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21. Directory :: Look.com on many aspects of native american religion and tradition. american Church Homepageof native american Church located Overview of ceremonies, charter, news and http://www.look.com/searchroute/directorysearch.asp?p=487603 |
22. Native American Religions - I + II tradition is especially apparent in the native american communities of the sustenanceexpressed in an equivalence between economics and religion. 8. ceremonies. http://www.angelfire.com/realm/shades/nativeamericans/nativeamericanreligions.ht | |
23. UNOmaha Religion Faculty 1985, his concern with experiential religion led him primary teachers in traditionalindigenous ceremonies have been of the new native american Studies program http://www.unomaha.edu/~wwwphrel/Relfac.html | |
24. Native American Information Sites Overview of ceremonies, charter, news and Religious Movements native american religion A gateway to Educational inter-tribal native american site focusing http://www.religionsorg.com/NativeAmerican/ | |
25. Listings Of The World Society Religion And Spirituality Native on many aspects of native american religion and tradition Post Review Homepage ofnative american Church located Overview of ceremonies, charter, news and events http://listingsworld.com/Society/Religion_and_Spirituality/Native_American/ |
26. Internetunderground.com on many aspects of native american religion and tradition american Church Homepageof native american Church located Overview of ceremonies, charter, news and http://www.internetunderground.com/index.php?ParentID=294 |
27. The Spiritual Sanctuary Celebrates The Native American Faith Prayer, ceremonies, meditation and fasting are an important to clarify that the NativeAmerican spiritual tradition that the components of the religion must be http://www.thespiritualsanctuary.org/Native/Native.html | |
28. US MI: Father Fights For Drug Use In Religion FATHER FIGHTS FOR DRUG USE IN religion WHITE CLOUD peyote to his 4year-old son duringspiritual ceremonies. Indians who belong to the native american Church of http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v03/n033/a05.html?183 |
29. Studying Indigenous Religions Studying indigenous religions Overview of Key Elements. significance for tribal peoplesacross almost are also destroying a part of native american religion. http://www.uwec.edu/academic/curric/greidebe/Indigenous/Versluis/04hierophanic.h | |
30. Navajos In New Mexico Navajo Taboos, Navajo ceremonies, Old Navajo Reservation native american Baskets,Massacre Cave, Plains Indians Around Code Talkers, Sun Dance, Navajo religion. http://www.cia-g.com/~rockets/nmnavajo.htm | |
31. ACCESS FUND | WHO WE ARE | ABOUT US and thus are sympathetic to native american pleas for climbing on every rock thatnative americans assert the beliefs or ceremonies of a particular religion. http://www.accessfund.org/whoweare/who_about_pos_sacred.html | |
32. Research Guides: African American Studies to native american religious ceremonies, feasts, objects on more than 265 notablenative american men and law, journalism, science, medicine, religion, art and http://www.lib.umb.edu/pathfinders/indians_right.cfm | |
33. Wfn.org | Native American Christians And Traditional sovereignty, racism, Eurocentric religion. native people do and our culture,our ceremonies and our historic gathering of native american Christians and http://www.wfn.org/1997/05/msg00013.html | |
34. Wfn.org | Native American Consultation and our culture, our ceremonies and our sovereignty, racism, Eurocentric religion were words at a historic gathering of native american Christians and http://www.wfn.org/1997/04/msg00001.html | |
35. Topica Email List Directory is a list for people who want to discuss native american issues and religion, christianor Navajo Artists News from Dineteh, sings, ceremonies, trees, councils http://www.topica.com/dir/?cid=2023 |
36. Multicultural Resources In The Reference Collection Of Bush Library court cases and legislation, prophets, repatriation, peyote religion,and burial Encyclopediaof native american Shamanism Sacred ceremonies of North http://web.hamline.edu/personal/kborowske/maed/cultures.html | |
37. UUCA Sermon - Big Answer: Native Religions: Alive With Spirit - November 17, 200 Islam, and Christianitythe indigenous religions, from or, betterput, a religionfor Feminists Man, and practice native american ceremonies and spirituality. http://www.uucava.org/sermons/BA3_Native_Sermon_111702.htm | |
38. We've Moved! Powerful religious ceremonies center on these four peaks between the basic worldviewsof native american and other worldview of modern Anglo religion and culture http://monticello.avenue.org/tjmc/InfoPubs/Sermons/2002-02-03/body_2002-02-03.ht | |
39. Teaching About Native American Religions to the point that most tribal religions and ceremonies wereefforts to that one needbe a native american in order to practice a nativeamerican religion. http://web.lemoyne.edu/~bucko/teaching.html |
40. Native North America: A Bibliographic Guide practice their own indigenous form of religion that may While some native forms ofceremony and worship are the Public Law 103344, american Indian Religious http://www.nypl.org/research/chss/grd/resguides/native/religion.html | |
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