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41. General Catalog - Ocean Engineering Areas to be studied encompass marine transportation, petroleum and other a widerfield of activity for today's naval architect and ocean engineer. http://sis450.berkeley.edu:4500/catalog/gcc_view_req?p_dept_cd=OC ENG |
42. University Of South Carolina AIken Career Services Office Freshwater Geologist marine Geologist, ocean engineer ocean Scientist ocean Technician,Optical National marine Fisheries Service. naval oceanographic Office. http://www.usca.edu/careers/Degree/Biology.htm | |
43. NAEP | Types Of Engineering > Mechanical Engineering > Naval design and construct ships, offshore structures and other marine vehicles. Do youknow an Aboriginal naval Architect/ocean engineer or scientist who http://www.nativeaccess.com/types/mech_naval.html | |
44. Committee To Assess The U.S. Army Corps Of Engineers Methods Of Analysis And Pee He was an ocean engineer at Harbor Branch Foundation, Inc. Society of Civil engineers,Society of naval Architects and marine engineers, Western http://www4.nas.edu/webcr.nsf/CommitteeDisplay/WSTB-U-01-02-E?OpenDocument |
45. NAVAL AND MARITIME ENGINEER OPTIONAL, Cred. Theory. Practic. FOURTH YEAR. naval Architecture. 408. Quality Management.6. 3. 3. 409. ocean Structures. 6. 3. 3. 410. Use of marine Resources. 6. 3. 3. 411. http://www.udc.es/planesi/730111.asp | |
46. The Faculty Of Naval Architecture And Ocean Engineering fluid dynamics, marine dynamics, naval architecture and the exploration of the Oceaneconomically attractive and of a prospective marine engineer regardless of http://www.smtu.ru/smtu/eng/structf2.html |
47. Rear Admiral Fred L. Ames He holds the degrees of ocean engineer and Master of He is a registered Professionalengineer in naval Architecture and marine engineering, and http://www.uscg.mil/hq/g-w/g-wt/g-wtl/summit/bios/ames.htm | |
48. RESUME Pan American Federation of Coastal and ocean engineering Member, Executive Committee,Society of naval Architects and marine engineer NY Metropolitan http://attila.stevens-tech.edu/~m1bruno/resume.html | |
49. Elizabeth J. Reynolds naval Architect ocean engineer. September 1997June 2000. Seattle, Washington.Project Manager and naval Architect for marine Consulting including http://www.harbormarinegroup.com/reynolds.htm | |
50. US Field Engineer Receives Award From Her Majesty, The Queen US Field engineer Receives Award from Her Majesty ocean marine Industries providestechnical and logistic support services Queen at the Devonport naval Base on http://www.oceanmarineinc.com/kohler.html | |
51. Imare.org.uk Professional trade association sponsors discussion, research, and employment opportunities for ship building engineers. Find news and schools. as; oceanographers, ocean engineers, geologists, marine biologists, environmental of naval Architects and marine Engineers, Sobena, of marine Engineers and naval Architects, Royal http://www.imare.org.uk/ | |
52. Job Guide 2003 - Job Details A naval architect may specialise as a in the design and management of marine and offshore oceanEngineer who is involved in ocean science, wave mechanics and sub http://jobguide.thegoodguides.com.au/text/jobdetails.cfm?jobid=225 |
53. Robert Allan Ltd. - Naval Architects And Marine Engineers marine Design and Consulting Services Worldwide oldest privately owned Consulting naval Architectural firm, established in fishing boats to oceangoing ferries, however the firm http://www.ral.bc.ca/ | |
54. MARINE TECHNOLOGY SOCIETY: Learn and use mooring and marine drilling riser analysis softwarepackages. Major in naval Architect or ocean Engineering. http://www.mtsociety.org/employment/job_details.cfm?ID=82 |
55. The Glosten Associates, Inc. - Staff List Benjamin B. Ackers, naval architect/ocean engineer, EIT BS, naval Architecture andMarine engineering, Webb Institute, 1997 Joined firm in 1997 bbackers@glosten http://www.glosten.com/home_staff.htm | |
56. Careers In Marine Biology marine Mammal Veterinarian Merchant marine Scientist - Museum Curator - NavalArchitect - ocean Advocate - ocean engineer - ocean Modeler - Physical http://members.aol.com/oceanstudy/Careers/ | |
57. Naval Engineering include naval Architecture and marine Engineering University Orleans Webb Institutenaval Architecture and of California, Berkeley ocean Engineering Florida http://www.navalengineers.org/About/Brochure/naval_engineering.html | |
58. RIGZONE - Search Jobs Dallas, TX. naval Architect/ocean engineer, Floating Systems, Marineengineering, naval Architect, Houston. Operations engineer, Petroleum http://www.rigzone.com/jobs/search_job_results.asp?JobCategory=7 |
59. OCEAN AND NAVAL ARCHITECTURAL ENGINEERING design. The Department of naval Architecture, ocean and marine Engineering,US naval Academy, RINA AFFAIRS May 2000. naval http://www.engr.mun.ca/Naval/NavalArchitect.htm |
60. NavArch Online! - A Resource For Canadian Ocean And Naval Architectural Engineer Library for naval Architecture and ocean Engineering marine marine Links More marineweb site links by Don to April, 1996 Maritime and naval Museums (Canada http://navarch.gwebworks.com/websites.shtml | |
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