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81. OTA Publications By Topic: O Oceans and oceanography. See also Alternative fuels; Energy technology;Environmental protection; Fishing industry; Oil, gas, and http://www.wws.princeton.edu/~ota/ns20/cattO_n.html | |
82. Thin Layers: Publications oceanography 11(1) 4447. Link to publications in the Thin LayersReview Site (under construction). Links to Lists of publications. http://www.gso.uri.edu/criticalscales/program/pubs/pubs.html | |
83. The Coastal And Arctic Oceanography Home Page Publication List Andreas Münchow (May 10, 2000) 16. Münchow, A,EC Carmack, and DA Huntley, 2000 Synoptic density and velocity http://marine.rutgers.edu/ac/publications.html | |
84. Coastal Oceanography Off Delaware, New Jersey, And Maryland Andreas Münchow Home Page Coastal and Arctic oceanography Home Page publications(Mar. 23, 2000). Yankovsky, AE, RW Garvine, and A. Münchow. http://marine.rutgers.edu/ac/njup_pub1.html | |
85. University Of Cambridge, DAMTP Sea Ice And Polar Oceanography Group Scott Polar Research Institute University of Cambridge. Sea Ice and PolarOceanography Group Recent publications. The following publications http://www.spri.cam.ac.uk/sig/publish2.htm | |
86. Ohio State University. Byrd Polar Research Center - Oceanography Selected publications. BPRC 108 Scott Hall 1090 Carmack Rd ColumbusOH 43212 614292-6531. oceanography LINKS FLOW-3D MatPIV. If you http://bprc.mps.ohio-state.edu/ocean/pubs.html | |
87. MMS Publications 2002-055 - Northeastern Gulf Of Mexico Chemical Oceanography An Technical Summary MMS Publication 2002055 Northeastern Gulf of MexicoChemical oceanography and Hydrography Study Synthesis Report http://www.gomr.mms.gov/homepg/regulate/environ/techsumm/2002/2002-055.html | |
88. Flinders University: Staff Profile, M. Tomczak Teaching related projects, Basic Exercises in Physical oceanography (web based)Webbased oceanographic publications, online publications journal publications. http://www.es.flinders.edu.au/~mattom/mattom.html | |
89. Current Publications Current publications. Chavez, FP, KR Buck, K. Coale, JH Martin, GR DiTullio, NA Welschmeyer,AC Jacobsen, RT Barber. 1991. Limnology oceanography 36 18161833. http://www.mlml.calstate.edu/groups/biooce/Publications.htm | |
90. World Data Center For Oceanography, Silver Spring In accordance with principles set forth by ICSU, WDC for oceanography acquires, catalogues,and archives data, publications, and data inventory forms and makes http://www.nodc.noaa.gov/General/NODC-dataexch/NODC-wdca.html | |
91. Richard Greatbatch - Selected Publications Richard Greatbatch Selected publications. Eden, C., RJ Greatbatch hydrographicdata. Journal of Physical oceanography, submitted. C. Eden http://www.phys.ocean.dal.ca/people/po/Greatbatch_pubs.html | |
92. Wakefield Publications publications. Seventeenth International Conference on Interactive Information andProcessing Systems for Meteorology, oceanography, and Hydrology, 14 19 Jan http://www-sdd.fsl.noaa.gov/~jwake/publications.html | |
93. HSU Library - Oceanography Literature Searching - The Literature Of Oceanography account for 75% of the significant publications in marine biology and 10 titles whichaccount for 50% of the significant publications in physical oceanography. http://library.humboldt.edu/~rls/litocean.htm | |
94. Publications Selected Atmospheric Modeling Group publications. on Interactive Information andProcessing Systems (IIPS) for Meteorology, oceanography and Hydrology (Orlando http://redrock.ncsa.uiuc.edu/AOS/home_pubs.html | |
95. COAPS BIBLIO - General Oceanography oceanography., Dec 1996. publications of Dr. Mark A. Johnson; (5) Murphy, SJ, HEHurlburt, and JJ O'Brien, 1996 The Connectivity of Eddy Variability in the http://www.coaps.fsu.edu/Publications/bib_gen_ocean.shtml | |
96. Publications At COAPS 1, Recent reports, submission and publications in press. 2, ENSORelatedClimate Variability, Prediction, and Application. 3, General oceanography. http://www.coaps.fsu.edu/Publications/ | |
97. PMEL Outstand Publications Sea. Fisheries oceanography, 10(1), 8198. 2000. Embley, RW PacificOcean. Journal of Physical oceanography, 29, 30733089. Stabeno http://www.pmel.noaa.gov/home/outstanding.shtml | |
98. Gregory C. Johnson: Publications, Preprints, And Reprint Requests Gregory C. Johnson publications. Click on the title for a pdf format preprint orto see the published abstract. Journal of Physical oceanography, submitted. http://www.pmel.noaa.gov/~gjohnson/publications.html | |
99. Publications Journal of oceanography (from the Oceanographic Society of Japan). Otheroceanrelated journals. Elsevier Ocean Journals. AGU publications Page. http://www.agu.org/sections/oceans/publications.shtml | |
100. CHISHOLM LAB PUBLICATIONS CHISHOLM LAB publications. Microbial size spectra from natural and nutrient enrichedecosystems. LIMNOLOGY AND oceanography 46(4) 778789. The Article. http://web.mit.edu/chisholm/www/pub.html |
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