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1. Parole/Probation Law: Free Legal Information WHAT HAPPENS IF I VIOLATE MY probation OR parole? WHAT ARE THE PROCEDURES INVOLVEDIN REVOKING MY parole? It provides general legal information to help people http://criminal-law.freeadvice.com/parole_probation/ | |
2. PBPP Portal Site The Board of probation and parole public website provides special announcements and general information on the Board's http://www.pbpp.state.pa.us/ |
3. South Carolina Dept. Of Probation, Parole And Pardon Services This page contains general information, current statistics on offenders, information on probation and Pardon procedures, current parole Board Hearings members, parole Board hearings, volunteer and victim information. 28 945 are on probation; 3 447 are on parole; and 2 238 http://www.state.sc.us/ppp | |
4. What Does Someone Have To Do On Parole Or Probation? Searches Drug Crimes Drunk Driving Juvenile Law parole probation ViolentCrimes It provides general legal information to help people understand their http://criminal-law.freeadvice.com/parole_probation/parole_probation.htm | |
5. Nevada Attorney General Official Opinions OPINION NO. 0244 parole AND probation; STATUTES OPINION NO. OPINION NO.02-36 CANDIDATES; EMPLOYEES; ATTORNEYS general OPINION NO. http://ag.state.nv.us/agopinions/home.htm |
6. Free Legal Advice In 100+ Law Topics general legal information, organized topically for over 100 legal topics.Category Society Law Legal Information...... Arrests and Searches, Drug Crimes, Drunk Driving, parole/probation, Violent Crimes generalPRACTICE Contract Law, Guarantees, Legal Remedies, Lemon Law, Licenses http://freeadvice.com/ | |
7. Bureau Of Justice Statistics Probation And Parole Statistics Statistical information and publications about probation and parole in the United States. million adult men and women were on probation or parole at the end of 2001, an increase of jail inmates, and probationers to that of the general population. NCJ 195670 http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/bjs/pandp.htm | |
8. BUDGET DOCUMENT 101-GENERAL FUND 203-PAROLE AND PROBATION YEAR 203parole AND probation YEAR 2001-2002 HISTORICAL DATA ADOPTED 1998-1999 1999-2000 2000-2001 ACCT DESCRIPTION PROPOSED APPROVED ADOPTED R E V E N U E S 177 282 186 121 193 284 3-30-3412 OR COMM CORRECTIONS FUNDS 207 000 207 000 207 000 http://www.bakercounty.org/Budget/PDF/Parole.PDF |
9. PAROLE AND PROBATION TILLAMOOK COUNTY COMMUNITY CORRECTIONS. ADULT parole AND probation. Community Corrections is a department this time there are no County general Funds allocated for these services. http://www.co.tillamook.or.us/gov/p&p | |
10. Bucks County Courts: Adult Probation And Parole - General Supervision to the order of the Court. The Bucks County Adult probation and ParoleDepartment has 29 officers performing general supervision. http://buckscounty.org/departments/probation/general_supervision.htm | |
11. How Much Time Will I Be On Probation Or Parole? How much time will I be on probation or parole? Ordinarily, the amount of time spent on parole or probation depends on the crime and your behavior. It provides general legal information to help people understand their legal rights http://criminal-law.freeadvice.com/parole_probation/probation_time_parole.htm | |
12. CPPCA general. Membership. Legislation The California probation, parole and Correctional Association was founded in 1917 to advance correctional practices http://www.cppca.org/ | |
13. City Of Dipolog : City Parole & Probation City of Dipolog Office of the City parole probation Officer Senior parole and probation Officer/OIC. Functions Investigation, Rehabilitation and Supervision/. general Public http://www.dipolog.org/City%20Parole.htm | |
14. Bucks County Courts Adult Probation And Parole Jobs Jobs general Information probation / parole Officer Physical ConflictControl Training. Secretary. Other Information Email a Staff Member. http://macroped.com/ap1/ |
15. DGS Facilities By Location Walker Ave, District Court of Maryland; general Services, Dept. of (DGS); JuvenileJustice, Dept. of (DJJ); parole probation; Public Defender System, The (PDS). http://www.dgs.state.md.us/Facilities/locations.html | |
16. PAROLE AND PROBATION COMPACT ADMINISTRATORS ASSOCIATION Offenders . National Conferences and Meetings. Upcoming general Meetings.Spring, 2003 ? Minutes from recent general meetings http://www.ppcaa.net/conferences/main.html | |
17. #405: 09-26-97 - Attorney General Reno Appoints Corrections, Supervision Trustee The DC Revitalization Act requires the Attorney general to appoint a organize thetransition of pretrial services, parole, adult probation and offender http://www.usdoj.gov/opa/pr/1997/September97/405ag.htm.html |
18. HF 400 ... Conducting Searches Of Persons On Probation Or Parole ... 2 23 regarding the condition of parole or probation. bill also 2 24 requires the boardof parole or the Text HF Index Bills and Amendments general Index Bill http://www.legis.state.ia.us/GA/80GA/Legislation/HF/00400/HF00400/Current.html | |
19. HF 2519 ... Probation And Parole By Extending The Repeal Of The Si... SIXTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT PILOT PROJECT CONCERNING probation 1 6 7 CHAIRPERSON OF THEBOARD OF parole, AND PROVIDING 10 BE IT ENACTED BY THE general ASSEMBLY OF http://www.legis.state.ia.us/GA/78GA/Legislation/HF/02500/HF02519/Current.html | |
20. General Acts Enacted During 1995 Special Session 1 general Acts Enacted During 1995 Session Special Session 1. Board of probation andparole Act powers of parole and probation officers relating to searches http://www.legis.state.pa.us/WU01/LI/LI/CL/ACT/19951.HTM | |
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