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Low Income & Fair Housing Law: more detail |
1. Bibliographies: Communities Fair Share Of Low Income Housing: Legal Issues - HUD January 2003. This bibliography of law review articles on communities' fairshare of low income housing was compiled by Lisa Kosow, law Librarian. http://www.hud.gov/offices/adm/library/bibliog/fairsh.cfm | |
2. National Housing Law Project Legal advocates help groups and individuals fight for fair access to affordable housing. Discover the programs this organization sponsors. The National housing law Project (NHLP) is a national housing law expanding and enforcing lowincome tenants' and homeowners' other attorneys, low-income housing advocacy groups, and http://www.nhlp.org/ | |
3. Low Income Housing Tax Credit - HUD HUD and Justice will identify lowincome housing tax credit properties for cause findingunder a substantially equivalent fair housing state law or local http://www.hud.gov/offices/fheo/lihtcmou.cfm | |
4. California Housing Advocates: Low Income, Affordable Housing Lobbyists Renters A NHLP fair housing Information; NHLP Rural housing Information. National housing TrustNational law Center on Homelessness and Poverty National low income housing http://www.housingadvocates.org/default.asp?ID=703 |
5. Office Of Fair Housing And Equal Opportunity (FHEO) - HUD School of law, and the John Marshall law School fair housing Legal Support Center, low income housing Tax Credits (LIHTC). Notice for Affirmatively Furthering fair housing and the http://www.hud.gov/offices/fheo/index.cfm | |
6. Low-income Housing Issues @ LSNC.net Regulations ~ Guides to California housing law and Tenant Rights Local Governmenthousing Resources housing Focus Issues ~ fair housing Rights ~ housing http://www.lsnc.net/housing_low_income.html | |
7. Site Index @ LSNC.net housing law fair housing Hotline Project contact information and legal resourcesavailable about federal and state fair housing rights. low-income housing http://www.lsnc.net/site_index.html | |
8. FY 2000 Budget Resolution Signals Trouble For Low-Income Housing Programs fair housing National housing law Project. housing law Bulletin lowincome housing programs./3/ The income Security budget function, which includes most of the low-income housing http://www.nhlp.org/html/hlb/499/499fy2000.htm | |
9. Subscribe To The Housing Law Bulletin fair housing Issues in Demolition, Disposition and Conversion of to affordable housingfor lowincome people. to Subscribe to the housing law Bulletin News on http://www.nhlp.org/subscribe_bulletin.htm | |
10. Senior Citizens Com (sm): Senior Housing : Low Income Housing : HUD SeniorCitizens.Com (SM) Find comprehensive information on low income housing, HUD housing, and subsidized housing for senior citizens, seniors, the elderly, and the disabled. Living Options low income housing. HUD housing. housing housing Discrimination Federal law prohibits housing discrimination based violated, you can file a fair housing complaint. http://www.seniorcitizens.com/housing/lih.htm | |
11. Housing Law 2001) Frequently asked questions about fair housing, who is or pay rent, and havea low income, you may mental health consumers in need of affordable housing. http://www.ptla.org/ptlasite/cliented/housingindex.htm | |
12. National Low Income Housing Coalition: The NIMBY Report November, 2002 California lowincome Community Opposition to Stronger Source ofincome Protection in Local fair housing law Minnesota Minneapolis Public http://www.nlihc.org/nimby/ | |
13. National Low Income Housing Coalition: The NIMBY Report It is published by the National low income housing Coalition, in been protected bythe federal fair housing Act of federal courts have read the law to prohibit http://www.nlihc.org/nimby/0209.htm | |
14. Ky Human Rights Commission- Fair Housing Laws Kentucky's fair housing law forbids discrimination in housing because of a person'scolor, religion fair housing Institute. National low income housing Coalition. http://www.state.ky.us/agencies2/kchr/housinglaws.htm | |
15. Pennsylvania Low Income Housing Coalition - Home Page rental housing that is affordable to lowvery low income families, elderly officialsand other housing professionals on fair housing law, accessible housing http://www.palihc.org/ | |
16. Poverty Law News Archives has launched a website to assist lowincome residents of to apply for Section 8 housingsubsidies, how Agents Discriminatory Acts Under fair housing Act The http://www.povertylaw.org/pln/archives.cfm?subject=Housing |
17. About The National Center On Poverty Law to promote sound policy and law to move Recent Press Releases lowincome StudentsLearn Important Financial Violation of Civil Rights and fair housing laws and http://www.povertylaw.org/aboutncpl/index.cfm | |
18. Fair Housing Training Outline A fair housing law as with sales, lending and insuring B low appraisals (based onneighborhood) and high market prices make lowincome purchase impossible as http://www.efn.org/~fairhous/training.shtml | |
19. Housing provides subsidies to the owner who then applies those subsidies to the rentshe/she charges lowincome tenants. fair housing Act, a law that prohibits http://www.vanderbilt.edu/kennedy/pathfinder/housing.html | |
20. City Of Santa Maria, California, Fair Housing Program, Special Projects, Adminis Concentrations of low income and racial/ethnic populations which individuals of similarincome levels in includes the California fair housing law (often called http://www.ci.santa-maria.ca.us/40401.html | |
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