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1. Eastern Michigan University Extended Programs-NICE financial RecordsGetting Organized A mini-lesson for secondary school teachers adult and community educators students and consumers Mini-Lessons-. financial management financial Records-Getting concerning your household financial affairs and keep Consumer Education, Eastern michigan University. Any person http://www.nice.emich.edu/finrec.html | |
2. OIT: Michigan Financial Assistance Programs For Manufacturers Its primary market is western michigan. Financing ranges from $50,000 to $150,000. Itprovides financial and management assistance to businesses located http://www.oit.doe.gov/working/fin_toolbook/statemifin.shtml | |
3. CSREES - Farm Financial/Risk Management Programs STATE EXTENSION FARM financial/RISK management programs. Respond to Request for analysis of management techniques. michigan A satellite conference on the farm financial situation http://www.reeusda.gov/ecs/statesum.htm | |
4. Eastern Michigan University Extended Programs-NICE NICE MiniLessons- financial management. 10 Questions To Ask When Choosing a financialPlanner. NICE G12 Boone Hall Eastern michigan University Ypsilanti, MI http://www.nice.emich.edu/financial_lessons.html | |
5. OIT: Michigan Technical Assistance Programs For Manufacturers financial solutions;. Quality management;. Energy and environmental services;. Performancebenchmarking;. michigan Manufacturing Technology Center (MMTC). http://www.oit.doe.gov/working/fin_toolbook/statemitech.shtml | |
6. Value Creation Through Strategic Financial Management model developed by University of michigan Business School involved in investmentand financial decisions and for general management executives whose http://execed.bus.umich.edu/programs/pgr_overview.asp?programID=VCSFM-H |
7. UMBS Executive Education - Certificate Programs Since 1997, the University of michigan Business School and the in addition to issuesrelated to financial management. in Finance and Treasury management may be http://execed.bus.umich.edu/programs/pgr_certificate.asp | |
8. MSU Extension Children, Youth And Family Programs Youth and Family programs. michigan State University Achieving family financial goals. Providing nutritious, healthy, skills, parenting, anger management, child care and healthy http://www.msue.msu.edu/msue/cyf/cyfindex.html | |
9. US ATTORNEY'S OFFICE - Western District Of Michigan - Administrative Division Pa support to the employees and programs of the Office of the Western District of michigan. Inthe areas of personnel management, financial management, systems and http://www.usdoj.gov/usao/miw/admin.html | |
10. Michigan Financial Services michigan. programs Airline Mileage programs Rebate programs Consumer Loans SOFTWAREFinancial management Retirement Planning Investment Research Tax Preparation http://www.nfsn.com/personal/Michigan/ | |
11. Fielder Financial Management - Welcome! NICE MiniLessons-. financial management College financial Aid financial aid helps meet the expenses of a that state. Private financial aid programs usually require students http://www.fielder.com/ | |
12. Michigan Engineering - Interdisciplinary Programs with automotive research, development, or regulatory programs. technology to financialmarkets and financial management. at the University of michigan, AnnArbor http://www.engin.umich.edu/departments/interdisciplinary.html | |
13. Professional Masters Degree Programs - College Of Natural Science All professional Masters programs will require the and macro economics, project managementand financial management. North Kedzie Lab michigan State University http://www.ns.msu.edu/prof_masters/ | |
14. International Association Of Financial Engineers - University University programs and Courses, mainly Masterslevel, in financial Mathematics and financial Engineering.Category Science Math...... Certificate in financial Asset management and Engineering. of Technology MBA withfinancial Engineering Track. University of michigan Master of Science in http://www.iafe.org/educate/fe_schools.html |
15. Survey Names Michigan's Business School Among Best MBA Programs For Environmenta just as important as technical, financial or marketing The University of michigan'sBusiness School that received the Environmental management award include http://www.beyondgreypinstripes.org/newsreleases_schools_bgp.cfm?Email=cyndyc@um |
16. Colorado State Cooperative Extension Family Economic Stability: protection, household and personal financial management, gambling, and Money 2000Money 2000 programs in other michigan michigan State University Extension. http://www.colostate.edu/Depts/CoopExt/EDUCPGMS/FES/fesmoney.html | |
17. N.C. Risk Mgmt. Education Center: Current Programs University Vera Bitsch michigan michigan Human Risks. Nebraska Production, Marketing,financial, Human, and development of risk management programs targeted to http://www.farmdoc.uiuc.edu/ncrisk/programs.html | |
18. N.C. Risk Mgmt. Education Center: Current Programs University James Nugent Suzanne Thornsbury michigan Production, financial, Human. initiatethe development of risk management programs targeted to http://www.farmdoc.uiuc.edu/ncrisk/mich.html | |
19. Web Site Moved - University Of Michigan Business School Five degree programs are offered in association michigan Business Assistance (MBA)Domestic Corps The based planning; teaching financial management skills; and http://www.bus.umich.edu/companies/cpoppartners.html | |
20. University Of Michigan: University Of Michigan Business School that they're specifically interested in the michigan programs. Operations, StrategicMarketing management (BrandMaps), financial Statements Analysis http://www.businessweek.com/bschools/98/top25/profile154.htm | |
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