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Organic Agriculture Index: more detail |
101. SWITCH - Swiss Research Teams Index Swiss Research Teams index. Query Result. FiBL Research Institute of OrganicAgriculture Forschungsinstitut fuer biologischen Landbau FiBL, Frick Frick. http://www.switch.ch/edu/research_index.html?script=user_getdata&keyword=Organic |
102. Merfield, Charles Contact details, genealogy, research work, and organic agriculture information. http://www.merfield.com/ |
103. Organic Eprints Open access archive for papers related to research in organic agriculture. http://www.orgprints.org/ |
104. The 21th Annual Organic Conference And Eco-Products Trade Show 21st Annual organic Conference and EcoProducts Trade Show CANADA'S LARGEST organicagriculture CONFERENCE Title organic agriculture The Farm Economy . http://www.gks.com/OrgConf/ |
105. Country Boy Compost Wholesale supplier of rice hull based organic compost for the nursery industry and general agriculture. http://countryboycompost.com/ |
106. Bion Environmental Technologies, Inc. Offers farmers a patented waste management process that reduces odors associated with animal agriculture and transforms the waste into a pleasantsmelling organic soil amendment, offered for sale to consumers. http://www.biontech.com |
107. European Bible School Of Health And Agriculture School teaches preventive medicine (massage, hydrotherapy other tools), Bible organic agriculture, training youth for service. http://www.europeanbibleschool.com |
108. King's Hill Farm Community Supported Agriculture organic farm and wildlife refuge in Mineral Point offering CSA and online ordering buying club. Includes CSA information, produce list, pick up locations, and members section. http://www.kingshillfarm.com/ |
109. Taliaferro Farms Community Supported Agriculture organic market garden farm in New Paltz producing vegetables and fruits for wholesale, retail and CSA. Includes membership form. http://www.taliaferrofarms.com |
110. Center Valley Organic Farm A Community Supported agriculture (CSA) with information on memberships, pick up schedule and FAQ. http://members.iquest.net/~cvof/ |
111. Organic Agriculture In Developing Countries - GTZ Information Background information on production, certification, export and marketing of organic products, especially Category Science agriculture Sustainable agriculture organic Farming......The work of GTZ Smallscale producers in developing countries increasinglyrecognize the advantages of organic agriculture. GTZ http://www.gtz.de/organic-agriculture/en/ |
112. Walnut Acres Organic Farms Inspired by a passion for organic agriculture, Ruth Keene Anderson's parents, Paul and Betty Keene, founded Walnut Acres Farm in 1946. Today, Ruth and Bob Anderson and their children maintain the same dedication to farming without pesticides, herbicides or synthetic fertilizers. http://www.walnutacres.com/ |
113. Organic Trade Association Features platform for action, a forum for dialogue, and a community concerned about developing an ecologically responsible agriculture system. http://www.ota.com |
114. Royal West Biological and organic products for agriculture. Insecticides and foliar growth stimulators. English and Spanish language versions of web site. http://Royal-West.com |
115. Maharishi's Programme To Eliminate Poverty In The World Maharishi University of Management is launching a Poverty Removal Programme in thirtythree countries of the world, which together have over one billion hectares of unutilized land with agricultural potential. The growing demand for organic agriculture in America, Europe, Japan, and other places of Asia and the Pacific, together with vast unspoiled land in the developing countries, present an unique opportunity for large scale and permanent business. http://www.poverty-removal.org/ |
116. Peace Corps Panama Friends Panamanian Campesinas' Organic Return to La Vaina index Panamanian Campesinas' organic AgricultureSeminar. In April two regional seminars were held in Panama by http://www.geocities.com/~pcpfpanama/lavaina/womenagconf.html |
117. Agricultural Production And Sales In Cuba Review of the variety of forms of agricultural production and sales in Cuba. Explains how food is grown and marketed in Cuba, including organic urban gardens. http://hometown.aol.com/webcuba/agriculture.html |
118. Terra Firma Farms Community Supported agriculture (CSA) program offering fresh organic vegetables, fruits and walnuts. http://www.terrafirmafarm.com/ |
119. Ãkologische Landwirtschaft In Der EU Im Juni 1991 erlie der Rat die Verordnung (EWG) Nr. 2092/91 ¼ber den ¶kologischen Landbau und die entsprechende Kennzeichnung der landwirtschaftlichen Erzeugnisse und Lebensmittel. Nach mehreren Erg¤nzungen wurde 1999 auch die ¶kologische Tierhaltung in den Anwendungsbereich einbezogen. Leitfaden zur EUGesetzgebung als PDF-Datei. http://europa.eu.int/comm/agriculture/qual/organic/index_de.htm |
120. Sustainable Agriculture Index Page For AECL 1000 Sustainable agriculture Student Web Page index. Insects in agriculture; OrganicFertilizers in agriculture; Phytoremediation in agriculture; http://www.uwyo.edu/plants/sustag/sustag.html |
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