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Massachusetts Education Staff Dev: more detail |
1. NYS Education K-12 School Board Research EdTech Teams. staff dev. FedLeg NYS Learning Technologies Center at Cornell University. massachusetts Department of education. Math Archives http://www.adirondackoutpost.com/outpost/edu.htm | |
2. Prof. Growth And Staff Dev. Terms and PDPs Teachers and other staff members who serve in positions that require certificationissued by the massachusetts Department of education are currently http://admin.needham.k12.ma.us/staff_dev/staff_dev_01-02/terms.html | |
3. Massachusetts Education Reform Review Commission 118 SHPPS 2000 Table 4.7. States That Provide Funding for or Offer staff Development on Mental Health and Social Services Topics for Mental Health or Social Services staff, by Topic 1 Yes No ? Incomplete Data AfterSc h ool Program s Alcohol http://www.massedreformreview.org/research/textreports/acadsstext.htm | |
4. Microsoft PowerPoint - 28829 V1 - AMERICAN COLLGE OF MED STAFF DEV - OF MEDICAL. get things done · agencies · elected officials Select Program Area DOE HOME Adult Community Learning Advisory Councils Board of education Career and Technical education Charter Schools Compliance/Monitoring Curriculum http://www.ecgmc.com/expertise/pdf/0028829.pdf |
5. Teaching & Learning With Technology - 1998 Attendees Director/ Faculty staff dev. NECC. University of massachusetts. f1karakaya@Umassd.edu. Dean,Graduate and Continuing education. Bridgewater State College. http://www.bridgew.edu/tlt/attendee.htm | |
6. Profesional Dev. state and federal Special education mandates services adhere to the massachusetts'Professional Licensure offer new and continuing staff training opportunities http://jmagno-assoc.com/professional_dev_.htm | |
7. Trelease Lectures, States I-M massachusetts. of education Research (1800-735-3503 register) all day teacherseminars Kansas City, MO 30, 2002 Ferguson-Florissant Schools staff dev. http://www.trelease-on-reading.com/calendar_states_i_m.html | |
8. Massachusetts Bar Institute: Continuing Legal Education benefit and purposes of the massachusetts Bar Association CLE staff listed on thestaff directory below and implementation of continuing legal education programs http://dev.massbar.org/cle/ | |
9. BostonWorks - Social Worker Jobs In Greater Boston Ctr. For dev. of Human Services Milford, MA. 23, Crc V. 63, staff education Director.massachusetts Extended Care Federation - Concord, MA. 64, Supervisor 3-11pm. http://bostonworks.boston.com/browse/jobs/social_worker.shtml | |
10. Teacher Education | Faculty And Staff Directory Elementary education University of massachusetts, Boston, MA. Faculty, dev. AngelR. Stobaugh, Visiting Instructor Elementary education/Program Coordinator http://www.mscd.edu/~ted/contact/faculty_staff.shtml | |
11. Massachusetts Technology Leadership Consortium Sites to Share with Students and staff Learning in the of Your Hand http//www.handheld.hicedev.org/; PalmApplications in education http//pie.concord.org/list http://www.ma-tlc.org/keeping_connected/archive_display.asp?ID=10 |
12. BIO-TBL Information from both faculty and Al dev, 14%. Information from coaching staff,1%. Bank Street College of education. massachusetts Institute of Technology(1). http://www.earlham.edu/~assess/html/majorsdept/natsciences/bio/bio-tbl.html | |
13. EDLINKS - Educational Links MATSOL massachusetts Association of Teachers to Speakers of Other all sectors of thepublic education system org OrtonGillingham Teacher Training - staff dev. http://www.mirolka.com/links.htm | |
14. Harvard Graduate School Of Education: Career Services--1996 Graduate Survey Repo staff Assistant, HGSE, Cambridge, MA 02138. Professional dev. International education(IE). Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology, University of massachusetts, Boston, MA. http://www.gse.harvard.edu/~cso/96_grad_list.html | |
15. UUA Giving Opportunities - Planned Giving Wills Gift and Estate Planning staff will assist you in Religious education curricula development;Growth and of Congregations, a massachusetts charitable corporation http://dev.uua.org/giving/giftplans/wills.html | |
16. Professional Dev. Gretchen Rossman, University of massachusetts at Amherst online facilitator; andcommunication with support staff. s evaluations of distance education courses http://www.eval.org/eval2000/pdslist.htm | |
17. College Of Management - Faculty & Staff > Accounting Faculty > J. Stephen Collin Faculty staff Accounting Faculty J. Stephen Collins. Akron Business and EconomicReview, Issues in Accounting education , The massachusetts CPA Review http://www.uml.edu/College/Management/fac_sta/acc/j_ste_col.htm | |
18. Community Planning Grantees - ACLS - Massachusetts Department Of Education Continuing education Institute, Lloyd David, Dedham, Needham, Newton, (617) 9261864.devens Learning Center/Shirley, Amy Peck, Shirley, 978-425-2634. MA Career dev. http://www.doe.mass.edu/acls/rfp/cpcontacts.html | |
19. Key State Education Policies On K - 12 Education 2000 of elementary and secondary education in the states, the Attn Publications. One massachusetts Ave, NW, Suite 700 variety of sources. State education staff reported on policies http://www.ccsso.org/pdfs/KeyState2000.pdf |
20. Massachusetts Trial Court Law Libraries' Five Year Plan: Action Plan X. Act Web user education. MH etc. with/and/or eteam . X. X. Obj Intranet. ActOne staff computer. LLC. Commonwealth of massachusetts. Trial Court Law Libraries. http://www.lawlib.state.ma.us/action.html | |
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