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81. PowerPoint Presentation - Using Data In A General Ed Oceanography Class http://www.dlesecommunity.carleton.edu/NAGTWorkshops/globaldata02/prothero/bill. | |
82. Weblnk Categories Books, atlases, charts, Physical oceanography (general). Chemical oceanography(general), Plankton. Climate / Meteorology, Regional studies and expeditions. http://www.indian-ocean.org/asfa.html | |
83. Esm_thurman_introocean_9 Chapter 11. Tides General Links For Chapter 11. Tides general links for oceanography. These general linkswill help give you an overview the variety of topics that are http://wps.prenhall.com/esm_thurman_introocean_9/0,5272,347723-,00.html |
84. Esm_thurman_introocean_9 Chapter 4. Marine Provinces General Chapter 4. Marine Provinces general links for oceanography. These generallinks will help give you an overview the variety of topics http://wps.prenhall.com/esm_thurman_introocean_9/0,5272,347424-,00.html |
85. Humboldt: Ocean CHEM 110 general Chemistry GEOL 109 general Geology MATH 109 Calculus I MATH110 Calculus II MATH 210 Calculus III OCN 109 general oceanography OCN 260 http://www.humboldt.edu/~catalog/programs/ocean.html | |
86. Oceanography At UEA The Stable Isotope Laboratory. oceanography and biogeochemistry group. Coastal Processes Research Group The WWW virtual library oceanography section. OCEAN Information Service http://www.mth.uea.ac.uk/climateinfo.html | |
87. Education World® - *Science : Physical Science : Earth Science : Oceanography : Aquatic Network aquaculture, conservation, fisheries, limnology, marine scienceand oceanography, maritime heritage, ocean engineering, and seafood. http://db.education-world.com/perl/browse?cat_id=1632 |
88. PUMAS Participant Keyword: Field School Education (5); Military (1); N/A (4); oceanography (1); oceanography,GeneralScience (1); Physics (15); Physics, Computer Science http://pumas.jpl.nasa.gov/users/title.asp?Title=Field |
89. Untitled SELECTED KEYWORDS FOR ANNALES GEOPHYSICAE. oceanographyGENERAL. 4203Analytical modeling 4207 Arctic and Antarctic oceanography 4211 http://www.cesr.fr/~anngeo/K_ocean_gen.html | |
90. Geol 105--General Oceanography Information Page Geology 105 WebBoard Discussion Site. http://courses5.webct.com/public/geol105ddr/ | |
91. Oracle Archive: Oceanography Oracle archive oceanography. This covers oceanography. This isfor grades 6 to 12. Please select one of the following choices http://www.seps.org/oracle/oracle.archive/Life_Science.Oceanography/ | |
92. Oracle Archive: Oceanography Oracle archive oceanography. This covers the study of the ocean.This is for grades 6 to 12. Please select one of the following http://www.seps.org/oracle/oracle.archive/Earth_Science.Oceanography/ | |
93. NEPTUNE'S WEB - Oceanography Lesson Plans For Creative Art; General oceanography Class Quilt. Art Grades (all). Teachers This is anactivity that each student can work on independently and still http://pao.cnmoc.navy.mil/educate/neptune/lesson/art/quilt.htm | |
94. IBM Archives -- Catalog / General Reference / Science And Technology / Oceanogra Limit formats. All Formats Image. Subjects. Folders. THINK Magazine,October 1949 Item 10297 Education for Dynamic Living, Science http://www.ibm.com/ibm/history/catalog/catalogpage_0000000329.html | |
95. Australia And Oceania, NEW ZEALAND Maps And Atlases From East View Cartographic, Historical Geography, oceanography, Bathymetry, Dynamic oceanography, Generaloceanography, Physical oceanography, Physical Relief, Population Geography, Soils, http://www.cartographic.com/xq/ASP/AreaID.4/RegionID.192/ClassID.2800/TypeID.281 | |
96. The Main Oceanographic Characteristics Of Polynesia Home. http://www.com.univ-mrs.fr/IRD/atollpol/irdpoly/ukoceano.htm | |
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