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Oregon Newspapers Magazines: more detail | |||||
61. Oregon Sports Authority Foundation NHL 2 Portland Contact Us, oregon Sports Directory High School Athletics,Motorsports, National Sports Media, newspapers/magazines, Official League http://www.oregonsports.org/guide.html | |
62. References, Perspectives, Food Resource [http://food.oregonstate.edu/], Oregon S http//eesc.orst.edu/agcomwebfile/EdMat/default.html oregon State University com/menu.htmlMenuBoard has links to many journals, newspapers, and magazines. http://food.oregonstate.edu/ref.html | |
63. MediaLinksNow.com oregon newspapers, Games / Health / History / Hobbies / Home Garden / Industrial/ Industrial Catalogs / International magazines / International newspapers http://www.medialinksnow.com/category/newspapers/oregon.asp | |
64. Emigration From Finland FinnishAmerican newspapers and magazines. FCA News. Published, Quarterly. Language,English. Address, PO Box 5522, Portland, oregon 97228-5522. FinnFax. http://www.genealogia.fi/emi/emi39e.htm | |
65. PNLTFA -- Links newspapers, magazines Television Stations; OnLine magazines; US Newspaper InfoDept of Corrections by State; Federal Bureau of Prisons; oregon DOC Inmate http://www.pnltfa.org/links.asp | |
66. Newspapers Top100 all USA tv, radio, magazines, newspapers, Black/Hispanic 01475 NewsDirectory; 01465newspapers US and Lee Northwest Publishing oregon newspapers and classified http://freehost01.websamba.com/autonetas/top100/newspapers.htm | |
67. Compare Prices And Read Reviews On Oregon Coast At Epinions.com Reviews written by consumers at Epinions.com.Category Home Consumer Information magazines O...... Coastline 101 by Rocketgirl Rocketgirl is a Top Reviewer on Epinions in magazines newspapers. Featured Resources, Additional information on oregon Coast and http://www.epinions.com/mags-Oregon_Coast | |
68. - ::-:: Oregon Institute Of Technology ::-:: oregon newspapers the library receives in print include National newspapers in thelibrary's print collection are which is shelved under C with the magazines. http://www.oit.edu/?method=lbry&pageid=88 |
69. Finding Articles Their News/Media site is a comprehensive list of links to newspapers, journals,magazines and databases. oregon Live is The oregonian's website. http://www.riverdale.k12.or.us/~ktonning/library/classrooms/7_8/articles.htm | |
70. WebStation: Ethnic Studies diversity of perspectives and viewpoints from the newspapers, magazines and journalsof and regional topics from the following oregon newspapers The oregonian http://library.willamette.edu/webstation/dblist/bysubject/ethnic/ | |
71. WebStation: Sociology indexed include research and trade journals, magazines, government publications onlocal and regional topics from the following oregon newspapers The oregonian http://library.willamette.edu/webstation/dblist/bysubject/soc/ | |
72. BendSearch.com - Central Oregon's Web Directory A E On line information on the arts and entertainment in Central oregon. servicefrom editorial to design and layout of newspapers, magazines, resource guides http://www.bendsearch.com/.docs/pg/2/category/93/curr/0/reccount/10 | |
73. Research Sources For Oregon Watershed Councils Museums (Currently focusing on the Willamette Valley); newspapers, magazines andother serials; Created by Jennifer Gilden, oregon State University Department of http://www.onid.orst.edu/~gildenj/watershed/ |
74. Oregon - All Newspapers.com oregon. Home Back oregon. Categories. Daily newspapers Weekly newspapers Collegenewspapers new magazines, News Agencies Radio Stations TV Stations Media Sites. http://www.allnewspapers.com/world-media/North_America/United_States/Oregon/ | |
75. WSU Libraries General/Multidisciplinary Databases annual reports, news and business magazines, and more to many national and regionalnewspapers; Full text oregon Index, Selective index to oregon newspapers, and http://www.systems.wsu.edu/griffin/genmuldb.htm | |
76. Domestic United States Newspapers & Magazines Online Wisconsin. Washington DC, Michigan, Oklahoma, Wyoming. Florida, Minnesota,oregon, National. Georgia, Mississippi, Pennsylvania, Native American. http://www.haruth.com/Domestic.htm | |
77. Resume November 1992 to February 1993 COPY EDITOR, THE CAPITAL PRESS, SALEM, oregon; Concurrently,freelance writing for newspapers, magazines, advertising clients. http://w3.gorge.net/swatson/swres.html | |
79. Sue Lick's Talk Topics I have also edited trade and community newspapers and regional magazines. taughtclasses in freelancing for Writing World.com and oregon Coast Community http://www.geocities.com/suelick/Speeches.html | |
80. Library Department : City Of La Grande magazines Online periodicals from the oregon School Online newspapers USA and Worldwideplus a list of oregon Administrative Rules Statutes published by the http://www.ci.la-grande.or.us/dept_library_links.cfm | |
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