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21. BIOGRAPHY - MG Jackson general James T. Jackson became the 30th Commanding general, (us) Army military Districtof State University in 1971 with a Bachelor of science Degree in http://www.afic.army.mil/biographies/MGJackson.htm |
22. History: American/Military, Ranching, West (U.S.), Animal Science (General), His History American/military, Ranching, West ((us)), Animal science (general), History general History, History, United States - 19th Century/Old West, Technology http://www.clever-bestsellers-selection.com/Starrs-Paul-F-Let-the-Cowboy-R-08018 | |
23. IRT: Support: Telecommunications: General Departmental Phone Directory Home Contents Index Search Contact (us) Admissions. G general Counsel, Office of GeosyntheticResearch Institute Design, College of military science Myers Hall. http://www.drexel.edu/irt/services/telecom/phonebook/ | |
24. LIEUTENANT GENERAL DUNCAN J. MCNABB military Airlift Squadron, which earned military Airlift Command's for Plans andPrograms, Headquarters (us) Air Force. 1974 Bachelor of science degree, (us) Air http://www.af.mil/news/biographies/mcnabb_dj.html | |
25. GENERAL WILLIAM J. BEGERT 1968 Bachelor of science degree, (us) Air Force Texas 2. September 1969 March 1971,C-141 pilot and aircraft commander, 20th military Airlift Squadron http://www.af.mil/news/biographies/begert_wj.html | |
26. Combined Arms Research Library Library information and electronic resources for military science. Supports the (us) Army Command and Category Reference Libraries Subject Specific military...... Arms Research Library (CARL) is a comprehensive military science reference and isthe five schools of the (us) Army Command and general Staff College http://www-cgsc.army.mil/carl/ | |
27. Hall Of Fame general. John J. Pershing. (us) Army Chief of Staff (19211924) general of theArmies of the United States (1919). Professor of military science 1891-1895. http://www.unl.edu/armyrotc/hall_of_fame.htm | |
28. Department Of Education - Licensing Document List, Document Number Used for Ordering by Mail. general Information Teacherof Driver Education, 1101. Teacher of military science, 1102. http://www.state.nj.us/njded/educators/license/ | |
29. The Premier Business And Technology Research Portal Recommended By Wall Street J general B(us)iness and Technology Overview B(us)iness Directories Regional (us), UK, Asia,Africa, Europe, North 85) Metrology (45) military science (101) Mining (203 http://www.brint.com/links/ | |
30. Section VIII - Reference Social Sciences (300) small collection of basic, general sources providing Sources emphasizing (us) constitutionallaw are maintained R 350 Public administration and military science. http://ccpls.org/coldev/html/viii-300.html | |
31. Callcont K Law KF (us) Law KJKKZ European Law. Q general science QA Mathematics Computerscience (QA75.5-76.95) QB Astronomy QC Physics QD U military science. http://www-sul.stanford.edu/guides/callcont.html | |
32. SDSU: Academics - Military Science faith and allegiance to the (us) Constitution, the The military science Departmentat SDSU, has been instilling general Omar Bradley was a former Professor of http://www3.sdstate.edu/Academics/CollegeOfArtsAndScience/MilitaryScience/Index_ | |
33. ANU Library - Guide: Classifications In Locations (us) , Printerfriendly version, Text version, Q, Hancock, science (general). QA,Hancock, Mathematics. U, Menzies, military science, Air Forces. V, Menzies, Navalscience. http://anulib.anu.edu.au/about/pubs/general/lcbkmk.html | |
34. Robert Emmons Appointed Inspector General For Federal Pension Insurer degree in accounting from Trinity University, San Antonio, Texas, and a masters degreein military science from the (us) Army Command and general Staff College. http://www.pbgc.gov/news/press_releases/2003/pr03_14.htm | |
35. BUBL LINK / 5:15 Internet Resources: National Defence Includes general information about the Pentagon, tour information Author (us) Departmentof Defense Subjects military science, national defence, warfare http://bubl.ac.uk/link/n/nationaldefence.htm | |
36. Brigadier General William C. Jones general Jones is a command pilot with over 6,000 flying hours in the 1964 Bachelorof science degree in military science, (us) Air Force Academy, Colorado Springs http://www.ngb.army.mil/ngbgomo/library/bio/jones_wc.htm | |
37. KSU AROTC History 1902, the War Department issued general Order Number The (us) Congress passed the ROTCVitalization Act The military science Department and Army ROTC moved into http://www.ksu.edu/armyrotc/history.htm | |
38. World / International News | Christian Science Monitor Palestinians worry about a military reoccupation. Rights Permissions AdvertiseWith (us) Today's Article on Christian science Web Directory. http://www.csmonitor.com/world/ | |
39. Military Science A(us)tralian military History Database login e / pw hit enter sciences Citation Index,and the science Citation Index Right and the Left, the (us) foreign policy http://www.lib.vt.edu/subjects/mili/ | |
40. OPHS Home The Office of Public Health and science (OPHS) is public health and oversees HHS'(us) Public Health Surgeon general Richard Carmona is the Acting Assistant http://phs.os.dhhs.gov/ophs/ | |
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