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61. Ron MacKinnon's Teacher Resources Physics and Science, ZEBU U oregon Physics Dept., very impressive science page, a Reasonsfor the Internet in k12 schools, required reading for web beginners. http://juliet.stfx.ca/people/stu/x94emj/teacher.htm | |
62. Wisconsin.com Education Web Sites - K To 12 District k-12 school district in oregon; Parkview School Waterloo School District- k-12 school district in Waterloo; Waunakee Community schools - k-12 http://www.wisconsin.com/wisconsin.com/education/k12.html | |
63. Inspiration Software®, Inc. Offers Special Pricing To Oregon Schools is pleased to announce special pricing for oregon schools on their awardwinning andmarkets visual learning software tools for the k-12 education market in http://www.inspiration.com/companyinfo/pressreleases/index.cfm?fuseaction=view&I |
64. GLSEN News BRO throughout the last year, sending staff and volunteers to oregon and co is thelargest national organization working to end antigay bias in k-12 schools. http://www.glsen.org/templates/news/record.html?section=13&record=338 |
65. GLSEN News visit the web site of Basic Rights oregon at www.basicrights.org. GLSEN is thelargest national organization working to end antigay bias in k-12 schools. http://www.glsen.org/templates/news/record.html?section=13&record=315 |
66. FLES@WEB and universities Yamada Language Center, oregon, USA. Institute and Press, 2000)k12 Resources on Brave New schools Challenging Cultural Illiteracy through http://www.public.iastate.edu/~egarcia/fles.html | |
67. Portland Schools Foundation to voice your support for adequate funding for k12. a letter to the editors of oregon'sleading newspapers the importance of investing in our public schools. http://www.thinkschools.org/template.cfm?nav=80&main=40 |
68. The Need To Know - K-12 Sources For Educators And Students The k12 Education Sources Page is a starting place for teachers and students tryingto Individual schools or School Districts. oregon Universities and Colleges. http://www.peak.org/~mageet/tkm/k12res.html | |
69. Intel In Your Community For additional information about Intel oregon involvement in schools email theIntel oregon k12 Education Manager or call 503-264-1868. Back to Top. http://www.intel.com/intel/community/or/education.htm | |
70. Coordinating K-12 And Higher Education Systems To Support Student Achievement State k12 and higher education agencies also could by providing incentive funds thatrequire schools and institutions by the Board of the oregon State System http://www.ncrel.org/sdrs/pbriefs/94/94-1ovr5.htm | |
71. Education Week - Registration - Access Restricted Officials in oregon plan to abandon the traditional Education Trust, which workson k12 and postsecondary As schools develop new standards for what students http://www.edweek.org/ew/ewstory.cfm?slug=04admit.h16 |
72. K-12 State And International Testing Parent's Guide Locate schools, state tests http://www.edinformatics.com/testing/oregon.htm | |
73. OregonEngineer | K-12 Links | April 2003 of Technology is outreach to the k12 education community Originally designed asbridge courses, oregon Institute of needed to serve as pilot schools for the http://www.oregonengineer.org/k12_links.html | |
74. Kindergarten To High School Resources - From Eugene.com serves over 18,500 children in k12, has four One can find alternative schools andinternational high schools. has among the most merit scholars in oregon. http://www.eugene.com/education/education_k-12.cfm | |
75. Washington Biotechnology And Medical Technology Association Online of Washington, provided by Government Information Sharing Project at oregon StateUniversity. A comprehensive guide to public and private k12 schools in the http://www.wabio.com/education/k-12_wa.htm | |
76. What To Do With A Major In Education in oregon, Washington, Idaho, Alaska; Eastern's Education Bulletin, January 22,2003; Eastern's Education Bulletin, January 8, 2003; Idaho State k12 schools; http://www2.eou.edu/career/educlink.htm | |
77. McCann's PooR Farm K-12 Schools Links And Virus Report Online schools on the web.Category Reference Education K through 12 Public schools......My school list is excellent resource for teachers who want to develop pen pal exchanges, Add your School link Free, Information to help you with homework, http://poor-farm.com/School-list.html | |
78. K-12 School Home Pages Located in oregon. San Marino Unified School District. A collection of K12schools home pages and pertinent information about each school. http://teams.lacoe.edu/documentation/places/homepages.html | |
79. GreatSchools.net K-12 Schools In California, Arizona, Texas And Nationwide Comprehensive k12 school profiles, public, private, and charter, for California and Arizona. Tools Category Regional North America United States Arizona Education...... Compare schools, Stay informed with free newsletters. http://www.greatschools.net/ | |
80. Course Technology -K - 12 Schools - 2002 Trade Shows K 12 schools 2002 Trade Shows. Northwest Council for Computer Eduation(NCCE) Portland, OR oregon Convention Center 4/23/2003 4/26/2003; http://www.course.com/school/tradeshows.cfm | |
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