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21. Oregon.gov - Academic Archives & Libraries Academic Archives Libraries. Dir. of Oregon Academic Libraries, oregon librarieson the Web. Oregon documents depository, University of oregon libraries. http://www.oregon.gov/index.cfm?CurrPID=788 |
22. Oregon.gov - Libraries of Oregon Academic Libraries, oregon libraries on the Web. Oregon documents depository,more links Dir. of Oregon Public Libraries, oregon libraries on the Web. http://www.oregon.gov/index.cfm?CurrPID=787 |
23. Salem, Oregon Libraries, Libraries In Salem, Oregon Salem, oregon libraries. Salem Public Library 585 Liberty NE Salem, Oregon97301 Phone (503) 5886315 e-mail for library - Library@open.org http://www.pe.net/~rksnow/orcountysalemlib.htm | |
24. Weston, Oregon Libraries, Libraries In Weston, Oregon Weston, oregon libraries. Weston Public Library 108 East Main StreetWeston, Oregon Phone/FAX 541/5662378. To learn how to submit http://www.pe.net/~rksnow/orcountywestonlib.htm | |
25. Document Center- University Of Oregon Libraries Document Center University of oregon libraries. The departmentalweb site is on the library's web server. http://www.uoregon.edu/~govdocs/ | |
26. University Of Oregon LibrariesA Checklist For Negotiating University of oregon librariesA Checklist for Negotiating Licensing Agreements.COST/PRICING. Is the cost dependent on a print subscription http://www.uoregon.edu/~chadwelf/checlist.htm | |
27. New Page 1 A list of settlers in Oregon who migrated to or were born in Oregon prior to 1900 that can be obtained Category Regional North America Genealogy Pioneers...... oregon libraries and Databases. Oregon State Library; Oregon State Library Catalog.Oregon Historical and Genealogical Societies. National Genealogical Society. http://www.rootsweb.com/~orpionpr/ | |
28. PNCA Charles Voorhies Fine Art Library Oregon College of Arts and Crafts PICA DYNA Multnomah County Libraries REED CollegeLibrary ORBIS search for journals and titles throughout oregon libraries. http://library.pnca.edu/area_libs.php | |
29. Library Jobs: Pacific States Sponsor SLA Oregon Chapter. oregon libraries Listserv Archive ScopePositions posted on libsor, a mailing list for oregon libraries. http://www.libraryjobpostings.org/pacific.htm | |
30. Bend.com - Press Release Gates Foundation Gives Oregon Libraries Gates Foundation gives oregon libraries 570 PCs worth $2.1 million From http//bend.com/news sources Originally Posted September 4, 2002 at 741 am Reference http://www.bend.com/news/ar_view^3Far_id^3D6124.htm | |
31. Reed College Library: Other Catalogs OPALL (8 private academic libraries in the Willamette Valley); ORULS (OregonRegional Union List of Serials periodical holdings in oregon libraries); http://simeon.library.reed.edu/find/otherlib.html | |
32. Gordon Russell Middle School oregon libraries School Libraries in Oregon Public Libraries in Oregon UniversityLibraries in Oregon Other Libraries Library of Congress the biggest http://russell.gresham.k12.or.us/library.html | |
33. GREAT SERVICE WITHOUT GREAT LIBRARIES Compared to other states, oregon libraries have relatively modest levels of resources. Mostof Oregon's 125 public libraries are small or mediumsized. http://library.willamette.edu/publications/movtyp/spring1996/scheppke.html | |
34. Other Libraries Lane Community College Library and its catalog. oregon libraries School Librariesin Oregon. Public Libraries in Oregon. University Libraries in Oregon. http://schools.4j.lane.edu/jefferson/library/otherlibraries/otherlibraries.html | |
35. Other Libraries Lane Community College Library. oregon libraries School Libraries inOregon. Public Libraries in Oregon. University Libraries in Oregon. http://schools.4j.lane.edu/south/Library/otherlibraries/otherlibraries.html | |
36. American Libraries December 2002 Job Ads Tuscaloosa, Alabama; Collection Development and Acquisition Librarian,University of oregon libraries, Eugene, Oregon; Dean of Libraries http://www.ala.org/education/dec02ads/ |
37. KinderStart - Arts And Entertainment : Libraries : State Listings : Oregon recreational needs. Icon Add/View Comments (0) Rate this Site; OregonLibraries Welcome to the Directory of oregon libraries. Icon http://www.kinderstart.com/artsandentertainment/libraries/statelistings/oregon.h | |
38. Online Library Services of member institutions in ORBIS and PORTALS below.) In addition, the Oregon LibraryAssociation maintains a comprehensive listing of oregon libraries on the Web http://www.ous.edu/dist-learn/DElibraries.htm | |
39. PSU Library -- Page Title The Regional Library (Portland State University) will assume primary responsibilityfor the interlibrary loan of federal documents to other oregon libraries. http://www.lib.pdx.edu/resources/govdocs/stpln.html | |
40. Employment Opportunities With GWLA Members 02); Collection Development Acquisitions Librarian, University oforegon libraries (Posted 11/06/02, Closes 01/31/03); Information http://www.gwla.org/jobs/ | |
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