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61. NAT-EDU (January-June, 1994): Learning With And About Native Americans first hand correct information on native americans. link with several native Americanelementary Hopi, Blackfoot, Cherokee, passamaquoddy, Chinook, Mashstucket http://nativenet.uthscsa.edu/archive/ne/94a/0027.html | |
62. Philadelphia Yearly Meeting Library Booklist: Native Americans - Curriculum And native americans Curriculum and Bibliography List. KEEPERS OF THE NIGHT native americansTORIES RESOURCE BOOK ABOUT PENOBSCOT, passamaquoddy, MALISEET, MICMAC http://www.pym.org/library/lists/natamecu.htm | |
63. Nativeam3 passamaquoddy Myths This site was provided by Destination Maine. Technology and ArtThis excellent site shows many of the skills of Woodland native americans. http://www.link75.org/bhm/nativeam3.htm | |
64. NativeWeb Resources: Native American Tribal Pages all the various groups of native americans in the Navajo Nation, the largest nativeAmerican tribe Pleasant Point passamaquoddy Reservation, passamaquoddy, 345. http://www.nativeweb.com/resources/nations_web_sites_information/native_american | |
65. History Interviews with native americans were a source for this map America The first fieldrecordings of native American music contain passamaquoddy songs, tales http://www.inform.umd.edu/EdRes/Topic/Diversity/Specific/Race/Specific/Native_Am | |
66. Xwi7xwa Library Home Page Maliseetpassamaquoddy Dictionary. native americans and the Environment First NationsMapping (Aboriginal Mapping Network) Children's Literature Xwi7xwa links http://www.library.ubc.ca/xwi7xwa/ref.htm | |
67. Ajc.com | Metro | NATIVE AMERICANS SEEK FOREST PROPERTY up thousands of acres to the passamaquoddy, Micmacs, Penobscot and Maliseet tribesin 1980. But there's no record of an individual native American prevailing http://www.accessatlanta.com/ajc/metro/0602/05forest.html | |
68. Providing Native American Wisdom For Ecological Balanc Keep in mind that We passamaquoddy have two different reservationsso there isboth links below- Sipayik and Indian Township. native americans of various http://www.buzzoff.us/pages/879562/ | |
69. America 2000 Native Americans Nauset Navaho Neutrals Nez Perce Oconee Odawa Oglala Ojibwe Omaha Oneida PaiutePala Pamunkey Panamint Papago Pascua Paskenta passamaquoddy Patwin Paugusset http://www.america2000.com/nativeam/nativeam_dir.html | |
70. New Page 1 on the reservation, jurisdiction over foster care for passamaquoddy and Penobscot entitledto health services and other federal programs for native americans. http://www.peopleofthedawn.com/federal_recognition.htm |
71. Web Links - History & Culture Web Sites passamaquoddy Quest for Qonasqamkuk Stolen Land; Pleasant Point passamaquoddyReservation; Chief Polin his People. Massachusetts native americans A Lost http://www.avcnet.org/ne-do-ba/web_hist.html | |
72. Ford Foundation Recognizes Two Native Americans For Leadership Ford Foundation recognizes two native americans for leadership. A Maine woman helpsnative youth reclaim the Mi'kmaq, Maliseet, Penobscot, and passamaquoddy. http://www.nailprints.org/news1848.html |
73. Related Links Read about the Pleasant Point passamaquoddy Tribe at their home page House servesthe health, social service, and cultural needs of native americans residing in http://www.mcnaa.org/links.html | |
74. Native Americans - Acapedia - Free Knowledge, For All Nipmuc Massachusetts; Paugusset Connecticut; passamaquoddy Maine; Penobscot Maine;Poospatuck New used in North America, even by native americans themselves, many http://acapedia.org/aca/Native_Americans | |
75. UMF Archaeology Inventory, was a very popular setting to native americans for many thousands ofyears. The site continues to be important to the passamaquoddy community today http://archaeology.umf.maine.edu/Maine/meddybemps.html | |
76. Native American Resources And Related Links native American Gaming Resources on the Net. native americans at Princeton. nativePublications Online. native Peoples Magazine. nativeWeb. passamaquoddy Origins. http://www.dhc.net/~design/namerica.htm | |
77. Native American Gospel Resources His Words, the Bible to native americans in culturally an article on planting nativeAmerican Churches. Muskogee, Navajo, Ojibwe,passamaquoddy, Salish, Tlingit http://www.ethnicharvest.org/peoples/nativeamer.htm | |
78. Primitive Archery Books From Bois D'Arc Press By Jim Hamm, Steve Allely, Tim Bak of These native americans NORTHEAST Powhatan; Pamunkey; Lenape (Delaware); Rappahanock;Algonkian; Mohegan; Naraganset; Wampanoag; passamaquoddy; Penobscot; Montagnais; http://www.hollowtop.com/hopsstore_html/archery_bks.htm | |
79. Kids' Pages kids is Kid Info native americans contemporary information on Northeastern nativenations (so Mohegan, Narragansett, Nipmuc, passamaquoddy, Penobscot, Pequot http://www.naaog.de/englisch/Links_Kids.html | |
80. Lenape - Delaware Language Programs @ Buffalo Trails - Lenape - Delaware Menu Lenape language learning materials for sale.Category Science Social Sciences Natural Languages Algic Lenape...... of receiving future mailings at any time by following the unsubscribe informationat the bottom of any Email you receive from native americans @ Buffalo Trails http://www.native-americans.org/languages/language-lenape-delaware.htm | |
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