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21. Tides David E Cartwright Oceanography History Of Science Historical Geology Navi Tides David E Cartwright oceanography History of science historical geologyNavigation History of engineering technology Geology and Palaeontology. http://www.poem-store.co.uk/David-E-Cartwright-Tides-0521797462.html | |
22. A Handlist Of Source Books On The History Of Oceanography McConnell, Anita. historical Instruments in oceanography Background to the oceanographyCollection at the Science Museum. (London HMSO, 1981), iv, 51. http://scilib.ucsd.edu/sio/archives/histoceanogr/mills-handlist.html | |
23. Introduction To Oceanography Chapter 2 Observations are essential for oceanography, yet observations are expensive becauseship of experiments may not fit well within an historical chapter, perhaps http://www.earthscape.org/r3/stewart/stewart12.html |
24. Oceanography oceanography. Data data. Brief marine reports HSSTD historical watersurface temperature data MORMET - ship meteorological data. http://www.meteo.ru/fund/ocean.html | |
25. Deepwater Program: Deepwater Physical Oceanography Reanalysis And Synthesis Of H Deepwater Gulf of Mexico historical Physical oceanography Data Report QualityAssurance and Quality Control Procedures and Data Inventories. http://www.mms.gov/eppd/sciences/esp/profiles/gm/GM-98-13.htm | |
26. Introductory Comments historical review of oceanography. Current and future oceanographic research. historicalReview of oceanography (Cont.). European explorers included. http://www.marine.usm.edu/mar151/ch01sel_new.htm | |
27. MAR 151 Chapter 1 oceanography what is it? historical review of oceanography - Currentand future oceanographic research. historical Review of oceanography. http://www.marine.usm.edu/mar151/MAR_151_Chap_1.html | |
28. Cathy Robinson Home Page, School Of Geography & Oceanography, Australian Defence Dr Cathy Robinson School of Geography and oceanography University College, Universityof New South Wales Australian Defence Cultural and historical geographer. http://www.ge.adfa.edu.au/robinson/crhome.html | |
29. Human Geography Research Projects, School Of Geography & Oceanography, Australia School of Geography oceanography, Australian Defence Force Academy. of labour fromthe Philippines in terms of its magnitude, its historical development, and http://www.ge.adfa.edu.au/humanres.html | |
30. Course Listings And Description oceanography. historical review of science of oceanography. Earth and Earth systems(including plate tectonics). Marine sediments and sedimentary environments. http://www.swgc.mun.ca/envs/crslist.htm | |
31. Esia Books And Journals - Bibliografie Dmowska, R. geophysics. Dobertsov, N. geophysics. Douglas, B. oceanography. Doyle,P. historical geology. Drake, F. climatology. Drury, S. historical geology. http://www.esia.it/asp/Bibliografie/Geologia/GeologiaPerAutori.html | |
32. San Diego Historical Society Institution of oceanography; Easter Ellen Cupp from Scripps Institution of oceanography. SanDiego historical Society Homepage SDHS Send comments to Webmaster http://www.sandiegohistory.org/links/womensmonth.htm | |
33. San Diego Historical Society of San Diego Women from the San Diego historical Society; Spanish Heink by RichardAmero; Mary Elizabeth Bennett Ritter from Scripps Institution of oceanography; http://www.sandiegohistory.org/links/womensmonth-march.htm | |
34. ClayGate 551 : Geology ; Oceanography ; Hydrology Geology research Geomorphology Geysers Glaciology historical geology Hydrography Asia Australia - Europe - North America oceanography - Australia Oceans http://library.bendigo.latrobe.edu.au/irs/webcat/551.htm | |
35. Ocean Surface Currents - External Links Satellite Derived Surface Currents from Earth and Space Research (ESR);Descriptive oceanography (historical review of ocean circulation); http://oceancurrents.rsmas.miami.edu/links.html | |
36. Oceanography Resources On The Web ww.opsd.nos.noaa.gov) Collects, analyzes, and distributes historical and real InstitutionsScripps Institution of oceanography (http//sio.ucsd.edu) California http://library.humboldt.edu/~rls/oceanres.htm | |
37. Photosynthetic Picoplankton Historical References (1995) ECOHAB, The Ecology and oceanography of Harmful National Estuarine EutrophicationAssessment A Summary of Conditions, historical Trends, and Future http://www-ocean.tamu.edu/~campbell/654/refs.html | |
38. TAMU Oceanography - Personal Page 528 pp. DiMarco, SF, MK Howard, and AE Jochens, 2001. Deepwater Gulf ofMexico historical physical oceanography data report. Tech Rpt. No. http://www-ocean.tamu.edu/Directory/ResSc/Phys/jochens.html | |
39. History Homepage oceanography in da house! This is da home page on historical oceanography. Itis divided into two sections Ancient oceanography and Modern oceanography. http://www.ma.org/classes/oceanography/trichardson2/home.html | |
40. Dept Of Earth Sciences - Millersville University Hydrology, Engineering Geology, Biological oceanography, Chemical oceanography, Physicaloceanography, Planetology, Remote Sensing, historical Geology, Igneous http://www.agiweb.org/ehr/ggd/listing.html?ID=359 |
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