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41. Palestinian Links ,,,Your Links To Palestine & The Holy Land ,Palestinian Home P Arabic Links . Daibe, Rami palestine, culture, Jerusalem, Intifada,Arabic Music, Free Stuff, Hot News, Album . Dajani, Daoud http://www.palguide.com/links/palestinians/ | |
42. Palestine have been founded in order to preserve what Palestinian culture remains, withmany crafts still practised in various refugee camps throughout palestine. http://www.salaam.co.uk/themeofthemonth/may02_index.php?l=12 |
43. Arab Hotel Association - Tourism & Culture In Palestine Winner of Birzeit University's 1999 Golden Olive Award. palestine Tourism culture. UNDER CONSTRUCTION In The Meantime, Here Are Some Useful Links. http://www.palestinehotels.com/aha/tourism.htm | |
44. Www.news2mail.com: News From Soc.Culture.Palestine Subscribe the Messages from the Usenetgroup Soc.culture.palestine and get themin your local mailbox. Home Soc Soc.culture Soc.culture.palestine, http://www.news2mail.com/soc/culture/palestine.html | |
45. Khalil Sakakini Cultural Centre 50 YEARS OF NAKBA IN palestine. to the capital importance of the 1948 1967 eventson Palestinian history, present, lives, land, identity, culture and future http://www.sakakini.org/nakba.htm | |
46. NIC - Soc.culture.palestine Palestinian people, culture and politics. An unmoderated forum open toall those interested in discussing Palestinian culture, politics http://metalab.unc.edu/usenet-i/groups-html/soc.culture.palestine.html | |
47. Erreur 404 - Page Inexistante Translate this page et donné près d'un millier de représentations, en palestine et dans le Souhaitantcontribuer à la renaissance des arts et de la culture palestinienne, le http://www.solidarite-palestine.org/sites01.html | |
48. Culture Et Tradition Translate this page The palestine Poster Project toute l'histoire de l'affiche Khalil Sakakini CulturalCentre - Palestinian artists Une sélection des La culture traditionnelle. http://www.solidarite-palestine.org/cult.html | |
49. Palestine Society & Culture Guide Arabji.Com/palestine, palestine Society culture. http://www.arabji.com/Palestine/soc.htm | |
50. Art & Culture Art culture, of the most important Palestinian writers, an activist, a fighter,a journalist, a politician above all a lover of his home country palestine. http://www.arabinfoseek.com/palestine_art_&_culture.htm | |
51. Guardian Unlimited | Special Reports | A Culture Under Fire A culture under fire Palestinian artists have suffered more than physical hardship Ina different situation I would like to give up my poetry about palestine. http://www.guardian.co.uk/israel/Story/0,2763,802778,00.html | |
52. Palestine : Art And Culture Click Here, Front Page palestine Art and culture.Search external sources here. Click Here, http://i-cias.com/pal_art.htm | |
53. Culture Here is a look at some cultural aspects in occupied palestine Back to top. ReligionIn palestine, there are 3 major religions A Islam. B- Christianity. http://www.allaboutpalestine.com/culture.html | |
54. Palestine-Israel Journal Of Politics Economics And Culture The palestineIsrael Journal offices are located at 4 Al-Hariri Street in EastJerusalem. palestine-Israel Journal PO Box 19839 East Jerusalem Via Israel. http://pij.org/site/vhome.htm?g=c |
55. 1988 Terry Winner - Museum For East Texas Culture, Palestine 1988 Lucille Terry Preservation Award Winner The Museum For East Texasculture palestine, Texas. The Museum for Texas culture (John http://leonardo.sfasu.edu/etha/Terry-1988-Museum-Palestine.html | |
56. Museum Of East Texas Culture - Palestine, Texas temporarytest, temporarytest, temporarytest, temporarytest,temporarytest, temporarytest, VISITS 85. http://www.museumpalestine.org/ | |
57. Museum Of East Texas Culture - Palestine, Texas The International Railroad came to palestine in 1872. In 18741875, the generaloffices, shops, and yards of the I. GN were moved to palestine. http://www.museumpalestine.org/exhibits.htm | |
58. Art & Culture In Palestine Art culture in palestine. Be a sponsor! click here SPONSOR Visit the ShoppingCenter Shebaa. Farms.org. ArabAmerican. Guide.com. Webmasters Association. 425 Now. http://www.middleeastnews.com/PalestineArt.html | |
59. Bailasan Arts culture Alnakba; Jerusalem in Danger; Khalil Sakakini Cultural Centre, Ramallah;Nablus City; Our Jerusalem; palestine International Festival 1997; Ramallah http://www.bailasan.com/palestine.html | |
60. SCN - Usenet: Soc.culture.palestine -> Soc.women.lesbian-and-bi Usenet Newsgroups from U. Napoli soc.culture.palestine soc.women.lesbian-and-bi.soc.culture.palestine soc.culture.peru soc.culture http://www.scn.org/usenet/napoli/na-soc2.html | |
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