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61. Palindromes 4, No. 1. palindromes. They're very hard to write. My only major effort in thisfield is the following 306word masterpiece, Dog Sees Ada , composed in 1991. http://www.growndodo.com/wordplay/palindromes/ | |
62. Palindromes palindromes. AIBOHPHOBIA n. Fear of palindromes. (One Liners). Naomi,sex at noon taxes, I moan. A Fool, A Tool, A Pool; LOOPALOOTALOOFA! http://www.peoplespub.com/nercda/text/palin.html | |
63. English Palindromes A English palindromes A. A Bob in Iniboba. Aibohphobia (The fear of palindromes); Aima Toyota tatami mat at a Toyota, Mia; aim, ed academia; air alamo? malaria! http://www.jps.at/palindromes/english/EA.html | |
64. Latin Palindromes 1 eme; ibi (da); non (nichts); oro (sprechen, reden); malam; mulum (Maultier http://www.jps.at/palindromes/latin/L1.html | |
65. The Prime Glossary: Palindrome the survival of the old mysticism so often attached to numbers (perfect numbers,amicable numbers, abundant numbers ) insures the palindromes a secure place http://primes.utm.edu/glossary/page.php?sort=Palindrome |
66. Palindromes Galore! Please bear with us. Lastly, palindromes Galore has changed addresses tohttp//palindromes.cjb.net. Should be easier to remember. Have fun! http://members.tripod.com/~palindrome/ | |
67. Palindromes.com: Palindromes, Anagrams, Scrabble, Crosswords, Word Games And Ref palindromes.com palindromes, Anagrams, Scrabble, Crossword Puzzles,Word Play, Word Games and References. palindromes.com palindromes http://www.palindromes.com/palindromes.html | |
68. Flak Magazine: Palindromes, 01-23-01 Misc palindromes. Dubya won? No way, bud. . That hustler. . Which raisesthe question what kind of person reads and writes palindromes? http://flakmag.com/misc/drome.html | |
69. Red Nun Under Welcome To My Page! My Name Is Mike Maguire And I Click here for more wordunit palindromes. Palindromic Links -. The Palindromist- A must-read journal for anyone at all interested in palindromes. http://hometown.aol.com/yodabeavis/recipe/ | |
70. Digit Reversal Sums Leading To Palindromes Digit Reversal Sums Leading to palindromes. Beginning with the decimalrepresentation of any integer N, reverse the digits and add http://www.mathpages.com/home/kmath004.htm | |
71. Binary/Decimal Palindromes Binary/Decimal palindromes Introduction Here is be before it. Be sureto email me if you find any new binary/decimal palindromes! http://bach.dynet.com/palin/ | |
72. Letters Need Love Too. palindromes are also found in words and sentences. Usually, formattingand punctuation are removed, and only the letters themselves http://home.cfl.rr.com/p196/letters.html | |
73. PALINDROMES http://uts.cc.utexas.edu/~wechsler/palindromes.html | |
74. : : : <$BlogTitle$> : : : Contents. Log SongCam Photo Archive Articles Stories Books Movies Bad MoviesResume palindromes Tech Bio Syllabus Poetry Gaming MindBloom Wish List http://david.shackelford.org/palindrome.php3 | |
75. Palindromes Translate this page palindromes. tu l'as ici, salut ! Vous pouvez aussi voir des palindromesen allemand ou en anglais et ici quelques uns dans d'autres langues. http://home.arcor.de/jean_luc/Deutsch/Palindrome/palindroF.htm | |
76. Vous Aimez Les Palindromes ? Translate this page Larousse, dans sa grande générosité, nous donne la signification suivante un palindrome est un groupe de mots qui peut être lu de la droite vers la http://perso.wanadoo.fr/ti-night/francais/Palindromes.html | |
77. Humour De J'délire.com - Humour,jdelire,sexe,images,blagues, Translate this page palindromes, Looooongue, palindromes. Les palindromes sont des mots ou des phrasesqu'on peut lire à l'endroit ou à l'envers sans que le sens en soit modifié http://perso.wanadoo.fr/blague.a.2.bal/palindromes.htm | |
78. Palindromes palindromes Doc, note, I dissent; a fast never prevents a fatness. I diet on Cod.Name tarts? No, medieval slave, I demonstrate Man! Swap God for a janitor? http://www.lclark.edu/~lotl/volume5issue3/palindromes.html | |
79. PALINDROMES AND LETTER FORMULAE: SOME RECONSIDERATIONS palindromes AND LETTER FORMULAE SOME RECONSIDERATIONS. Mare Kõiva Mapsand Figures The article is based on the collection of incantations http://haldjas.folklore.ee/folklore/vol8/mare.htm | |
80. Scandistyle : Norwegian Palindromes Grandfather Solberg's birthplace Fister, Norway Norwegian palindromesfor the palindromic year, 2002. i (in) * a (engl. to ) * aha http://www.scandistyle.com/pages/palindromes.htm | |
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