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161. PHPBuilder.com - OO Programming In PHP The Way To Large PHP Object Oriented programming in PHP The way to large PHP projects. Luis Argerich.This arcticle introduces Object Oriented programming (OOP) in PHP. http://www.phpbuilder.com/columns/luis20000420.php3 |
162. The Objective-C Programming Language http://developer.apple.com/techpubs/macosx/Cocoa/ObjectiveC/ |
163. Finite Element And Numerical Methods With Object Oriented VectorSpace C++ Library for advanced numerical computation such as constrained optimization, variational Category Science Math Numerical Analysis Software...... object, basis object, etc. are designed using data abstraction andobject oriented programming. These classes in the VectorSpace http://www.vector-space.com/ |
164. Object Oriented Programming And Design With C++ Online Course Object Oriented programming and Design with C++ Online Course/Slides. InstructorDr. Aaron Naiman naiman@math.jct.ac.il Check out some other online courses. http://hobbes.jct.ac.il/~naiman/c -oop/ |
165. Comp.Object FAQ Version 1.0.5 (12-13) Announcement C/C++ programming Environment; Re Browsers; New version of 'short' available;Binaries for OMG IDL CFE placed on omg.org; CUI Object Oriented Information http://www.cs.cmu.edu/afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/ai-repository/ai/html/faqs/lang/oop |
166. Untitled Object Orientation and Graphical programming. Constructing ObjectOrientedSoftware in Interactive Graphical programming Environments An Anthology. http://cbl.leeds.ac.uk/nikos/tex2html/examples/concepts/concepts.html |
167. Ootips - Object Orientation Tips Classes Vs. Builtin Types; Object Oriented programming in C; Using Frameworks- For Beginners Only? Writing Frameworks - What Does It Take? http://ootips.org/ |
168. JavaScript And Object Oriented Programming (OOP) JavaScript and Object Oriented programming (OOP). Credits This tutorialis written and contributed by Tim Scarfe. Edited by JavaScriptKit http://www.javascriptkit.com/javatutors/oopjs.shtml |
169. Object Oriented Programming In Javascript Skip to content navigation Search. This resource is obsolete and is providedfor reference purposes only. Object Oriented programming in Javascript. http://devedge.netscape.com/viewsource/2001/oop-javascript/ |
170. Greater Manchester Network Jubilee 2000 Home Page By AJ Tyrrell; 1995. Full text in HTML online, PDF download. Manchester Metropolitan University, OnlineCategory Computers programming Languages Eiffel Books...... http://www.doc.mmu.ac.uk/library/notes/ajt/ |
171. Object Oriented Analysis And Design (OOAD) And Object Oriented The Java language is object oriented. Here you can learn the principles of ObjectOriented Analysis and Design (OOAD) and Object Oriented programming (OOP). http://java.about.com/cs/oop/ |
172. Certificate Program In Object Oriented Programming And Analysis, Home Certificate Programs Certificate Program in Object Oriented programmingand Analysis, Certificate Program in Object Oriented programming and Analysis, http://universityextension.ucdavis.edu/certificateprograms/cert_oop.html |
173. Items In Vb.oop Re WOW, more on Object Oriented programming, blob , 24 Feb 2003. Re WOW, more on Object Oriented programming, Rob , 24 Feb 2003. http://news.devx.com/cgi-bin/dnewsweb.exe?cmd=xover&group=vb.oop |
174. Bruce Eckel's MindView, Inc. Exceptional Learning Experiences Java Training by Bruce Eckel.Category Computers programming Java Commercial Services Training......Calendar Books CDs Seminars Essays Newsletter About FAQ Search http://www.mindview.net/ |
175. ADTmag.com Application Development Trends Free Newsletters. Enter your email address below to subscribe to our freenewsletters. eADT XML Report Programmers Report This Week in Java. http://www.joopmag.com/ |
176. Object-Orientation FAQ Title Page Software Composition Group Object Oriented Information Sources ObjectOrientationFAQ. The OO FAQ now has its official home at Cyberdyne Object Systems. http://iamwww.unibe.ch/~scg/OOinfo/FAQ/ |
177. Ecoop98.vub.ac.be/ http://ecoop98.vub.ac.be/ |
178. ACM Portal ACM Digital Library Search within OOPSLA Conference on Object OrientedProgramming Systems Languages and Applications. http://portal.acm.org/browse_dl.cfm?linked=1&part=series&idx=SERIES318&coll=port |
179. V - A Freeware Portable C++ GUI Framework For Windows, X, And OS A freeware portable C++ GUI framework for Windows, X, and OS/2.Category Computers Software Graphic Subsystems Toolkits......Objects, Object Oriented, Object Oriented Resources, Object Orientation, Object OrientedProgramming, GUI, Framework, C, Free software, Freeware, Linux, Windows http://www.objectcentral.com/ |
180. Eiffel Online Book This page is provided for anyone who is interested in learning ObjectOrientedProgramming in Eiffel. There are two main sections http://www-staff.socs.uts.edu.au/~rist/eiffel/ |
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