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41. WWW-VL Medieval Europe Includes a limited selection of AngloSaxon cultural, historical, and literary items.Category Arts Literature World Literature British Anglo-Saxon...... Medieval cities (Dr. Richard Ingersoll, Rice University); Medieval Page; MedievalInstitute at Western michigan U; by Michael Hanly (Washington state University). http://www.msu.edu/~georgem1/history/medieval.htm | |
42. Webpage Of June Woo Kim of Science Arts Letters in Alma, michigan. Workshop on Globalizing Asian cities,Nordic Institute Developmental Urbanization Developmental state and Uneven http://www.msu.edu/user/kimjunew/ | |
43. 9.5 IT Resources / Michigan IT Facts And Figures - Cyber-state named Grand Rapids 10 in its best cities for business michigan has 630plus milesof redundant fiber optic cable with more than 90% of the states population http://www.cyber-state.org/9_0/9_5.html | |
44. Talbott Huey Published in connection with Ohio state U. journal Modern Indian states with web pages,cities and districts of U. of michigan Graduate Library Links to online http://www.lib.msu.edu/huey/ | |
45. Seattle Public Library - Web Sites & Databases: Municipal Codes Online Links to city and county codes and ordinances around the United states. Produced and maintained by Category Regional North America Government Municipal Government...... michigan michigan state University Detroit College of Law. Washington Seattle OtherWashington cities See Municipal Wisconsin Wisconsin state Law Library. http://www.spl.org/selectedsites/municode.html | |
46. The Center For European Studies At The University Of Michigan and the Latin American and Caribbean studies Program a thematic extension of CES/EUC'sCities program globalization and the possible demise of the nation state. http://www.umich.edu/~iinet/ces/ces/research.html | |
47. 30 Faculty Selected For 2001 Michigan Road Scholars Tour members will be visiting 15 michigan cities during the from other states and abroad,to michigans economy which faculty can help address state issues through http://www.umich.edu/~urecord/0001/Jan29_01/15.htm | |
48. MEL: Telecommunications Resources Technology Law Review University of michigan Law School report from InsidePoliticsfinds state and national states Survey 2002 Digital cities Survey Center http://mel.lib.mi.us/government/GOV-local-telecom.html | |
49. Municipal Reference Library - Statistics tab for Annual Planning Reports for counties and cities. michigan Information CenterSee michigan Census Website for small US geographic areas, Wayne state Univ http://www.detroit.lib.mi.us/mrl/statistics.htm | |
50. Is Urban Sprawl Good For State? Yes [Mackinac Center For Public Policy] Given this environment, city officials and state policymakers should not be surprisedwhen job Detroit and other large cities in michigan will have to put http://www.mackinac.org/article.asp?ID=716 |
51. Emergency Financial Manager Needs More Power [Mackinac Center For Public Polic in the state's management of financially troubled cities. The Legislature woulddo well to do make this change before Flint joins the list of michigan cities http://www.mackinac.org/article.asp?ID=4426 |
52. Institute Of Ecosystem Studies (IES) Cary Conference VIII Authors And Titles and Environment, University of michigan Why is for Environmental studies, ArizonaState University An approach to understanding cities Familiar foundations http://www.ecostudies.org/cary8/authors.html | |
53. Sunny Days At The Stock Exchange Give Lift To Market, Study Says professor of finance at the University of michigan. online as a working paper at OhioState's Department of markets are headquartered in the same cities as the http://www.acs.ohio-state.edu/researchnews/archive/sunstock.htm | |
54. ARTS LIBRARY @ YALE Links to smart growth news by state, plus a ResourcesGateway site hosted by theUniversity of michigan. cities and towns Growth, growth AND city planning . http://www.library.yale.edu/art/urbanstudies.html | |
55. Poly-Cy Guide To Internet Resources For Political Science - State Government state of the cities Data Systems. National League of cities; US Conference of Louisiana;Maine; Maryland; Massachusetts; michigan; Minnesota; Mississippi; http://www.polsci.wvu.edu/polycy/pscntgov.html | |
56. Consortium Partner - Michigan State University michigan state University has perhaps the deepest commitment to was hosted by MSUin East Lansing, michigan. The exhibit will tour several cities and will http://www.gwu.edu/~ethiopia/MSU.htm | |
57. DOCUMENTS CENTER/WEB SITE DIRECTORY City Rankings; state of the Nation's cities. CITRIX Server (University michigan; Unitedstates. Class Assignments; Climate Change Treaty (Documents in the News); http://www.lib.umich.edu/govdocs/webdirec.html | |
58. Foreign Government/Comprehensive Directories a commercial data base not available at the University of michigan; Official CityWeb Sites Extensive list arranged by state; Foreign cities arranged by http://www.lib.umich.edu/govdocs/forcomp.html | |
59. Socialstudies.org | NCSS Affiliates michigan michigan state Council; Detroit. Cypress Fairbanks; Dallas; Houston; Midcities;San Antonio Virginia Virginia state Council; Virginia Consortium of Social http://www.ncss.org/local/ | |
60. Latin America Subject Resources Chiefs of state and Cabinet Members of Foreign Governments sites from the Universityof michigan Documents Center planner, and street maps of cities from around http://www-personal.si.umich.edu/~rlwls/andes.html | |
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