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81. Nature Science Update kangaroos, koala bears and their relatives.) This discovery enriches our understandingof the early evolution of marsupials, and mammals in general. http://www.nature.com/nsu/981210/981210-4.html | |
82. GeoZoo: "Shrew" Opossums, South American Marsupials South American marsupials. marsupials RSVP. Caenolestids are tiny, shrewlikemarsupials that inhabit dense, humid forests in western South America. http://www.geobop.com/Mammals/Marsupialia/Paucituberculata/ | |
83. LECTURES 32-39 (GOATER) 9. Phylum Annelida A. General B. Body Plan LECTURES 3239 (GOATER) 9. Phylum Annelida A. general B. Body plan (fig. 33.23) C. Class Polychaeta general Motile vs. sedentary species (e.g. the fan worms) Reproduction D. Class Oligochaeta general (functional morphology from lab) http://home.uleth.ca/bio/bio1020/3cam.pdf |
84. AUslinks Melbourne Maps and Guides. Sydney Maps and Guides Sydney Bus and Ferry Guide. GeneralReference Information Mammals of Australia. More marsupials in Australia. http://www.biology.iastate.edu/BiologyPages/Opportunities/intop/1Australia/Ausli | |
85. The Plush Code 2.0 aqu, Aquatics in general, lyn, Lynxes. bad, Badgers, mar, Marsupialsin general. bir, Nonpredatory birds, mee, Meerkats. bun, Bunnies, moo, Moose. http://www.velocity.net/~galen/plushcod.html | |
86. Plant Animal Genome V Conference Comparative gene mapping suggests that mice, not marsupials, break moregeneral rules of vertebrate genome conservation. Comparative http://www.intl-pag.org/5/abstracts/s24.html | |
87. Marsupials And Placentae Zoology Archive. marsupials and Placentae. Saturday, April 20, 2002. name GeoffH. status student age 13 Question Do marsupials have placentas? http://newton.dep.anl.gov/askasci/zoo00/zoo00340.htm | |
88. Female Marsupial Reproductive Cycles THE general MARSUPIAL PATTERN. A feature of the gestation period ofmarsupials is its short duration. The foetal marsupial may spend http://rubens.anu.edu.au/student.projects/kangaroos/r-cycles.html | |
89. Professor Terence Dawson aspects with which I have been most concerned are (a) comparative physiology, particularlyin relation to the evolutionary biology of marsupials and monotremes http://www.bees.unsw.edu.au/staff/visiting/dawson/research.html | |
90. Anti-Pschutt Inc: General Information: Meet Awerthan Name Awerthan. Location Houston, TX. Age 19. Joined API April1998. Email awerthan@hotmail.com. Homepage He has no homepage.For http://www.urbanemonkey.com/api/about/awerthan.html | |
91. GeoZoo: Bandicoots & Bilbies! (order Peramelemorphia) Bandicoots (from an Indian word that means pig rat) and bilbies are small tomediumsized ground-dwelling marsupials with long pointed heads and compact | |
92. Watching Wildlife Australia Many of Australia's animals are secretive and nocturnal particularlymarsupials - and the general public doesn't know much about them. http://www.ecu.edu.au/ses/research/scapes/journal/wildlife.html | |
93. THE TAME BEAST - GENERAL periodically. Main interests are mammals insectivores and marsupialsmainley. Links! links to general care and information about pets. http://www.tamebeast.com/9.htm | |
94. Education World® - *Science : Space Studies : Astronomy : Stars & Constellation Australian Animals Slide Show drawings and useful information on Australian marsupialsand The Great Barrier Reef, from the children at Daniel Elementary. http://db.education-world.com/perl/browse?cat_id=146 |
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