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Organic Agriculture Index: more detail |
61. The World Of Organic Agriculture: Graphs Translate this page of links for organic agriculture worldwide www.soel.de/oekolandbau/links_ww.html.See also www.ifoam.org. back to top. Graphs. back to top. back to English index. http://www.soel.de/oekolandbau/weltweit_grafiken.html | |
62. The World Of Organic Agriculture Translate this page Ökologische Agrarkultur weltweit /organic agriculture Worldwide Statistikenund Perspektiven / Statistics and Future Prospects. back to English index. http://www.soel.de/oekolandbau/weltweit.html | |
63. S/R 30: Organic Agriculture Fights Back (Lim Li Ching) The conventional system index was 6.2 times that of Despite higher labor needs, theorganic system expended less agriculture that is highinput, intensive and http://www.greens.org/s-r/30/30-15.html | |
64. Natural Produce Network News Tim Marshall - Canowindra Slide Value of biodiversity; Growth of organic agriculture WordWide. organic Farming nowone of the largest certified organic vineyards in Date index Subject index http://www.npn.communityfoods.com.au/news/5.jsp |
65. Proceedings Network for Animal Health and Welfare in organic agriculture. Part D organic livestockproduction and animal welfare, idea of an Animal Needs index ANI35L http://www.veeru.reading.ac.uk/organic/proc/proceedings.htm | |
66. Position Statement On Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) In Food Only by protecting organic food production and requiring that all foods be 800357-2211Union of Concerned Scientists www.ucsa.org/agriculture/index.html 617 http://www.ebfarm.com/organic_gmo-position.html | |
67. Agriculture Library Index Albrecht, William A. Loss Of Soil organic Matter And Its Restoration .Soils and Men USDA Yearbook of agriculture. Washington, DC http://www.soilandhealth.org/01aglibrary/01aglibwelcome.html | |
68. Greening Of The Revolution: Cuba's Experiment With Organic Agriculture Greening of the Revolution Cuba's Experiment with organic agriculture BKgreening$11.95. Shopping Cart Order Info Help Search index Customer Ratings http://store.globalexchange.org/greenofrev.html | |
70. Products/Industries Index Farming Field and Fodder Crops Fisheries and Aquaculture Food and beverages Forestand forest products Horticultural Crops organic agriculture Plants and Plant http://www.agriculture.gov.au/product1.cfm | |
71. EUROPA - Agriculture - Organic Farming European Commission organic farming http://europa.eu.int/comm/agriculture/qual/organic/index_en.htm | |
72. National Organic Program Home The Rules include livestock welfare. The Final Rule (National Standards on organic Agricultural Productio Category Society Issues Animal Welfare Farming...... State Information. Today's News. Newsroom. Contact Information. Questionsand Answers. Site index. Archive. National organic Standards Board. http://www.ams.usda.gov/nop/ | |
73. Website Moved Advisory software for consultants and extension workers to provide farmers with sustainable nutrition advice for their crops and cropping systems (organic and ecological farming). http://members.chello.nl/~a.hekstra2 | |
74. Organic Food organic Food organic farming, organic labeling, organic standards, sustainable agriculture, Farms Take Over organic agriculture? 2 22 organic agriculture is BoomingEven http://www.purefood.org/organlink.html |
75. IFOAM - International Federation Of Organic Agriculture Movements INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION OF organic agriculture MOVEMENTS FEDERATION INTERNATIONALEDES MOUVEMENTS D'agriculture BIOLOGIQUE FEDERACION INTERNATIONAL DE http://www.ecoweb.dk/ifoam/ | |
76. Organic Online Portal The word organic on the label stands for a commitment to an agriculture that strives for a balance with nature, using methods and materials that are of low impact to the environment. http://www.organiconline.com.sg/ | |
77. Alternative Farming Systems Information Center See our Quick Links to National organic Program information AFSIC is supported, inpart, by USDA's Sustainable agriculture Research and Education (SARE) program http://www.nal.usda.gov/afsic/ | |
78. Quality Assurance International Organic Certification A private, professional service corporation developed for the purpose of verifying the authenticity of food, fiber and other products which are organically grown under a management policy of sustainable agriculture. http://www.qai-inc.com | |
79. Index_html Personal homepage devoted to organic farming. Lists related books, posts sustainableagriculture newsletters, and details organic food laws. information on organic agriculture, organic food, organic certification, the Washington Post says {organic agriculture* is thriving, driven http://www.ewindows.eu.org/Agriculture/organic/Europe/of_in_europe | |
80. Canadian Organic Advisory Board Certification, legislation and enforcement of the standard, issues of process and related issues of organic agriculture. From the Canadian organic Advisory Board. Canada. http://www.coab.ca/ | |
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