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61. Alleghany News Online That position was dismissed by the ohio Supreme Court but upheld by the It supportsprimarily parochial schools, thus providing government funding of religion. http://www.alleghanynews.com/mushroomchronicles/column12.php | |
62. Annunciation Web Site Annunciation School, is a parochial elementary grade school which HCCA is a memberof the ohio Educational Computer for public and nonpublic schools in the http://www.hccanet.org/annunciation/ | |
63. Supreme Court Upholds Ohio School-voucher Plan (revised) doesn't establish religion, because parents exercised free choice in using thevouchers to send their children to parochial schools. The ohio program is http://www.abpnews.com/abpnews/story.cfm?newsId=1743 |
64. *The Market Can Transform Our Schools Raise the voucher amount to $7,000 the sum that ohio state and local Voucher-bearingstudents would then be less dependent on low-tuition parochial schools. http://www.fcpp.org/publication_detail.php?PubID=45 |
65. How To Reform Education In Ohio: Patrick A. Sweeney How to Reform Education in ohio A Symposium On Principle, v5n6 their sons' and daughters'childhood while sending them to Cleveland's many parochial schools. http://www.ashbrook.org/publicat/onprin/v5n6/sweeney.html | |
66. Ohio School Board, District 11 child a through and efficient education as promised by the ohio Constitution. In addition,Byrne has been actively involved K12 private and parochial schools. http://www.state.oh.us/sos/SBrd_11.html | |
67. Columbus, Ohio Resources ohio Public Library Information Network, OCLC Online Couputer Library Center. SchoolListings. Alternative schools. Private parochial schools. Secondary. Primary. http://www.columbuscene.com/resources.html | |
68. City Of Deer Park, Ohio - Local Information TOP Deer Park is served by Cincinnati Metro buses regularly on Blue Ash Road, PlainfieldRoad and ohio Ave. parochial High schools include Moeller High http://www.deerparkohio.org/information.htm | |
69. Rhode Island Catholic Schools Parents Federation from parochial schools, and permitted salary supplements to nonpublic school teachersof secular subjects. 1977 Woolman vs. Walter Upheld an ohio statute http://www.catholicschools.org/parents_federation/court_cases.html | |
70. AS COURT PREPARES RULING IN CLEVELAND VOUCHER CASE, GOV'T AID TO RELIGIOUS SCHOO During the 1940s, the program was expanded to include Cincinnati, ohio. 1941 thisstrategy had been changed to include a demand that parochial schools in every http://www.atheists.org/flash.line/vouch11.htm | |
71. Education Series Summary He also proudly implemented his Robin Hood policy, which the ohio Supreme Courtsoundly rejected as unconstitutional.) parochial schools received full http://www.osba-ohio.org/EdSeriesSum.html | |
72. Education A variety of parochial high schools with excellent are both the Hamilton and Middletownregional branches of Miami University of Oxford, ohio, a highly http://www.sebcchamber.com/html/education.html | |
73. Religion & Ethics Newsweekly: Cover Story - Stem-Cell Research Abroad - Feb 15, JONES The ohio legislature passed the pilot voucher program back in 1995 studentsusing vouchers, and 99.4 percent of them are enrolled in parochial schools. http://www.pbs.org/wnet/religionandethics/week524/cover.html | |
74. OACHE--Related Links country. Currently 19 college access programs serve 212 of ohio's612 school districts, and 17 of its private/parochial schools. http://www.oache.org/links.htm | |
75. Frequently Asked Questions About Private Schools - Ohio - GreatSchools.net schools directory; National Association of Independent schools; parochial.com's parochialschool directory; http://www.greatschools.net/cgi-bin/showarticle/OH/246/improve | |
76. FACTS: Cost-Based Tuition / Need-Based Tuition Aid quality education program are essential to the success of a parochial school. yearsago in my work as a Superintendent for Catholic schools in Dayton, ohio. http://www2.factsmgt.com/costbased/ | |
77. Norwood, Ohio -- Gem Of The Highlands ratio of 24 to 1. In addition to its excellent public school system, the community'seducational needs are further met by two excellent parochial schools. http://www.norwood-ohio.com/schools.html | |
78. Charter Schools The principal sponsor of the legislation is from Toledo, and she is a vocal ifnot boisterous booster of parochial schools. ohio's last governor, George http://www.tft250.org/charter_schools.htm | |
79. City Of Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio Community Profile - [Official Website] Private parochial schools, 4 Elementary/Middle School St. Josephs, 330/9282151.Immaculate Heart of Mary, 330/923-1220. Redeemer Lutheran, 330/923-1280. http://www.ci.cuyahoga-falls.oh.us/about/commprofile/education.htm | |
80. Libraries Hook More Students To Books -- Tribune Chronicle, Warren, Ohio said Davey Simo, an LSTA project manager at the NorthEast ohio Management Information shewould like to look into hooking up other parochial schools once this http://www.tribunechronicle.com/news/story/08-29_lib.asp | |
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