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21. Nebraska Department Of Education 20002001 State of the schools Report, A Report on nebraska Public schools, Help,Help sections. general. Q Whom do I contact if I have questions? http://reportcard20002001.nde.state.ne.us/Main/Help.asp | |
22. Nebraska Department Of Education Since nebraska public schools give different standardized tests to students atdifferent grade levels, the results provide a general indication of student http://reportcard20002001.nde.state.ne.us/Main/HelpGlossary.asp?Def=MZ |
23. Pupil Transportation Use of Vans by nebraska schools NonConforming Vehicles Commissioner of Education'sAdvisory Memo (1/21/98) and Attorney general's Opinion (5/26/87). http://ess.nde.state.ne.us/OrgServices/PupilTrans/pupil.htm | |
24. 2nd Issue and expended from Function 4935 in the general Fund. 660027-000, Syracuse-Dunbar-AvocaPublic schools, $15,191. 66-0111-000, nebraska City Public schools, $15,784. http://ess.nde.state.ne.us/SchoolFinance/Renovation/IDEATechReissue.htm | |
25. Index.html to generate general 'slush' funding mostly for certain politically powerful schoolsand regions? Eyepopping statisticsGreater 28 nebraska schools show their http://fred.bloomnet.com/ | |
26. Snapshot Of Nebraska Arts Council state general fund used for grants leveraged an additional $751,063 in federal andprivate funds that are channeled through direct grants to nebraska schools http://www.nebraskaartscouncil.org/Snapshot.htm | |
27. Peterson's: Private Schools, Boarding And Day: Traditional Schools: Boarding Boy general Search, Sports Academy at Lake Placid, Lake Placid, New York NAWA Academy,French Gulch, California nebraska Christian schools, Central City http://www.petersons.com/pschools/select/t04001.asp?sponsor=1 |
28. Nebraska Department Of Education This web page contains general information about the information and other resourcesabout nebraskas accountability State of the schools Report 20002001. http://writing.nde.state.ne.us/Main/Links.asp | |
29. Education Resources - Linked Sites Commission; nebraskaNet (Public schools OnLine); nebraska schools On-Line; Universityof nebraska at Lincoln; The National School general Information Membership http://www.nebr-schoolboards.org/education_resources.html | |
30. ALICAP Insurance Program school districts insurance coverage for property, inland marine, general liability,automobile The introduction of ALICAP allows nebraska schools to pool their http://www.nebr-schoolboards.org/alicap.html | |
31. University Of Colorado General Releases, Official Athletic Site schools have done it twice; no schools have ever nebraska 2001 Highlight DVD FossilCU Kaleido Watch Colorado Double Outline Hat Colorado general Releases. http://www.fansonly.com/schools/colo/genrel/082101aag.html | |
32. General Releases - University Of Missouri, Official Athletic Site Of The MU Tige Few Hundred general Admission Tickets Remain for nebraska FootballGame Game will be sold out by Wednesday. Sept. 7, 1999. COLUMBIA http://www.fansonly.com/schools/miss/genrel/090799aaa.html | |
33. Nebraska Fast Facts - Community Profile 3. Name of Firm . York Public schools. Service Sector . State of nebraska.Service Sector . Government. 6. Name of Firm . York general Hospital. http://sites.nppd.com/aedc/fastfacts.asp?city=York |
34. UNOmaha Graduate Appl General Information These additional materials should be forwarded to the departments/schools. GraduateStudies Eppley Administration Building 202 University of nebraska at Omaha http://www.ses.unomaha.edu/admissions/gr2.html | |
35. Unic@meral Update Online 1014, 2003. Casino gaming amendments debated in general Affairs. The formula determinesthe amount of state aid that K-12 schools in nebraska receive based http://www.unicam.state.ne.us/update/ | |
36. Taxes And Spending In Nebraska were all allocated to the general government category to operate the state NebraskaDepartment of even though the department itself administers schools and not http://www.unicam.state.ne.us/app_rev/uses/narr_functions.htm | |
37. Site Map schools; Taxes. Arts Culture nebraska Art Council; State Board of Education; Universityof nebraska Board of State Treasurer; Attorney general; Members of Congress http://www.state.ne.us/textversion/sitemap_text.htm | |
38. Nebraska Educational Office Professionals Association March 8, 2003 Lincoln Public schools District Office April 10, 2003 Universityof nebraska Lincoln East Campus Union 2002-03 general Meetings October http://neopa.unl.edu/meeting/mtg.html | |
39. 2002-2003 Budget Forms Available From The Nebraska Auditor Of Public Accounts Schedule A general Fund Lid Exclusions; Schedule B - Exclusions From the Levy SchoolDistrict Budget Form Worksheet; Notice of Budget Hearing (NBH) - schools; http://www.auditors.state.ne.us/Bud_Forms/Bud_Forms.htm | |
40. Nebraska HHS System: Radon In Schools schools should take action to reduce levels if The Surgeon general has joined EPAin issuing information, contact Radon Program Manager nebraska Department of http://www.hhs.state.ne.us/enh/radon01.htm | |
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