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1. Marine And Oceanographic Institutes And Departments For the most complete list of links to oceanography institutes, try the VirtualOceanography Library at the University of East Anglia. Rest of the World http://www.esc.cam.ac.uk/emin/wwwadr.html | |
2. Dogpile. Unleash The Power Of Meta-search! www.mbari.org Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute - Moss Landing,CA 95039 Science Earth_Sciences oceanography institutes - 100%. http://thunderstone.go2net.com/texis/websearch/?c=Science Earth_Sciences Oceanog |
3. Dogpile. Unleash The Power Of Meta-search! www.mbari.org Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute - Moss Landing,CA 95039 Science Earth_Sciences oceanography institutes - 100% http://thunderstone.go2net.com/texis/websearch/?c=Science Earth_Sciences Oceanog |
4. T.G. Prasad's Home Page Studies the physical processes of the upper ocean including air-sea interaction and buoyancy flux Category Science Earth Sciences Oceanography Oceanographers...... Directory. Oceanography On the Net, Upper Ocean Physics Tutorial. EarthSciences, oceanography institutes, Albert Einstein Online. Wavelet http://lilac.ees.hokudai.ac.jp/people/tgprasad/ | |
5. NOL | Websites | Societies Marine Technology Society; oceanography institutes Worldwide. Last Updated5 March 2001 SOC Home NERC Home University Home University http://www.soc.soton.ac.uk/LIB/websites/societies.php | |
6. Ocean & Earth Sciences Associations Marine Technology Society; oceanography institutes Worldwide. Subjects EResources InfoSkills Users Services Opening Libraries. http://www.library.soton.ac.uk/subjects/oceanography/associations.shtml | |
7. Untitled Oceanography On the Net. Upper Ocean Physics Tutorial. Earth Sciences,oceanography institutes. Albert Einstein Online. Wavelet Tutorial. http://www.cmmacs.ernet.in/~rajeevan/ocean.html | |
8. T.G. Prasad's Home Page Universities Ocean Modeling in India NAL Home Page Oceanography On the Net EarthSciences, oceanography institutes Wavelet Tutorial Looking for a Job in http://www.angelfire.com/pa/tgprasad/ | |
9. Links Laboratory, WHOI. Eastern Mediterranean oceanography institutes Departmentof Geophysics, University of Zagreb Zagreb, Croatia; Institute http://www.soest.hawaii.edu/hannides/links.html | |
10. Career Services Center Science Education Resource Information Science Schools Math Graduate Programs MedicalPhysics Graduate Programs oceanography institutes Operations Research http://career.ucsd.edu/sa/PCompSciEng.shtml | |
11. Environmental Organization WebDirectory - ScienceOceanography of oceanography specializes in graduate education and research in the fieldsof physical, chemical, biological, fisheries, geological and geophysical http://www.webdirectory.com/Science/Oceanography/Institutes/ | |
12. Maple Square - Science - Earth Science - Oceanography - Institutes Ocean Sciences Bedford Institute of oceanography - Physical and biological oceaninformation available from the Bedford Institute of oceanography in Dartmouth http://www.maplesquare.com/directory/science/earth_science/oceanography/institut | |
13. Marine Sciences Marine Sciences Education LIMS Leadership In Marine Science. Oceanographic institutes Scripps Institution of oceanography Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution oceanography http://www.concentric.net/~Beers/envirosci/marine.shtml | |
14. Maple Square - Science - Earth Science - Oceanography Hydrology; institutes; Limnology; Plankton. Dalhousie University Departmentof oceanography - Website of the Department of oceanography at the Dalhousie http://www.maplesquare.com/directory/science/earth_science/oceanography/ | |
15. Marine Sciences Marine Sciences Oceanographic institutes Scripps Institution of oceanography Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution oceanography Acoustic Thermometry of Ocean Climate Will Scripps' sound experiment damage marine mammal hearing? El Nino PMEL http://www.bol.ucla.edu/~beers/marine.htm | |
16. ZIP! - Academy And Science:Science:Earth Sciences:Oceanography:Institutes ZIP! Directory, All of ZIP! Help. ZIP! Home Academy and Science Science Earth Sciences oceanography institutes. À¥ »çÀÌÆ®. http://en.zip.org/Academy_and_Science/Science/Earth_Sciences/Oceanography/Instit | |
17. ZIP! - Academy And Science:Science:Earth Sciences:Oceanography:Institutes:Pusan ZIP! Home Academy and Science Science Earth Sciences oceanography institutes Pusan University Division Of Earth Environmental System. http://en.zip.org/Academy_and_Science/Science/Earth_Sciences/Oceanography/Instit | |
18. Useful Links Directories of oceanography Resources in the Internet. institutes(15); National WetlandsInventory; River and Ocean Resources@ (6); Index Groundwater Flow and http://www.ibwpan.gda.pl/links.html | |
19. Oceanography Organizations, Institutes, Centers, And Professional Associations - Academic Info oceanography Organizations. Academic Info 19143rd ST SW Lynnwood,WA 98037. The oceanography Organizations page is sponsored by. http://www.academicinfo.net/oceanorg.html | |
20. Aquatic Network: Oceanography Organizations & Institutes Search, Home / Resources / oceanography Organizations institutes.INTERNATIONAL. Global Directory of Marine and Freshwater Scientists http://www.aquanet.com/Resources/ocean/aq_ocn1.htm | |
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