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21. Introduction To Physical Oceanography Matthias Tomczak An Introduction to physical oceanography An Introduction to physical oceanography Version 2 September 2000 Contents How to use these notes. Introduction 1 An opening lecture. Introduction 2 Qualitative description and http://www.es.flinders.edu.au/~mattom/IntroOc/newstart.html |
22. Center For Coastal Physical Oceanography Promotes research on the physical oceanography of the coastal ocean and related oceanographic processes. http://www.ccpo.odu.edu/ccpo-main.html | |
23. Physical Oceanography At Dalhousie University physical oceanography at Dalhousie The Department of oceanography is currently seeking applications from qualified students for research opportunities in physical oceanography. http://www.phys.ocean.dal.ca/phys-ocean.html | |
24. AnaSim Gibraltar II International Symposium on the water masses exchange physical oceanography of Strait of Gibraltar with emphasis on physical processes and their consequences on the marine biology and the numerical simulation of physical and biochemical processes on its surroundings. http://www.uca.es/otros/anasim_gibraltar/index_eng.html | |
25. Physical Oceanography Books. physical oceanography. physical oceanography Vol. I (Defant (1961a)).physical oceanography Vol. II (Defant (1961b)). General http://stommel.tamu.edu/~baum/paleo/paleogloss/node54.html | |
26. Journal Of Physical Oceanography An American Meteorological Society Journal available online. http://ams.allenpress.com/amsonline/ | |
27. At Maggie's With A Cup Of Coffee Research interests include bubbles, whitecaps, sea spray, effect of oceanic aerosol on climate; lasers in oceanography. http://oceanic.cms.udel.edu/~magde/maggie.html |
28. Physical Oceanography From Space What is. physical. oceanography? How do Satellites. Measure the http://podaac-www.jpl.nasa.gov/kids | |
29. Introduction To Physical Oceanography Contents http://www-ocean.tamu.edu/education/common/notes/contents.html |
30. Oceanography Redirection Page A centre of teaching and research in Marine Environmental and physical Sciences. http://www.pcweb.liv.ac.uk/ocean/oceanography/index.html | |
31. Matthew Fontaine Maury Oceanographic Library, Naval Oceanographic Office, US With over 160,000 volumes of information, the library contains the world's foremost military collection of physical oceanography materials. From modern CDROMs to handwritten 18th century ships' logs, the library is noted for the technical diversity of its holdings. It is a valuable resource for scientists in government, academic, and private industry. http://www.navo.navy.mil/noframe/library.htm |
32. Interactive Multimedia Science Educational Resources Find educational information and interactive multimedia resources in earth science,geology,oceanography,space science, astronomy, physical science, and remote sensing. http://www.eoascientific.com/prototype/newcampus/campus.html | |
33. Bedford Institute Of Oceanography Canada's largest centre for ocean research, is located in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia. BIO scientific teams investigate the physical and chemical properties of the ocean, the life within it, and the geology of the seafloor, as well as the interactions between the atmosphere, the oceans and the continents. http://www.mar.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/e/s_bio.html | |
34. Louisiana-Texas Shelf Physical Oceanography Program The LATEX Program is a sixyear oceanographic research initiative that has as its principal objective the identification of key dynamical processes governing the circulation, transport, and cross-shelf mixing of the waters on the Texas-Louisiana shelf http://www-ocean.tamu.edu/LATEX/ | |
35. The World-Wide Web Virtual Library: Oceanography: Subject Index Woods Hole. physical oceanography. NOAA Climate data server at thePacific Marine Environmnetal Laboratory Ground based observations. http://www.mth.uea.ac.uk/ocean/vl/by-subject.html | |
36. Center For Atmosphere Ocean Science (CAOS), Courant Institute Of Mathematical Sc Research, graduate school studies in applied math, dynamical meteorology, physical oceanography and climate system modeling. http://www.math.nyu.edu/caos/ | |
37. Department Of Marine Sciences, University Of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez Program leads to M.S. and PhD degrees in marine sciences, with specialties in marine biology; biological, physical, chemical, or geological oceanography; fisheries biology; or aquaculture. http://rmocfis.upr.clu.edu/~cima/ |
38. Satftp Www Server Contains the Ocean Atlas of Hawai'i, WOCE Mean Scatterometer Wind Fields, Adriatic Sea Sea Surface Temperature Images, XSAR user kit, and an introduction to physical oceanography. http://satftp.soest.hawaii.edu/ | |
39. Physical Oceanography From Space . . . What is physical oceanography? How do Satellites Measure the Ocean? How doScientists use Satellite Measurements? oceanography History, oceanography News. http://podaac.jpl.nasa.gov/kids/ | |
40. Geoprobe.com Consulting oceanographers, detail 20 years of worldwide oceanography, spanning the globe. Hydrographic surveying, physical oceanography from Greek and Egyptian waters to the South China Sea. http://www.geoprobe.com/ |
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