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Natural & Human-made Disasters Index: more detail |
41. Disasters natural and humanmade disasters. Ved at bruge søgeordet disasters på diverse søgemaskiner vil man få mange gode oversigter. http://home13.inet.tele.dk/horn/disasters.htm |
42. The Hindu : Catastrophes Unlimited official definitions, observations from the field suggest that disasters be classifiedunder three broad categories natural, humanmade, and other disasters. http://www.hinduonnet.com/thehindu/2000/02/20/stories/13200019.htm | |
43. The Hindu : Media Reportage: Interview With Mark Tully Chief of Bureau, BBC, Delhi covered every imaginable disaster, natural and human-made,in South to Max Martin and Unnikrishnan PV on media and disasters. http://www.hinduonnet.com/thehindu/2000/02/20/stories/1320001c.htm | |
44. GEO-3: GLOBAL ENVIRONMENT OUTLOOK Centre for Coordination of the Prevention of natural disasters in Central territoriesand populations when faced with natural and humanmade hazards (see http://www.unep.org/geo/geo3/english/471.htm | |
45. Africa Environment Outlook TNC = total national capital HMC = humanmade capital NC are in the low human developmentindex (HDI) category equipped to deal with natural disasters, such as http://www.unep.org/aeo/321.htm | |
46. Session Summary S99-33 From The 1999 Hazards Research And Applications Workshop are deficiencies with typical accounting methodologies as applied to natural disasters. added$1.9 billion; damage to humanmade and natural assets $0.72 http://www.colorado.edu/hazards/ss/ss99/ss33.html | |
47. January 2003 Observer - Internet Pages some of the better sites dealing with hazards and disasters, see http in the developmentof plans for protection from both natural and humanmade emergencies http://www.colorado.edu/hazards/o/jano03/jano03f.htm | |
48. SPPD: International Journal Of Mass Emergencies And Disasters: Contents: Volume how people hear warning messages of potential natural disasters and then this riskcommunication model to other types of natural and humanmade hazards. http://www.usc.edu/schools/sppd/ijmed/v16n3.html | |
49. GDIN.org Preparing for the health problems of large populations as well as of small communitiesthat experience natural or humanmade disasters is probably the greatest http://www.gdin.org/conf_02italy_prop.html | |
50. Disaster Management Facility: News And Events: Conferences Confronting disasters and Emergencies Conference Shanghai, China - October 15-18,2002. Ninth International Symposium on natural and human-made Hazards http://www.worldbank.org/dmf/news/conferences.htm | |
51. Ukraine, Hungary, Mozambique Floods, Macedonia Conflict (03/23/2001) Please pray for those who suffer from hunger, poverty, natural and humanmade disasters. http://gbgm-umc.org/umcor-hotline/h20010323.stm | |
52. Heritage At Risk 2001-2002: Iran or completely destroyed due to this natural factor In reference to humanmade disasterswe need to mention to mitigate the potential risks of future disasters. http://www.international.icomos.org/risk/2001/iran2001.htm | |
53. Extended Education & Summer Programs - Credit Certificate Programs of posttraumatic stress on victims, families, emergency workers, and communitymembers resulting from natural disasters, human-made emergencies, or societal http://www.acadweb.wwu.edu/eesp/certificates/emergencymgmt.asp | |
54. Northeast CAPT: FAQ 26 that will enable us to be better prepared for natural and humanmade disasters? ofliterature about the public health impacts of disasters like September http://www.northeastcapt.org/PRODUCTS/faq/faq26.html | |
55. Reducing The Impacts Of Coastal Hazards - Expert Interpretation The point can be made that many of these natural disasters are not natural, butrather humanmade, the result of the inappropriate settlement patterns and http://state-of-coast.noaa.gov/bulletins/html/rtt_06/expert.html | |
56. GFMC: International Search And Rescue Advisory Group (INSARAG) secondary effects of natural and technogenic disasters require additional could includea variety of natural and humanmade disasters, including wildland http://www.fire.uni-freiburg.de/emergency/insarag.htm | |
57. Calendar Of Conferences, Workshops And Courses hydrological, marine, and humanmade hazardsin general with vulnerability from natural,environmental, technological and human induced disasters. http://www.shoa.cl/oceano/itic/conferences.html | |
58. Shifting From Relief To Recovery Shifting from relief to recovery The Service Committee has historically made longtermcommitments to help people affected by natural or human-made disasters. http://www.afsc.org/qsb/sp2k/sp2k07.htm | |
59. Minding The Machines (Eva, Manion) of Eight Cases of Technological disasters 2.1 Global disasters by Type Losses (inBillions of Dollars) for natural and humanmade disasters (Adjusted for http://www.drj.com/bookstore/drj645.htm | |
60. Disaster Recovery World CHAPTER III BUSINESS (human-made) disasters The Disaster Snyder CHAPTER VI - naturaldisasters Corrosion Control by Department of natural Resources Velcro's http://www.drj.com/bookstore/drj120.htm | |
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