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1. Woolly Rhino suggestions this technology may have been created by the last of the Neanderthalsrather than early modern man. WOOLLY mammoths paleontology ANIMALS AND http://www.crystalinks.com/woollyrhino.html | |
2. Nearctica - Paleontology - is on the various mammals that became caught in the asphalt including mammoths,mastodons, saber University of California at Berkeley Museum of paleontology. http://www.nearctica.com/paleo/verts/pmammal.htm | |
3. Nearctica - Paleontology Including Dinosaurs, Trilobites, Amber, Fossils, Collec paleontology links for a variety of paleontological and geological subjects.Category Science Earth Sciences paleontology Directories......Nearctica paleontology including dinosaurs, trilobites, amber, fossils, palynology,plate tectonics, mammoths, paleogeography. http://www.nearctica.com/paleo/paleo.htm | |
4. Mammoths, Mastodons, And Elephants - Suite101.com What's the difference between mammoths, mastodons, and elephants? Related Subject(s) mammoths , paleontology , Mastodon. As a paleontologist, one of the questions that I am often asked http://www.suite101.com/article.cfm/4003/27944 | |
5. Awesome Library - Science The Awesome Library organizes 22 000 carefully reviewed K12 education resources, the top 5 percent for teachers, students, parents, and librarians. It includes a search engine. Here Home Classroom Science paleontology. paleontology description and drawings about the ancient reptile that lived in the oceans. 11-00. mammoths (Illinois State Museum) http://www.awesomelibrary.org/Classroom/Science/Paleontology/Paleontology.html | |
6. BIOME OMNI VETGATE BIORESEARCH NATURAL SELECTION AGRIFOR Link To local public radio station. Mammuthus; mammoths; paleontology/Pleistocene;Page Museum at the La Brea Tar Pits. These pages from http://nature.ac.uk/browse/560.1762.html | |
7. DNA Scholars Hope To Stock Siberia 'park' With Mammoths Posted on 08/22/2002 912 AM PDT by Korth "Jurassic Park" was a work of fiction. Pleistocene Park is in the process of becoming fact. KEYWORDS ICE AGE; JAPAN; mammoths; paleontology; PLEISTOCENE; RUSSIA; SIBERIA; SIBERIAN TIGER; STEPPE LIONS; WOOLLY http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/news/737586/posts | |
8. BIOME OMNI VETGATE BIORESEARCH NATURAL SELECTION AGRIFOR Link To This site has been created by the BSU Radio Network, a local public radio station.Mammuthus; mammoths; paleontology/Pleistocene; Raising the mammoth. http://nature.ac.uk/browse/576.84.html | |
9. All About Paleontology Fossil Horses in Cyberspace Learn about paleontology and evolution by exploring the hyperion.advanced.org/20886/mesozoic.htm;Of Mastodons, mammoths, and other http://cybersleuth-kids.com/sleuth/Science/Paleontology/ |
10. CyberSleuthKids Mammoths Home Science paleontology mammoths. SEARCH RESULTS 1 9 of 9 Tolo Lake mammothsInformation on the skeleton and anatomy of mammoths.Lot's of information. http://cybersleuth-kids.com/sleuth/Science/Paleontology/Mammoths/ |
11. Book Review: The Fate Of The Mammoth - Suite101.com you are looking for about specifically about mammoths, then Fate of the Mammothis not what you want, but as a book about the history of paleontology and the http://www.suite101.com/article.cfm/4003/96591 | |
12. Tolo Lake Mammoths - Resources If you find an error here, or if you know of other good resources on mammoths,the Pleistocene, paleontology, or excavations, please let us know! Web Pages. http://radio.boisestate.edu/information/otherprojects/mammoth/resource.html | |
13. Tolo Lake Mammoths - The Discovery Web Pages mammoths; The Pleistocene; paleontology; Excavation. Books.Credits; Glossary; Index. Copyright © 1996 BSU Radio Network Created http://radio.boisestate.edu/information/otherprojects/mammoth/toc.html | |
14. Dino Land Paleontology Interviews: Larry Agenbroad SB Can you tell us a bit about your early experiences in paleontology? Wereyou interested in dinosaurs as a child? How about mammoths and mastodons? http://www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/Galaxy/8152/larryagenbroad.html | |
15. Dino Land Paleontology Book Reviews Below are reviews of new paleontology books, followed by links to reviews of books mammothsAnew book on mammoths intended for middle school and junior high http://www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/Galaxy/8152/books.html | |
16. Awesome Library - Science Descripes types of mammoths, including the Moeritherium, Phiomia, Deinotherium, Stegodon,and 01; Pleistocene Period of Time (Museum of paleontology) Covers 1.8 http://www.awesomelibrary.org/Classroom/Science/Paleontology/Pleistocene_Period. | |
17. Kansas Geological Foundation - Video Tape List Recent discoveries indicate that the mammoths existed until 4,000 years ago A generalinterest introduction to paleontology containing some realistic models of http://www.kgfoundation.org/tapes/PaleoTapes.htm | |
18. HallScience.com :: Paleontology mammoths, Sabertooths, and Hominidsmammoths, Sabertooths, and Hominids Book by Vertebratepaleontology and EvolutionVertebrate paleontology and Evolution Book http://hallscience.com/index.php/browse/13542/name/Paleontology/page/1 | |
19. HallScience.com :: Mammoths, Sabertooths, And Hominids world. You are here Science Evolution paleontology mammoths,Sabertooths, and Hominids. Search (books). Related Items http://hallscience.com/index.php/Mode/product/AsinSearch/0231116403/name/Mammoth | |
20. Paleontology University of California Museum of paleontology; World's First Dinosaur Skeleton;Zoom at work in a Cave Illinios State Museum; Frozen mammoths Online edition of http://www.floridasmart.com/subjects/dinos.htm | |
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