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Pennsylvania Education Agencies Org: more detail |
1. SHEEO Agencies SHEEO agencies. Deputy Secretary for Postsecondary and Higher education (C) Departmentof education 333 Market Street Harrisburg, pennsylvania 171260333 http://www.sheeo.org/agencies.htm | |
2. State & Regional Higher Ed Links SHEEO Homepage SHEEO agencies Contact Us Sitemap Search. of education, Higher Adult education pennsylvania Higher education Assistance Agency http://www.sheeo.org/helinks/state-links.htm |
3. Links To State Education Agencies Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York NorthCarolina North Dakota, Ohio Oklahoma Oregon pennsylvania Rhode Island South http://www.nasbe.org/SEA_Links/SEA_Links.html | |
4. State Education Agencies State education agencies. pennsylvania Department of education 10th Floor 333 MarketStreet Harrisburg education Policy Institute, PMB 294, 4401A Connecticut Ave http://www.educationpolicy.org/StateAgencies.htm | |
5. Education Law Center - Pennsylvania Bulletin to county and private foster care agencies to help The education Law Center(ELC) is a nonprofit to ensuring that all of pennsylvania's children have http://www.elc-pa.org/ | |
6. Organizations And Agencies pennsylvania STATE agencies/orgANIZATIONS. pennsylvania Department of Conservation pennsylvania Alliance for Environmental education. http//www.paee.org/. pennsylvania Game http://www.mtwp.net/schools/schaeffer/Eco/organizations.html | |
7. Water Resources Education Network In Pennsylvania, A Program Of The League Of Wo directory of grassroots river and watershed groups and agencies. of Women Voters ofPA Citizen education Fund. League of Women Voters of pennsylvania web site. http://pa.lwv.org/wren/ | |
8. Home :: Invent PA Title I To Local education agencies. Compare educationrelated M. Prah, Staff Writer, Stateline.org. Alabama Alaska Ohio Oklahoma Oregon pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina http://www.inventpa.com/ | |
9. Education, Technology Library Science Professional Directory of State Higher education agencies Includes state Oregon State Departmentof education pennsylvania Department of education Rhode Island http://falcon.jmu.edu/~ramseyil/org.htm |
10. Pennsylvania Parent Information Resource Center National Coalition for Parent Involvement in education. partners has grown and exceeds85 agencies, school districts Forum 2001 of Northeast pennsylvania PA PIRC http://www.papirc.org/northern1.htm |
11. PA Technology Programs And Activities Commonwealth agencies. pennsylvania Department of education The Department of educationadministers the school laws of pennsylvania, determines certification of http://www.l2l.org/progact.html | |
12. Link-to-Learn: Using Technology In Education programs of Singapore, Canada and pennsylvania including Singapore One more than40 federal agencies, including the Department of education, the Library http://www.l2l.org/usetech.html | |
13. Pennsylvania State Resources pennsylvania State Resources. State agencies and Organizations. this state, pleasecontact the office listed under Department of education Special education. http://www.nichcy.org/stateshe/pa.htm | |
14. Programs & Activities -- Eastern LINCS In April 2002, Eastern LINCS staff members assisted pennsylvania's ABLE Net intothe administrative and learning environments of adult education agencies. http://www.easternlincs.org/programsactivities.htm | |
15. Eastern LINCS Text Only team of pennsylvania ABLE Net and Bureau staff members, the new system is being developedby Computer Aid, Inc. of Harrisburg, PA. Adult education agencies can http://www.easternlincs.org/text_only/whatsnew.htm | |
16. Consumer World: Consumer Agencies State and Local Consumer agencies (Pueblo's master info); NICE National Institutefor Consumer education; pennsylvania Consumer Action Network; Online Privacy http://www.consumerworld.org/pages/agencies.htm | |
17. Home Page and staff from a variety of federal agencies. for the Accreditation of Teacher education(NCATEP) The the lives of students with disabilities in pennsylvania? http://www.pfcec.org/ | |
18. GLARRC Front Page works with the State Special education agencies of the following states IllinoisIndiana Iowa Michigan Minnesota Missouri Ohio pennsylvania Wisconsin as the http://www.glarrc.org/ | |
19. About Learn & Serve America :: Tribal Grantees About Learn Serve State education agencies. Grantees are listed alphabeticallyby state. pennsylvania Department of education Ms. Dorothy M. Hershey http://www.learnandserve.org/about/sea.html | |
20. Home adolescent literature, English language learners (ELL), multicultural education. usein home health agencies throughout the Commonwealth of pennsylvania. http://www.pahealth.org/ |
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