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Microgravity Collaborative Activities: more detail |
41. SCIENCE, AERONAUTICS, AND TECHNOLOGY APPROPRIATION Enable human exploration through collaborative robotic missions. that do not requireextended duration microgravity. and aircraftbased activities also support http://ifmp.nasa.gov/codeb/budget2001/HTML/fy01_lamsa.htm | |
42. Hawaii Island Economic Developement Board states of matter in microgravity conditions, normally working groups continue researchand implementation activities. As the only collaborative group of its http://www.hiedb.org/showtxt.asp?category=articles&artid=55 |
43. Nat'l Academies Press, The Mission Of Microgravity And Physical Sciences Researc have an impact on all of NASA's activities. exposure of astronauts to a microgravityenvironment are not matrix or fluid shear, a collaborative program linking http://www.nap.edu/books/NI000370/html/9.html | |
44. ISTE - L&L Vol. 27 No. 4: December/January 1999-2000 your lesson plans when considering collaborative activities will greatly the brainsfunctioning in microgravity (Neur0n), the A Few collaborative Strategies. http://d2.virt.pciwest.net/L&L/27/4/features/goldsworthy/ | |
45. SOL: A -- COLLABORATIVE RESEARCH & EDUCATION EFFORTS TO SUPPORT THE MARSHALL SUPPORT THE MARSHALL SPACE FLIGHT CENTER SCIENCE activities. interest to assist incollaborative research and education efforts at the microgravity Science and http://www.fbodaily.com/cbd/archive/2001/09(September)/11-Sep-2001/asol007.htm | |
46. Main. Science Enterprises and the Office of Life and microgravity Sciences and to studythese descriptions and propose one or two collaborative activities that would http://www.earth.nasa.gov/nra/current/can00oes01/main.html | |
47. NC5FallConference of the seedling be like in microgravity? A free Teacher's Guide with activities forLife collaborative Ukrainian Experiment http//fastplants.cals.wisc.edu http://www.delmar.cuhsd.org/faculty/kbone/NC5FallConference.html | |
48. R D in particular in the field of microgravity isolation and or perday R D contracts;collaborative R D; Access to IDB's design and manufacturing activities span a http://www.idb.wales.com/r_and_d.htm | |
49. Texas Community College Teachers Association - Convention for undergraduate students to take microgravity experiments they Friday the groupwill learn about collaborative Learning activities in Introductory http://tccta.org.cnchost.com/convention/Physics.html | |
50. Space Education With An Alaskan Twist Soil and growing techniques; collaborative data sharing to the wealth of curriculum,activities, simulated NASA Dropping In a microgravity Environment (DIME). http://www.uaf.edu/asgp/tseat.htm | |
51. ISU Law and Policy of Space activities; Space and Sciences; Space Resources and Processingunder microgravity; the development of a collaborative research framework http://www.oai.org/pages/ISU.html | |
52. Lesson Plans RuralNet collaborative activities Is the Space Program a Good Value for our Money? Answers of student questions from John Hinkle What will the next generation launch system include besides the shuttle? http://www.csun.edu/~vceed009/lesson.html | |
53. Microgravity News in internship activities at LeRC through the Lewis Educational and Research CollaborativeInternship Program (LERCIP) and the National Center for microgravity http://mgnews.msfc.nasa.gov/fall98/newnotes.html | |
54. Space Studies Board program, operating plan, and activities of several of of its first and nearly completemicrogravity science report for some time, for collaborative work between http://www.nas.edu/ssb/an91ch2.htm | |
55. Lesson Plans AND microgravity SCIENCES LMSA activities are microgravity Research and Space Product Development. Johnson Space Center has also been designated the Lead Center for all Space Station activities http://fhs.sbac.edu/WebResource/lesson.html | |
56. Topical Teams In ESA's Microgravity Programme November 1994 Focused Research in the microgravity Programme as a means to stimulatecollaborative interactions in the groundbased activities by defining http://esapub.esrin.esa.it/microgra/micrv8n2/walv8n2.htm | |
57. NASA Telemedicine - Centers the direction of Office of Life and microgravity Sciences and collaborative Activitieswith Ukraine; EastWest Space Science Center; Potential Collaborations http://www.quasar.org/21698/nasa/centers.html | |
58. NASA Quest > Space Team Online PART 1 Special backto-school edition PART 2 Online collaborative activitiesPART 3 Lesson plans about rockets and microgravity PART 4 Chatting with http://quest.arc.nasa.gov/space/updates/sto22.html | |
59. Bioscience And Engineering Glenn INitiative Bioengineering and Bioscience activities are done in These partnerships, or collaborativeagreements, are Impact of microgravity on Cardiovascular Performance, http://microgravity.grc.nasa.gov/grcbio/SpaceAct.html | |
60. Testimony For Committee On Science - 2/25/98 with several spacecraft development study activities in support Office of Life andMicrogravity Sciences and Mars Surveyor mission, a collaborative effort that http://www.house.gov/science/rothenberg_02-25.htm | |
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