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101. Laboratoire De Biologie Et Biotechnologies Marines Etudie aux niveaux cellulaire et mol©culaire les processus m©taboliques chez des mod¨les biologiques marins d'int©rªt ©conomique. Universit© de Caen. http://www.unicaen.fr/unicaen/brv/labbiot.shtml |
102. Lacrosse Cutler Leads Kings Point In Lacrosse Season Opener Mindy Brauer 2/26/2003 85032PM The us Merchant Marine Academys mens lacrosse team opened up the http://www.usmma.edu/athletics/sport.asp?sport=lacrosse |
103. Gay, Lesbian, Bi-sexual,Transgendered Disabled Veterans Of America A nonprofit organization providing searchable links and resources for gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgendered disabled veterans with VA Claims, under Title 38. Free membership. Army, Air Force, Marine Corp, Navy, Coast Guard, Merchant marines, National Guard and reserves are welcome. http://www.geocities.com/WestHollywood/Heights/1751/ |
104. Armed Forces Careers Find out about enlisted and officers' career opportunities in the Army, Navy, Air Force, marines, Reserves and Coast Guard. Check out military academies. http://redirect-west.inktomi.com/click?u=http://www.looksmart.com/og/pr%3Dcdd%3B |
105. Vienna Young Marines The Young marines are the focal point of the Marine Corps' Youth Drug Demand Reduction Program. It provides a positive alternative for youth, and seeks to instill a sense of pride in themselves, in their community, and in their country. http://pages.prodigy.net/marsk9/ |
106. Women Marines Association National Association of current and former Women marines dedicated to preserving the history of women in the Marine Corps, helping veterans providing scholarships to ROTC candidates. http://www.womenmarines.org/ |
107. Royal Marines Official website of the Royal marines, including information about the RM, the activities of the Commandos and how to join. http://www.royal-navy.mod.uk/static/pages/141.html |
108. Codex Chaos Contains information, an army list, downloads and forums on Chaos Space marines. http://www.angelfire.com/ms3/death_dealer |
109. Plongez Dans Les Mers Chaudes Galerie de photos sousmarines (Mer Rouge, Mexique, Honduras). http://perso.wanadoo.fr/pnoel |
110. Faithful Few MC Marine Corps Motorcycle club. Active duty and prior marines involved with various veterans groups and causes. http://www.usmcmc.com/ |
111. Young Marines Laurel Highlands Young Marine Johnstown, Pa. http://www.lhymarines.org |
112. 3rd Battalion - 9th Marines Viet Nam Era This site is dedicated to all who served in 3/9 and in Tribute to our Fallen Brothers. http://www.geocities.com/Pentagon/Bunker/6813/39/39.html |
113. Activitats Marines Itaca. Gestió Litoral I Educació Ambiental Marina Empresa dedicada a la realizaci³ d'auditories i estudis t¨cnics ambientals i a l'elaboraci³ i realitzaci³ de programes de sensibilitzaci³ i educaci³ ambiental marina en poblacions costaneres del litoral catal . http://www.amitaca.org/ |
114. Colonial Marines Airsoft Group Airsoft groep in Nederland en Belgi«. Informatie over airsoft, agenda en foto's. http://colonial-marines.softair.nl |
115. Centre Européen De Recherches Et D'études Sous-marines (CERES) Pr©sentation et historique du centre. Catalogue d'©paves avec histoire du navire, de son naufrage, photos, plans et dessins. http://www.ceresm.com/ |
116. 9th Colonial Marines Division 9thCMD Clan. Website features clan information, member roster and clan forum. http://sarge_apone9.tripod.com/the9thcolonialdivision/ |
117. Département Des Géosciences Marines DRO/GM Organisation, th¨me de recherche et histoire du laboratoir. Dossier sur la cartographie des fond marins. Affiliation Ifremer. http://www.ifremer.fr/drogm/ |
118. Bibliographie Des Dictionnaires De Marines Cette bibliographie couvre les XVIIIe, XIXe et XXe si¨cles. Elle a ©t© con§ue dans le cadre d'©tudes consacr©es au vocabulaire nautique de la fin de la marine voile en France et en Belgique et l'on y trouve essentiellement des ouvrages datant du XIXe si¨cle. Dictionnaires, ©tudes et liens. http://www.termisti.refer.org/bibdict.htm |
119. Images Marines Affiches, posters et reproductions de photographies marines. La mer, les sports de glisse, les bateaux. http://www.imagesmarines.com |
120. HMS Fowey(24) Ship's Company Marines A handson maritime living-history educational organization dedicated to an accurate and dignified portrayal of the Gallant Seamen and marines of the British Royal Navy 1775-1781. http://home.wnclink.com/russell/ |
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