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81. PRESS RELEASES 2003 SPECIAL OLYMPICS IDAHO STATE WINTER GAMES Special olympics Idaho general Orientation. To Be Held in McCall Idaho. WHAT Specialolympics Idaho general Orientation. WHEN Sunday, February 16th ? 700 pm. http://www.idso.org/HOME/PRESS.CFM?GET_area=area4=1 |
82. Olympic Studies Centre: Olympics By Subject > Gender, Sport & Olympics on the occasion of the 1996 Atlanta Olympic Games, created a section in its web siteon the evolution of women in the olympics. Includes general information on http://www.blues.uab.es/olympic.studies/dir/gso.html | |
83. Supporters Of BIO Environmental Olympics Campaign Supporters of BIO Environmental olympics Campaign. A. Angjeli, Economist, Memberof Parliament A. Imami , Member of Parliament, general Secretary, Democratic http://business.hol.gr/~bio/HTML/olynames.htm | |
84. Polar Plunge XI To Benefit Special Olympics Virginia Benefit Special olympics of Virginia. Includes photos, volunteer forms, and history of annual event.Category Regional North America Virginia Society and Culture...... 2001 The Life of a Plunge 2000 - general Photos 1999 - general Photos Big aboutthe festival History of the Event History of Special olympics Virginia Home http://www.polarplunge.com/siteindex.htm | |
85. Mapping The Olympics Images beyond the athletic competition and controversies were formed during the olympics. theseimages are what those of us involved in general semantics would http://www.generalsemantics.org/Hoffmann_Column/Mapping_Olympics.htm |
86. Bigchalk: HomeworkCentral: General (Olympic Games) SCHOOL BEYOND Physical Education Sports Sports Olympic Games general.World Book Online Article on OLYMPIC GAMES; All About the olympics; An Olympic http://www.bigchalk.com/cgi-bin/WebObjects/WOPortal.woa/Homework/High_School/Spo | |
87. DallasNews.com Winter Olympics As director general, Carrard was head of the administrative staff at the IOC's oftenacted as a chief spokesman, giving news briefings at the olympics and IOC http://olympics.belointeractive.com/ap_olympics/ap/stories/AP_OLY_0382.html | |
88. MyTELUS | Feel The Buzz more headlines. Committee formed to monitor costs for 2004 Athens olympics Francois Carrard leaving as IOC director general Mankamyer resigns as http://www2.myto.com/sports/olympics/ | |
89. #05-31-01: Statement Of Deputy Attorney General Larry D. Thompson Before The Com Attorney general Larry D. Thompson Before the Committee on the Judiciary UnitedStates Senate Concerning Security Concerns Regarding the 2002 Winter olympics http://www.usdoj.gov/dag/testimony/2001/dag_statement_05_31_01.htm | |
90. Dick's Sporting Goods - Salt Lake General Merchandise Home Salt Lake general Merchandise. 10 ITEMS 1 2. Roots USA Salt Lake Cityolympics 2002 Beret Our Price $24.99, Roots USA Salt Lake City olympics 2002 http://www.dickssportinggoods.com/family/index.jsp?categoryId=966981 |
91. Solar Olympics Pictures Solar olympics Pictures Opening Ceremony Speakers and general Pictures. Clickon pictures below to enlarge speaker1.jpg (23220 bytes) Chuck Cloninger -WPS. http://www.uwsp.edu/cnr/wcee/keep/highlights/solar_olyp_Gen.htm | |
92. Internet Resources : Women In The Olympics general Olympic Information. ESPNET sports zone 1996 olympics This amazing,informativesite has great articles, in the tradition of sportscenter, as well as an http://www.feminist.org/archive/olympics/ir.html | |
93. General History Articles of the American Revolution and its causes; Lewis Armistead, reluctant ConfederateGeneral; of 1811; The Napier Earthquake of 1931; What were the Nazi olympics? http://www.essortment.com/in/History.Events/ | |
94. HIASYS - Olympic Coverage 2002 Rich Vosepka / Associated Press PARK CITY, Utah US Attorney general John Ashcroft willtrack flu and cold bugs during the Winter olympics, analyzing public http://olympics.hiasys.com/olympics_main/news.html | |
95. Rockdale County Special Olympics, Rockdale County Special olympics. logo Management Team. general SearchEngines Special Olympic Web Sites. general. No links are available. http://home.attbi.com/~markschmetzer/wsb/html/view.cgi-showresources.html-TopRes | |
96. Education World® - *Physical Education & Health : Sports : Olympics : General R Displaying 1 25. 2002 Winter olympics Sports previews, medal standings, memorablemoments, and past olympics. Marketing Are the olympics Beyond Repair? http://db.education-world.com/perl/browse?cat_id=1544 |
97. Olympics.WorldRecords.comGeneralWww.sotx.org Olympics. olympics.WorldRecords.comGeneralWww.sotx.org olympics.WorldRecords.comGeneralWww.paso.orgolympics.WorldRecords.comGeneralMuseum.olympic.org olympics http://olympics.worldrecords.com/ |
98. Wisconsin Special Olympics Special olympics Wisconsin Inspiring Greatness in All Involved! It provides basichealth-care screenings and testing to Special olympics athletes at no cost. http://www.specialolympicswisconsin.org/general_info.html | |
99. New Beijing,Great Olympics Date http://www.beijing-2008.org/eolympic/ztq/5-7/5-7.html |
100. New Beijing,Great Olympics-our Bid Executive President Yuan Weimin Minister in charge of the State Sport GeneralAdministration of China President of the Chinese Olympic Committee. http://www.beijing-2008.org/eolympic/bid/team/team1.html |
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