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81. Pennsylvania Parents And Caregivers Resource Network Mentor parent Program NW Rural PA 1-888-447-1431. NAMI pennsylvania (Mental Illness)1-800-223-0500. education Law Center - PA 214-238-6970 412-391-5225. http://www.ppcrn.org/QuickInfo.htm | |
82. Pennsylvania Homeschool Support & Legal Resources Schooling Children Under Loving parent Teachers, S Phone and/or maintain a home educationprogram in Home Schooling pennsylvania Extensive resources for those http://www.eho.org/support2/pennsylvania.asp | |
83. NCCE: Resources: Articles: Developing Parent Partnerships In Education: The Comm Elementary School in Springfield, pennsylvania, listed four in which a community educationdirector can and maintenance of strong parentcommunity involvement http://www.nccenet.org/library/articles/developing_parent_partn.htm | |
84. ELC-PA Links pennsylvania Yellow Pages for Kids with Disabilities Includes Council of parent Attorneysand Advocates; Litigation Special education A Guide for parents and http://www.elc-pa.org/links.htm | |
85. Teacher Resources a network of communitybased networks called the pennsylvania education Network(PEN). Web Sites and resources for Teachers (http//www.csun.edu/~vceed009). http://www.fjquest.com/teachres.htm | |
86. Parent pennsylvania State Parks http//www.dcnr.state.pa.us K12 Gifted education Guideshttp//www.looksmart az.com/~dday/blindkids.html; parent' educational Resource http://users.owt.com/mancinel/hp_99/parent.htm | |
87. Asperger law and best practices in special education, helping families parentto-parent isan e-mail support group for This group is for residents of pennsylvania ONLY. http://www.udel.edu/bkirby/asperger/suppPA.html | |
88. Pennsylvania Partnerships For Children (PPC) - Special Reports And Projects and achieve the goal of making every pennsylvania child school at the minimum, corecomponents of parent education, preschool education and linkages http://www.papartnerships.org/sriweb.html | |
89. Resources and National Law Enforcement and Social Service Agency resources Allegheny County city.pittsburgh.pa.us/weed seed/)Commonwealth of pennsylvania Human Relations http://studentservices.pghboe.net/resources.html | |
90. Learning Disabilities OnLine: Finding Help: Pennsylvania State Resources Agencies Federally Funded Programs parent and Professional 0333 (717) 7836913 SpecialEducation Consultline (800 879-2301 (V/TTY) pennsylvania Department of http://www.ldonline.org/finding_help/local_org/penn.html | |
91. Parent Training And Information Centers (PTIs) Sinergia/Metropolitan parent Center United We Stand; Ohio Coalition for the Educationof Children Oklahoma; Oregon; pennsylvania Hispanics United for Exceptional http://www.dssc.org/frc/TAGuide/pti.htm | |
92. Statewide Improvement Plan opportunity, the Commonwealth of pennsylvania through the Department of Educationis developing a with existing agencies, programs, projects and resources. http://www.pattan.k12.pa.us/svs/sip/Default.htm | |
93. Parent Advocates For Gifted Education (PAGE), Sumter, SC page, PAGE, parent Advocates for Gifted education http://www.uscsumter.edu/~tpowers/page/infolinx.htm | |
94. L2L Infrastructure Award 97037 applications, and providing resources for improved professional development and parenteducation courses at Western and Central pennsylvania through distance http://www.l2l.org/invest/awards/97037abstract.html | |
95. LD Info As part of a national system of parent Training and PEN serves all of Pennsylvaniaexcept Philadelphia, which is of the US Department of education, offers free http://www.ldinfo.org/partners/pen.html | |
96. Disabilities Law Project PEN parent education Network. PIN - parent Involved Network. PSRN - PennsylvaniaSchool Reform Network. Wrightslaw - The Special education Advocate. Employment. http://www.dlp-pa.org/Links.html | |
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