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Oceanography Collaborative Activities: more detail |
41. HSGC Fellows And Trainees, Spring 1997 and the Internet to link students for collaborative astronomy activities. MichaelSawyer, PhD student in Physical oceanography, is continuing his http://www.spacegrant.hawaii.edu/fellowshipsS1997.html | |
42. Oceanography Web Sites - Science Education At Lehigh University oceanography. The JASON VII Homepage contains many good learning activities thatcan WhaleNet http//whale.wheelock.edu WhaleNet is a collaborative project of http://www.lehigh.edu/~amb4/websci/ocean.html |
43. Physical Oceanography At Dalhousie University reports illustrate, the Physical oceanography Group continues to active participationin large, collaborative programs as by the research activities of Richard http://www.phys.ocean.dal.ca/docs/phys-intro.html | |
44. Morrison-Vita to Obtain Additional Information on Selected Research activities) collaborative Programon Ocean Climate Studies National Institute of oceanography, Goa, Indian http://www4.ncsu.edu/eos/users/m/morrison/www/morrison_vita.html |
45. Fourth Framework Programme Of European Community Activities Southampton oceanography Centre (SOC) A GB nb New WP1); Ongoing dissemination andliaison activities (WP10). D4.8.1 collaborative Cataloguing Sub-system Design. http://www.fdgroup.co.uk/research/universe/d_1_33_2.htm | |
46. GCMD Science User Working Group Meeting February 5-6, 1998 Selected examples include professional society meetings (eg, AMS, AGU, AAG, ESA,oceanography Society, and Geological Society of c). collaborative activities. http://gcmd.gsfc.nasa.gov/Aboutus/UWG/uwg_feb98.html | |
47. Using Data In The Classroom data available from the internet, and collaborative projects that The project providesinstructions, activities, data links, reference materials oceanography. http://serc.carleton.edu/research_education/usingdata/activities.html | |
48. United States Antarctic Journal Report University (Xiamen), the First Institute of oceanography (Qingdao), and range planis to continue the collaborative Prydz Bay cruise activities with our http://www.marine.usf.edu/icestory2000/depth/reports.htm | |
49. Virtual Textbook handson science activities from five Hughes Medical Institute.); collaborative LessonArchive Earthquakes, Environment, Evolution, oceanography, Physics, Space http://www.earthsky.com/Teachers/Textbook/ | |
50. Science Teacher Oceanography Resources oceanography Web Sites. Science journal activities are also included. WhaleNet http//whale.wheelock.eduWhaleNet is a collaborative project of the biology http://schoolscience.rice.edu/duker/sciteoceanres.html | |
51. Research Activities Research training activities include graduate courses such important clinical andresearch collaborative support for Scripps Institute of oceanography, the La http://medicine.ucsd.edu/ortho/resactvs.htm | |
52. ThinkQuest Library Of Entries Some of the topics of study for oceanography are Different types of They will participatein handson activities as well as a collaborative email project http://library.advanced.org/50123/science/ocean/bestocea.htm | |
53. Untitled Present activities The main thrust has been to zoogeography, climatology and oceanography,together with of a project entitled collaborative Research Time of http://pgap.uchicago.edu/PGAP2000-1.html | |
55. Find It, Plot It, Grab It Distributing Climate Data Via The Web and encourages researchers' individual and collaborative activities. and strengthentheir collaborative efforts. for Meteorology, oceanography, and Hydrology http://www.scope.gmd.de/info/www6/posters/754/754_inde.htm |
56. EDUCATION RESOURCES FOR OCEANOGRAPHY AND EARTH SCIENCES EDUCATION RESOURCES FOR oceanography AND EARTH SCIENCES Last Modified Thursday, 18Oct-2001 151350 PDT 1.0 Classroom Material 1.1 - Grades K-12 1.2 - Higher Education 2.0 collaborative, On-Line Education 3.0 Continuing Education for http://podaac-www.jpl.nasa.gov/edudoc.html | |
57. UBC Earth And Ocean Sciences: Research Research activities in the Department of Earth Deposit Research Unit A collaborativeventure between in western Canada Physical oceanography and Atmospheric http://www.eos.ubc.ca/research/ | |
58. Partnership For Observation Of The Global Oceans on the highly successful DISCO symposium series in chemical oceanography, DIALOGfosters interdiscipliniary understanding and collaborative networks among http://ocean-partners.org/opinoc.html | |
59. Session: University Outreach Activities And K-12 Educational Initatives (2002 - P1.9 New training activities within the NWS of the comb jellies a collaborativeresearch project employing physical oceanography lessons learned from http://ams.confex.com/ams/annual2002/techprogram/session_12614.htm | |
60. Site Map Sites Just for Girls, Fun and activities, Primary Students, Elementary Global InternetCollaborative Projects, Webquests, Web Research Projects and oceanography, http://members.tripod.com/exworthy/sitemap.htm | |
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