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81. Tangaroa, Issue No. 50 - August 1999 stop indigenous peoples exercising their rights which are seen as outdated withinNew Zealand. Did there have to be a nutritional need requirement for a maori http://www.tokm.co.nz/news_pubs/50-aug99/page7.htm | |
82. Indigenous Peoples Discuss Means For Conflict Resolution By PAULINE FAN indigenous peoples discuss means for conflict resolution By PAULINE FAN © EarthTimes News Service The past is always ahead of us, goes an old maori saying. http://www.peace.ca/indigenouspeoples.htm | |
83. Browse Topics Fighting over the land, indigenous peoples; maori Land Rights. Aboriginal overrepresentation and discretionary decisions in the NSW Juvenile Justice System, http://infocus.sl.nsw.gov.au/res/sublist.cfm?subName=INDIGENOUS PEOPLES |
84. Hutt City Libraries Maori Page maori Land Information Base (Includes maps, statistics search facility);indigenous peoples the Law ( law affecting indigenous peoples); http://library.huttcity.govt.nz/maori.shtml | |
85. Fourth World/Indigenous Peoples Articles - Suite101.com the impact of uranium mining and other environmental issues has on indigenous peoplesand what they 5 May 1999 maori A short history of the maori People, their http://www.suite101.com/articles.cfm/fourth_world | |
86. Choike : Indigenous Peoples maori News Online maori Portal and World News. Native Web Netherlands Centre forindigenous peoples NCIV Netherlands Centre for indigenous peoples - NCIV http://www.choike.org/links/4/34/info_util6.html | |
87. M A O R I - O N L I N E economic justice alliance of indigenous peoples protecting the Waiata of our Nativeindigenous Birds. Tino Rangatiratanga maori Independance The symbology of http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Shores/9667/maori-one/index.html | |
88. Foundation For Endangered Languages: Iatiku Newsletter - Maori Broadcasting in broadcasting in Aotearoa and the relationship of the developments in maori televisionto the development of broadcasting for indigenous peoples across the http://www.bris.ac.uk/Depts/Philosophy/CTLL/FEL/i3/iatiku17.htm | |
89. The World Wide Web Virtual Library: Indigenous Studies CWIS George Manuel Librar indigenous Studies WWW Virtual Library Comprehensive list of indigenous and Fourth World resources Category Society Ethnicity indigenous People...... US 501(c)(3) research and education organization dedicated to wider understandingand appreciation of the ideas and knowledge of indigenous peoples and the http://www.cwis.org/wwwvl/indig-vl.html | |
90. World Indigenous Peoples Conference On Education (WIPCE) Project - Maori Educati Association. This led to the first World indigenous peoples Conferenceon Education, which was also held in Vancouver in 1987. Other http://www.maorieducation.org.nz/init/windig.html | |
91. Links For Topic: Links And Information Biodiversity Research Protocols; Human Rights Commission maori udhr; indigenousPeoples Biodiversity Information Network (IBIN) - Welcome to the indigenous http://www.kaitiaki.org.nz/virgule/hono/topic2.html | |
92. The Sixth World Indigenous Peoples Conference On Education: An Inside Look - N The World indigenous peoples Conference on Education (WIPCE His commitment to Maorieducational reform dates Transforming Education indigenous Reclaiming of http://www.nlc-bnc.ca/bulletin/p2-0602-05-e.html | |
93. Fine Line Features | Once Were Warriors | Lee Tamahori Interview them. There's probably a higher percentage of intermarriages betweenMaori and Europeans than with any other indigenous peoples. http://www.finelinefeatures.com/warriors/waintv.htm | |
94. Federation Of Maori Authorities Inc. - Indigenous Connections About maori indigenous Connections. indigenous Connections. Links to indigenousPeoples and Communities Online. General. http//www.iwgia.org. Native Web. http://www.foma.co.nz/static/about_maori/ind_conn.htm | |
95. GTI99_Maori.htm 5th session of the Working Group on the Draft Declaration on the Rights of IndigenousPeoples 1999 Statement by Tracey Whare, maori Legal Service Greetings http://www.puebloindio.org/ONU_info/info99/GTI99_Maori.htm | |
96. CataLaw : Aboriginal Law and GroupsIndigenous PeoplesLaw. New Zealand AustLII WorldCountriesNewZealandIndigenous Law Russell McVeagh McKenzie Bartleet Co - maori LINKS http://www.catalaw.com/topics/Aboriginal.shtml | |
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