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Native American Councils Alliances Institutes: more detail |
1. Selected Topics In History agencies, administrations, offices, institutes, councils, committees and others) ;political parties and party alliances. Index of native american Resources on http://www.princeton.edu/~pressman/histops.htm | |
2. American Indian And Alaska Native Health (CBM 96-6) com. History Culture american History. Colonial America native americans. Colleges Education. councils, Organizations, alliances, institutes. Directories, Publications, http://www.nlm.nih.gov/pubs/cbm/amindhlt.html | |
3. Nehproposal and Natural Resources and the. native american Fish Wildlife Society the significant contributions of the native american Fish Wildlife Society. NIH. National institutes of Health http://www.unh.edu/humanities-center/nehprop.html | |
4. AHPCC Native American Distance Education Community AIHEC Tribal Colleges utilizing the alliances Access Technology from Regional National native american entities All Indian Pueblo councils' Pueblo Nations http://eot.ahpcc.unm.edu/community/ | |
5. SPL - WWW Government & Politics administrations, offices, institutes, councils, committees and others parties andalliances (national, regional Multilaterals Project native american Kappler's http://library.ci.scottsdale.az.us/www/gov.htm | |
6. Alliances That Advise have served n the national executive councils of professional alliances That Fund. fromCowles Media Foundation to support native american mass communication | |
7. Book Review The American Historical Review, 106.1 The White, a native of Elmo, Texas, was born unique generation of Africanamerican womennurtured committees, conferences, institutes, and councils whose histories http://www.historycooperative.org/journals/ahr/106.1/br_85.html | |
8. Intersociety Workshop Report On USGS/NBS Integration (June 1996) Encourage partnerships and alliances with federal and These councils provide muchneededinput from state and local government, native american tribes, academia http://www.agiweb.org/report.html |
9. Media Advisory: Official Release Of First CIHR-IAPH Annual Report native american Health Research Training Centre, University of Colorado; nativeHealth Research with national health research councils to create a http://www.cihr-irsc.gc.ca/institutes/iaph/publications/strat_plan_2002_e.shtml | |
10. Education In Society > Organizations National Center for Educational alliances. School councils UK. The mission of SACNASis to encourage Chicano/Latino and native american students to pursue http://ilectric.com/browse/web/Society/Organizations/Education/ | |
11. Moving Sustainable Development From Agenda To Action longterm actions and alliances, with seven national multi-stakeholder councils,as keymechanisms business, government and native american organizations, the http://www.ecouncil.ac.cr/rio/preforum.htm | |
12. The Devil Is In The Ideal force businessmen and women into alliances, it is Regional councils distributepositions within each area of the kid, too bad you're not a native american. http://www.prometh.com/Radcap/devilis.asp | |
13. Cultivating Peace: Chapter 1. Conflict Management local kings (rajahs), tribal councils, and clan user groups, agencies, organizations,alliances, and networks can work against some native american cultures. http://www.idrc.ca/books/899/101cheva.htm | |
14. PERFORMANCE IMPROVEMENT 1995 establish the necessary alliances and treatment All councils reported using numerousmechanisms for PERFORMER ORGANIZATION native american Consultants, Inc http://aspe.hhs.gov/pic/perfimp/1995/apdx-a.htm | |
15. PERFORMANCE IMPROVEMENT 1995 violence prevention, suicide in native american communities, domestic establish thenecessary alliances and treatment functioning of planning councils, and the http://aspe.hhs.gov/pic/perfimp/1995/chap-03.htm | |
16. VA OVC State Wide Assistance Report teams, task forces, and coordinating councils, working together with has resultedin new alliances among the and services to the native american populations in http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/ovc/fund/sbsmap/ovcpfva1.htm | |
17. Funding Update to NCSS and local, state, and regional councils. survival and continuing vitalityof native american languages. NSF Title Louis Stokes alliances for Minority http://www.wright.edu/rsp/pubs/funding/dec_15_02.html |
18. Resource Team Members Recommendations | Our-Town | Stephenville, TX would involve restoration of the native plant community Join the american PlanningAssociation as a city slew of agencies, associations, councils, and alliances http://www.stephenville.com/resteamrecs.htm | |
19. March Fob funded by the National institutes of Health formation of collaboratives, alliances,coalitions and Pacific Islanders, Hispanic, native american, Lesbian, Low http://www.geocities.com/tamrfcc/marfob.htm | |
20. American Gaming Association : Speech : THE CASINO INDUSTRYS ROLE IN RESPONSIBL of current treatment therapies; and native american perspectives on and 2) by forgingalliances with third Children, state problem gambling councils and the http://www.americangaming.org/media_update/speeches/speech.cfm/ID/27 | |
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