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Ohio Coop Ext Service: more detail |
41. Related Weed Science Websites (12/14/98) coop. North Dakota, North Dakota State, http//www.ext.nodak.edu/extpubs/weeds.htm.ohio, ohio State U. http//ohioline.ag.ohiostate.edu/lines/search.html search http://www.wssa.net/registration/links/LINKS2.htm |
42. Austin Hagan 1976 to 1980, Graduate Research and Teaching Associat, Department of Plant Pathology,The ohio State University. Responsibilities 2. Al. coop. ext. Ser. Cir. http://www.ag.auburn.edu/dept/ent/hagan.htm |
43. Asparagus Production Management And Marketing, Bulletin 826 ohio State University extension. Horticulture and Crop Sciences. Asparagus ProductionManagement and Marketing. Bulletin 826. Ser. 85. coop. ext. Serv., Univ. http://ohioline.osu.edu/b826/b826_17.html | |
44. NEWSS COOPERATIVE EXTENSION Definitions of terms used in Weed Science (coop. ext. service Univ. of Florida).Search for herbicide label and MSDS (Crop Protection Reference Greenbook ). http://www.ppws.vt.edu/newss/extension.htm | |
45. State Coordinators Agent/CEDH Rutgers coop. ext., Bergen Cty. of Hort. Crop Science, ohio State 232B Howlett Hall, 2001 Fyffe Ct. VERMONT. Neil Pelsue Univ. Of Vermont ext. http://hcs.osu.edu/mg/img/coordinators.html | |
46. Suggested References For The Home Fruit Gardener 1985. Managing diseases and insects on small fruits in New England. coop. ext.Serv. 1980. Insect pests of strawberries in ohio. ext. Bull. 667, OARDC Res. http://ssfruit.cas.psu.edu/appendix/appendix3.htm |
47. Human Ecology : Centennial National Satellite Videoconference 719) 2547608 e-mail jjustice@coop.ext.colostate.edu. Nancy Potter, Ph (607) 272-2292ext 127 e ohio ohio State University extension, Vandalia Contact Ann W http://www.human.cornell.edu/centennial/satellite-sites.cfm | |
48. 2003 ESP Chapter Presidents 970491-5108 E-Mail daleleid@coop.ext.colostate.edu New Mexico FREDERICK L. RICHARDSONDona Ana County ext. ndsuext.nodak.edu NC ALPHA ETA - ohio CHRIS ZOLLER http://espnational.org/chptpres.htm | |
49. Sources Extension Resource Materials alaska.edu http//www.uafadm.alaska.edu/coopext/html/publist 614) 292-1607 http//ohioline.ag.ohio-state.edu Blacksburg,VA 24060 http//www.ext.vt.edu/resources http://www.msue.msu.edu/msue/imp/modtd/33629843.html | |
50. CPDMP Address List Hadcock, Stephen E., Columbia Co. coop. ext. Haenlein, George FW, Universityof Delaware. Hahn, David E., The ohio State University. http://cpdmp.cornell.edu/CPDMP/Pages/Data/Address.html | |
51. Horticultural Web Sites International Society of Arboriculture National Arborist Association ohio Nurseryand Resources at the University of NebraskaLincoln U. Maine coop. ext. http://www.ag.uiuc.edu/~wardt/HORT.HTM | |
52. NEAFCS State/Territory President Affiliates New Hampshire. Marilyn Sullivan. UNH coop extension. 716461-1000 ext. 252. ohio.Mary Longa ohio State University extension Marion County 1100 E. Center St. http://ag.arizona.edu/neafcs/doc/statesoff.html | |
53. National Urban Task Force of DC coop. 88 Lipman Drive New Brunswick, NJ 089018525 Phone 732-932-5000 ext. Alleducational programs conducted by ohio State University College of Food http://www.ag.ohio-state.edu/~swest/urban/nutf.html | |
54. Untitled ext. stamm.9@osu.edu. Judy Schneyer Cornell coop. ext jschneye@cce.cornell.edu.John Rohrer ohio State Univ. ext. rohrer.2@osu.edu. Sandy Scholl IA State Univ. http://www.ag.ohio-state.edu/~edeco/cdoct98.html | |
55. USDA - NRCS - NWMC - CSREES Contacts New Hampshire, John Porter, UNH coop. ext. Merrimack Co. Northern MarianaIslands, ohio, Randy James, PO Box 387 Burton, OH 44021, James.7@osu.edu. http://wmc.ar.nrcs.usda.gov/partner.dir/afos.dir/contacts/csrees.html | |
56. PA IPM Program - Invasive Species Resources ohio State Univ. ext. Factsheet HYG2016-95 http//www.ag.ohio-state.edu/~ohioline/hyg-fact/2000/2016.html. TwobandedJapanese Weevil. NC coop. ext. Serv. http://paipm.cas.psu.edu/invasivelist.htm |
57. Prime And Unique Agricultural Lands And The National Environmental Policy Act (N Dir., coop. ext. 522 200 N. High Street Columbus, ohio 43215, Dr. M. Lloyd DownenDirector, Agricultural extension University of Tennessee PO Box 1071 Knoxville http://ceq.eh.doe.gov/nepa/regs/exec81180.html | |
58. Publications 1983. Comparison of soil testing laboratories across the United States. ohio Florists'Assn. Bul. 8(8)38, Univ. Missouri, coop. ext. Serv. Albrecht, ML 1985. http://ohld.ag.utk.edu/ohld/htm/albrpubs.htm | |
59. CES CYF Network Human Resources Database Sheila, Family Consumer Sciences/Community Dev Agent, ohio State University Jacque,Area extension Agent, San Luis Valley, Colorado State University coop. ext. http://www.cyfernet.org/profdata/view.asp | |
60. Home Based & Micro Business NE Carol Thayer Small Scale Entrepreneur Specialist University of Nebraska coop.ext. edu OH Joyce Smith extension Specialist, Clothing ohio State University http://fcs.tamu.edu/entrepreneurship/hbbsite/contact.html | |
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