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21. Compost Application And Use, QB 97-01 or (CC=F840 Plant diseases, physiological) or (CC=F841 misc. Singh, CP; Amberger,A. AmJ-altern-agric. alt, D.; Peters, I.; Fokken, H. Commun-soil-sci-plant http://www.nal.usda.gov/afsic/AFSIC_pubs/qb9701.htm |
22. Are Parasites Feeding On You? Parasites May Be Stealing 80 Percent Of Your Nutri http//www.mindspring.com/~turf/alt/misc/paras/paras.htm Parasites The Parasites ofSheep and Goats Intestinal Parasites (Protozoa) livestock Fecal Examination http://www.vibrantwellness.com/awareness-corporation/parasites.htm | |
23. Www.ncga.state.nc.us/html1997/billInfo/bill_reports/lastActionList.txt TO COM ON ST GVT H0317 $CLOSE TAX LOOPHOLE/FUND alt. FUNDS H 06/22/1998 ASSIGNED TOAPPNTEC H0386 $agric. SL 98-0213 H0582 EASTERN NC livestock ARENA FUNDS HF http://www.ncga.state.nc.us/html1997/billInfo/bill_reports/lastActionList.txt |
24. The Prairie Chicken And Livestock On SNG Integrated Management of the Greater Prairie Chicken and livestock on the Sheyenne National Grassland 1963. Geographic orientation of American Tetraonidae. alt, Bernard W. 1988. http://www.greatplains.org/npresource/othrdata/sheyenne/litcite.htm | |
25. EAP Publication List Explore research papers about sustainable agriculture systems. From McGill University in Quebec. Int. Conf. misc. Publ. 694, Maine agric. Exp. Sta., Univ. Maine, Orono, ME. 95110 in Food from Land. Publ. 5129, agric. Can., Ottawa. http://eap.mcgill.ca/General/eap_ind.htm | |
26. Agricultural Discussion Groups & Mailing Lists Page AGNMORE, agriculture More. agricL, General agriculture Mailing List. MGARDEN, MasterGardeners Discussion Group. MUISUGRAZE-L, Missouri/Iowa Forage livestock Forum. http://www.farm.ie/links/discuss.html | |
27. Publication List EJ Home page misc. The use of new communications technology in supporting livestockproducers. in Proc. in alt det Nyeste 1985, Landbrug, Havebrug, Husholdning. http://www.jbs.agrsci.dk/~ejo/publ.htm | |
28. Index Of /pub/academic/agriculture/sustainable_agriculture/net-resources openair.. 08-Nov-1995 0000 2k alt.logcabin.home 24 list.. 31-Aug-1999 1801 7klivestock-research-f mailing-.. 20-Jan-1994 0000 10k misc.rural.HomePage 07 http://sunsite.tus.ac.jp/pub/academic/agriculture/sustainable_agriculture/net-re | |
29. Internationale Links Von Peter Lorenz Horse World Magazine http//www.alt.net/~waltj edu/library/equine.html LibraryLivestockSection http trailers) http//www.equineonline.com/misc/others.html http://www.plorenz.de/intlink.htm | |
30. Anthap.oakland.edu/anthap1/Chiapas_News_Archive/cn50313a.txt Translate this page beans were replaced by modernized livestock production and aol.com (S Rampton) Newsgroupsmisc.activism.progressive on PR industry Followup-To alt.activism.d http://anthap.oakland.edu/anthap1/Chiapas_News_Archive/cn50313a.txt | |
31. MARKETING SASKATCHEWAN SPECIALTY LIVESTOCK MARKET RESEARCH AND ANALYSIS FOR THE SPECIALIZED livestock INDUSTRIES Project number 96000322 February, 1998 Prepared by PPD Technologies Inc. TABLE OF CONTENTS 2. MARKET PROFILES OF SELECT COMPANIES The Saskatchewan Specialty livestock Marketing Study was undertaken The specialty livestock sectors covered by this http://www.agr.gov.sk.ca/afif/Projects/96000322 | |
32. AFES Bulletin 99 Comparative Winterhardiness Of Cultivated And 5. INTRODUCTION. livestock require a continuous supply of highqual- growth of agriculture, some were selected for cul-. ture for livestock utilization and have become our present http://nrm.salrm.uaf.edu/afes/pubs/bul/B99.pdf |
33. Reset This Page Sector Select Basic Materials Capital Goods Industry Select. 3.7, alt, nbspalteon Inc. http://i3.investrio.com/beta/darnbeta.php?beginning=40&sort=ticker |
34. Www.briefing.com/MGI/company-index.txt Basic Materials02136W102NASD A0171ALTAlteon Inc AQROAquaPro CorporationAGRLIVFish/LivestockNONCYCConsumer 05940AquaSciencesInt'l, Inc.MSCGDSMisc. http://www.briefing.com/MGI/company-index.txt |
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