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1. Department Of Oceanography Publications - University Of Cape Town Excellence. Oceanography Department Publications for 1997. See alsothe UCT RESEARCH REPORT ENTRY FOR OCEANOGRAPHY, 1997. RESEARCH http://www.sea.uct.ac.za/Department/pub97.html | |
2. Department Of Oceanography Publications - University Of Cape Town University of Cape Town Promoting Equity with Excellence. OceanographyDepartment Publications for 1996. Articles. Hulme, M., Conway http://www.sea.uct.ac.za/Department/pub.html | |
3. Noaa Physical Oceanography Physical oceanography publications Bob Cheney Laury Miller Richard Legeckis John Lillibridge John Kuhn Carl Wagner Return to the Lab home page http://www.grdl.noaa.gov/SAT/pubs/ocean_pubs.html | |
4. KNMI: Oceanography: Publications Submitted or in press, 2000, 1999, 1998, 1997, 1996, 1995, 1994, 1993, 1992,1991. http://www.knmi.nl/onderzk/oceano/publ/index-en.html | |
5. KNMI Oceanography Publications: Submitted Or In Press Submitted or in press. Burgers, G. and GJ van Oldenborgh. On the impact of localfeedbacks in the Central Pacific on the ENSO cycle. Submitted to J. Clim. http://www.knmi.nl/onderzk/oceano/publ/recent.html | |
6. Unsupported Browser Bibliography of the Australian Antarctic Program. oceanography publications for Year 1984 http://www.antdiv.gov.au/publications/indices/pub_type_1984_f.html | |
7. Selected Oceanography Publications Selected oceanography publications. Fiedler, P. C. and V. Philbrick. http://swfsc.ucsd.edu/prd/star/OceoPubs.html | |
8. Selected Oceanography Publications Selected oceanography publications. Fiedler, PC and V. Philbrick. 1991.Oceanic upwelling and productivity in the eastern tropical Pacific. http://swfsc.nmfs.noaa.gov/PRD/star/OceoPubs.html | |
9. Publications: Regional Oceanography Publications. Wadhams, P., J. Holfort, E. Hansen and JP.Wilkinson, 2002 Adeep convective chimney in the winter greenland sea Geophys. Res. Lett. http://www.ifm.uni-hamburg.de/~wwwro/pub.html | |
10. Selected Physical Oceanography Publications Selected Physical oceanography publications. Bob Cheney. Laury Miller. RichardLegeckis. John Lillibridge. John Kuhn. Carl Wagner. Return to the Lab home page http://ibis.grdl.noaa.gov/SAT/pubs/ocean_pubs.html | |
11. MareDoc - Marine Research Documents In Europe Institutionen (MISU) Atmospheric Physics Publications Chemical Meteorology PublicationsDynamical Meteorology and oceanography publications Publications of the http://www.marenet.de/MareNet/europe_docs.html | |
12. MareDoc - Marine Research Documents In Gemany Hamburg University of Hamburg Institute of oceanography publications 1999 Institutfür Biogeochemie und Meereschemie (IfBM) Recent Publications of Research http://www.marenet.de/MareNet/germany_docs.html | |
13. NOAA Central Library: Publication Sources NOAA Miami Regional Library Hurricane and Natural Disaster Brochures; Pacific MarineEnvironmental Laboratory Publications; Physical oceanography publications. http://www.lib.noaa.gov/docs/pubsource.html | |
14. NOAA Publication Sources and Natural Disaster Brochures Our Living Oceans Annual Report Pacific MarineEnvironmental Laboratory Publications Physical oceanography publications. http://shrimp.ccfhrb.noaa.gov/library/noaapubs.html | |
15. Links To Oceanography Related Websites Aquatic Network Marine science and oceanography publications AVISO Newsletter Informationon the AVISO and TOPEX/POSEIDON missions, data validation, scientific http://www.start.or.th/got/links/ | |
16. NRL Oceanography Division Products Selected NRL oceanography publications and Presentations 1/16 deg GlobalNLOM Nowcast/Forecast (Large Scale Modeling). Contains real http://www.ocean.nrlssc.navy.mil/products.html | |
17. Tropical Cyclone Publications 2000 2001 Tropical Cyclone Meteorology and oceanography publications. by ChrisLandsea and Noel Charles. This is a compilation of all reviewed http://www.aoml.noaa.gov/hrd/tcfaq/tcpubs2001.html | |
18. LIST OF CLASSES - February 7, 2003 - HTML Edition of Data Exchange ), Annual, P. C 55.220/4 0834N-02, World Data CenterA, oceanography publications (unnumbered), P. C 55.220/5 0273 http://www.du.edu/bdld/loc111.htm | |
19. Ocean Science Bedford Institute Of Oceanography - Publications Ocean Science Bedford Institute of oceanography publications Site Map. Media. publications. Bedford Basin Plankton Monitoring of heterotrophic bacteria and Synechococcus in surface ocean waters. Limnology and oceanography, 43(7)1746-1753. http://www.mar.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/science/ocean/BedfordBasin/Publications.htm | |
20. The World-Wide Web Virtual Library: Oceanography: Electronic Publications publications. Online with content. Electronic preprint archive. American Meteorological Society Journals (eg Journal of Physical oceanography) http://www.mth.uea.ac.uk/ocean/vl/epublications.html | |
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