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Native American Gov & Treaties: more detail |
21. U. S. Business Advisor - Indian Treaties Info Desk. EServices. Agencies Gateways. help. Indian treaties EnviroTextSearch native american treaties, tribal law codes and constitutions. http://www.business.gov/busadv/maincat.cfm?catid=84 |
22. Native American Women's Health of american Indian/Alaska native rights and treaties. Service, (301) 4431840, www.tucson.ihs.gov.native american Women's Health Education Resource Center, (605 http://www.4woman.gov/faq/native_american.htm | |
23. Native American Women's Health (Easy To Read) culture, and abuse of Indian rights and treaties. can find out more about NativeAmerican women's health Health Service Internet Address http//www.ihs.gov/. http://www.4woman.gov/faq/easyread/native_american-etr.htm | |
24. American Indian Resources: Site Offers Information On Native American Culture, L treaties, agreements and conventions from 17751979, as well as other useful resourcesfor native american information. http//www-libraries.colorado.edu/ps/gov/ http://www.coconino.edu/library/Native American.htm | |
25. Explore National American Indian Heritage Month - A National Register Of Histori US tribal relations, enrollment, sovereignty, and treaties. It also provides accessto more information from the Center. Index of native american Resources on http://www.cr.nps.gov/nr/feature/indian/ | |
26. Native American Pathfinder and click on various links to find native american photographs from (http//memory.loc.gov/ammem/award97 IndianAffairs Laws and treaties, Volume II (treaties http://library.wvsc.edu/printouts/hisnaweb.html | |
27. American Indian Nations And Tribes of Elliot Chabot elliot.chabot@mail.house.gov native americans and the law (via thenative american Net Server compiled by the Oneida Nation); treaties with the http://www.nativeweb.org/pages/legal/nations-etc.html | |
28. Native Americans: Treaties And Images and others of both native and nonnative origins. The first compilation Edward S.Curtis's The North american Indian, (http//lcweb2.loc.gov/ammem/award98 http://www.law.berkeley.edu/library/services/lic/jan28_2002.html | |
29. NARA | ALIC | Indians/Native Americans Edited by Charles Kappler, this sevenvolume set is a compilation of US laws,treaties, and executive orders pertaining to native american Indian tribes http://www.archives.gov/research_room/alic/reference_desk/native_american_links. | |
30. Native American - Indian Indigenous Links DLU 10Jan03 San Marcos) native american government treaties (+ NAI Links MNSU) Small BusinessAdministration, native american Affairs (US gov.) Smithsonian Museum http://www.harrold.org/rfhextra/nai.html |
31. Treaties Documents And Executive Orders thewest/resources/archives/four/ftlaram.htm With pictures http//www.nara.gov/exhall/originals/sioux.htmlTreaties by Nation native american Web Services http://daphne.palomar.edu/llewis/Links/treaties_documents_exec_orders.htm | |
32. NAlinks back to honors english. native american Links. a history (interestingly enougha British website!). the gov't. website (currently unavailable). treaties. http://smccd.net/accounts/lawlor/nalinks.htm | |
33. EPA / American Indian Environmental Office of Treaty Construction 2. Continued Validity and Significance of treaties b. Land onGovernmentto Government Relations with native american Tribal Governments http://www.epa.gov/indian/resource/resource.htm | |
34. Environmental Protection Agency has a unique legal relationship with native american tribal governments as set forthin the Constitution of the United States, treaties, statutes, and court http://www.epa.gov/indian/clinton.htm | |
35. Native American Genealogy: Records And Research native american or indian genealogy; indian treaties. Indian Affairs http//www.doi.gov/bureauindian Indexof native american Genealogy Resources on the Internet http://www.michigan.gov/hal/0,1607,7-160-18835_18895_20699-50999--,00.html | |
36. Commercial And Native American Fishing Michigan.gov Home, licensed commercial fishing has been regulated since 1865; NativeAmerican commercial fishing rights, granted in treaties between the http://www.michigan.gov/dnr/0,1607,7-153-10371_14724_14730-31458--,00.html | |
37. Native American Culture And History Guide .. The History Beat coupon shopping family fashion gov't games genealogy history kids NationalMuseum of the american Indian; native american treaties and Information http://society.searchbeat.com/nativeamerican.htm | |
38. Native American Law american Indian Tribes ) an extensive collection of links to native american andAboriginal http//one-web.org/oneida/treaties.html. http//snake1.cr.usgs.gov. http://www.stu.edu/lawlib/Reference/Research/Native American Law.htm | |
39. Tribal Issues - Archaeology And Historic Preservation - FHWA 1 This special relationship is affirmed in treaties, Supreme Court ACHP guidanceon consultation www.achp.gov/regstribes FHWA native american Coordination. http://www.fhwa.dot.gov/environment/archaeology/tribalissues.htm | |
40. WVU Libraries: Native American Studies http//wwwlibraries.colorado.edu/ps/gov/us/native.htm Features print and electronicUS government information on native american treaties and other subject http://www.libraries.wvu.edu/nativeamerican/web.htm | |
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