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41. Other Historical Archives Other Archives and historical Collections. Cumulative Bibliography onthe History of oceanography at Scripps Institution of oceanography; http://geoclio.st.usm.edu/archives.html | |
42. Project Web -- Metadata oceanography, Göteborg University. OAERRE. Oceanographic Applications toEutrophication in Regions of Restricted Exchange. historical Data Sets. http://www.oce.gu.se/oaerre/archive.htm | |
43. Science.gov Topic Oceans And Oceanography For User Category All Categories satellite altimeter data related to problems in physical oceanography and marine surveymaps, Environmental Sensitivity Index (ESI) maps, historical Maps and http://www.science.gov/browse/w_119E.htm | |
44. "Oceanography: The Making Of A Science" Videotapes (P 236 -- Films & Videotapes) five regional and one national colloquia held from January through March 2000 andfeatured presentations on historical and contemporary topics in oceanography. http://osulibrary.oregonstate.edu/archives/archive/film/P236vid.des.htm | |
45. Sea And Sky: Ocean Exploration Timeline Credits Highlights of the History of oceanography. historical oceanography. historicaloceanography Subject Library. History and Chronology of the Diving Bell. http://www.seasky.org/oceanxp/sea5a4.html | |
46. Latz Laboratory Of Scripps Institution Of Oceanography diatoms and thecate dinoflagellates from the Scripps Institution of oceanography(SIO; 32 The site selected is an historical sampling platform with a wealth of http://siobiolum.ucsd.edu/Phyto_intro.html | |
47. Untitled Vertebrate Biology, Comparative animal physiology, Evoluition, Marine Biology,History of Science, Introduction to oceanography, historical Geology, Remote http://oz.plymouth.edu/~lts/biography.html | |
48. David Lehmann He teaches oceanography, historical Geology, historical Geology Lab, Paleobiology Paleoecology of Invertebrates, Principles of Stratigraphy, geology and http://faculty.juniata.edu/lehmann/ | |
49. Geo Courses By University Coastal Processes; Computer Techniques; Meterology Introduction; History of Life;historical Geology; oceanography Lab; oceanography; Ocean that Surrounds US; Ocean http://www.uh.edu/~jbutler/anon/anoncoursesA-L.html | |
50. Geo Courses By University Geochemistry; GIS; historical Geology; historical Geology Lab; Mineralogy;oceanography; Petrography; Physical Geology. University of Idaho. http://www.uh.edu/~jbutler/anon/anoncoursesU-Z.html | |
51. IMSA Biology Course Summary Cosmogony, solar system, climatology, oceanography, historical geology, physicalgeography their effects on history, economic patterns, ethnography, and http://www.imsa.edu/team/bio/courses.html | |
52. Universities 3. Faculty in historical/Underwater Archaeology Bayman, James (Ph.D., ArizonaS 1994; Assoc Prof (Ph.D., Harvard 1974; Prof oceanography) Hawaii, geology http://www.sha.org/gradscho/colhi-m.htm | |
53. Essays And Essays Writing Essays On Oceanography, Aquaculture, & Coastal Topogra Papers On oceanography, Aquaculture, Coastal Topography Page 1 of 6. a contractorfor the US Naval Research Laboratory of NASA uses historical and scientific http://www.essaypage.com/categories/196-000.html | |
54. Clark R. Alexander, Jr. historical records of anthropogenic impacts on the coastal zone. SummerField Course in oceanography, Skidaway Institute of oceanography. http://www.skio.peachnet.edu/faculty/alexander.html | |
55. Dndouglass Coursework Geology 1 Physical Geology; Geology 2 - historical Geology; Geology 3 - EarthSystems Science; Geology 12 - Physical oceanography; Geology 12f - Physical http://www.paccd.cc.ca.us/instadmn/physcidv/geol_dp/dndougla/home/COURSE.HTM | |
56. POWERWEB: Oceanography Table of Contents POWERWEB oceanography. Tharp and Henry Frankel, Natural History,October 1986 In this article, the authors provide a historical overview of http://www.dushkin.com/catalog/0072479795.mhtml?SECTION=TOC |
57. Biological Oceanography/Marine Chemistry - Syllabus students names, class format, historical perspective, relevance), IntroductionChemical oceanography the Big Picture; Ocean basins; historical perspective. http://ocean.stanford.edu/bomc/syllabus.html | |
58. NOAA Photo Library - Historic Coast & Geodetic Survey (C&GS) Album and Geodetic Survey Album of the NOAA historical Images Collection is including geodesy,nautical and aeronautical charting, geophysics, oceanography, and the http://www.photolib.noaa.gov/historic/c&gs/ | |
59. Royal Meteorological Society - History Of Meteorology And Physical Oceanography for the History of Meteorology and Physical oceanography; Occasional Papers on TempusPublishing Ltd.; 2000; Pp.224 Some historical meteorology illustrations http://www.royal-met-soc.org.uk/history_news.html | |
60. Royal Meteorological Society - History Of Meteorology And Physical Oceanography Neumann (19151993) on the relationship between weather and historical events. Groupfor the History of Meteorology and Physical oceanography (or delegated sub http://www.royal-met-soc.org.uk/hisgroup.html | |
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