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21. Western Philosophy From C 1900 - Political Science Logics Of Failed Revolt Peter Western philosophy from c 1900 Political Science logics of FailedRevolt Peter Starr. Western philosophy from c 1900 - Political http://www.fiction4all.co.uk/Peter-Starr-Logics-of-Failed-Revolt-0804724458.html | |
22. Philosophy In Cyberspace This page, maintained at the University of Utrecht philosophy Department by and ReasoningAgents whose active research interests include logics of practical http://www-personal.monash.edu.au/~dey/phil/logic.htm | |
23. Chris Mortensen of inconsistent images), relevant and modal logics, philosophy of logic, philosophyof mathematics, philosophy of physics, cognitive science, and metaphysics. http://www.adelaide.edu.au/philosophy/people/cmortensen/ | |
24. Philosophy inconsistent images; relevant and modal logics; philosophy of logic; philosophyof mathematics; philosophy of physics; cognitive science; metaphysics. http://www.adelaide.edu.au/philosophy/people/staff.html | |
25. Philosophy ,...... philosophy. Stage 3. PHIL 315 * logics of Time and Change. Semester(s),Not available in 2003. Lecturer(s), Roderic Girle. http://www.arts.auckland.ac.nz/courses/CourseDetails.cfm?ID=1732&Depts=15 |
26. Philosophy Texts, Prescribed Text Rod Girle, Modal logics and philosophy, Acumen London, 2000.ISBN Either 1902683153 or 0773521496. Requirements, Prerequisites PHIL 101. http://www.arts.auckland.ac.nz/courses/CourseDetails.cfm?ID=957&Depts=15 |
27. Temporal Logic The Stanford Encyclopedia of philosophy entry on the subject, with a detailed description, application Category Science Math Temporal Logic...... Goldblatt, R., 1987, logics of Time and Computation, Center for the Study of Language ofTense in R. Le Poidevin and M. MacBeath (eds.), The philosophy of Time http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/logic-temporal/ | |
28. Paul Wong's Home Page Automated Deduction System; philosophy in Cyberspace Logic/Science; Pureand Applied logics at Carnegie Mellon University; Reasoning About http://arp.anu.edu.au/~wongas/ | |
29. NOVARONED philosophy and describes contributions to philosophy of logic (for non inferentialknowledge, non-classical propositional logics), philosophy of science http://www.ecolex.it/novaroned.html | |
30. Modal Logics And Philosophy Modal logics and philosophy, Modal logics and philosophy by Authors Rod GirleReleased June, 2001 ISBN 0773521496 Paperback Sales Rank 311,885, http://www.wkonline.com/a/Modal_Logics_and_Philosophy_0773521496.htm | |
31. Philosophy Of Logics philosophy of logics, philosophy of logics by Authors Susan Haack ReleasedOctober, 1978 ISBN 0521293294 Paperback Sales Rank 265,640, http://www.wkonline.com/a/Philosophy_of_Logics_0521293294.htm | |
32. Citations: Cambridge University Press - Haack, Logics (ResearchIndex) S. Haack. philosophy of logics. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1978. S.Haack. philosophy of logics. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1978. http://citeseer.nj.nec.com/context/614555/0 | |
33. Citations: Library Of Exact Philosophy - Rescher, Roscoe (ResearchIndex) grades of tense logical involvement Pri67 Research in philosophy, linguistics,and mathematical logic resulted in a family of (metric) tense logics that take http://citeseer.nj.nec.com/context/1009661/0 | |
34. Logic Philosophy Of Science Philosophy Sociative Logics And Their Applications D Logic philosophy of science philosophy Sociative logics and Their ApplicationsDominic Hyde. Logic philosophy of science philosophy http://www.easy-novel.co.uk/Dominic-Hyde-Sociative-Logics-and-Thei-0754611272.ht | |
35. Philosophy 169: Intensional Logic Spring Quarter 2001 philosophy 169 INTENSIONAL LOGIC *Prerequisites The basicsof modal languages, landscape of fragments Week 5, Modal logics of knowledge http://turing.wins.uva.nl/~johan/Phil.169.html | |
36. Philosophy 298: Logic And Games Spring Quarter 2001, philosophy 298 LOGIC IN GAMES Prerequisites the basics offirst Week 3, Strategies, operations, and complexity Part II Game logics Week 4 http://turing.wins.uva.nl/~johan/Phil.298.html | |
37. IVC Workshop That interest, in the first place, was strong among those who did researchin logics, philosophy of natural science and epistemology. http://ivc.philo.at/VCLE/abstracts/nazarova.htm | |
38. Logic Mathematical Logic Philosophy Logics John Nolt Logic Mathematical logic philosophy logics John Nolt. Subject LogicMathematical logic philosophy Title logics Author John Nolt. http://www.poem-store.co.uk/John-Nolt-Logics-0534506402.html | |
39. Faculty Of Philosophy: General Info Page Our Faculty offers a range of courses for those specializing in logics Generallogics, logics of Scientific Cognition, philosophy and Methodology of Science http://log.philos.msu.ru/eng/facinfo.eng.htm | |
40. EpistemeLinks.com: Topics Results research interests include logics of practical reasoning, naturallanguage processing and multiagent systems. Medieval Logic and philosophy,...... http://www.epistemelinks.com/Main/Topics.aspx?TopiCode=Logi |
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