Robert L. 1986. http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/tree/popang/all.html | |
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