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81. U.S. News: Pennsylvania's Ridge Comes To The Job With A Great Asset: The (10/12/ Ridge attended parochial schools and was a champion high school debater and studentbody go to law school, says Al Neri, editor of the pennsylvania Report, a http://www.usnews.com/usnews/news/articles/011012/12ridge.htm | |
82. News Release: Remaining Vans To Vanish a religious school because of church/state entanglement, pennsylvania amended its thecourt affirmed that such aid rendered in parochial schools directly or http://www.pacatholic.org/news releases/nra042298.htm | |
83. Untitled Document pennsylvania's example. They point to neighboring pennsylvania, which has beenusing public money to aid private and parochial schools for decades. http://www.sfacademy.org/bs021600.htm | |
84. FACTS Management Company parochial and private schools that helped him become a nationally recognized schooladministrator. He serves schools in Maryland, Delaware, pennsylvania, http://www.factsmgt.com/ourteam/salesandmarketing/noreast.htm | |
85. University Of Pennsylvania Alumni Volunteer Opportunities students who have applied to Penn from public, private and parochial schools. is tostrengthen the relationship between the University of pennsylvania and its http://www.alumni.upenn.edu/resources/ar/volunteer.html | |
86. Kossor Education Newsletter Getting Psychology Law Inside Schools to Committee on Education, June 23, 1993 CONTACT pennsylvania Representative Lawrence applicableas well to private and parochial schools; amending, revising http://www.users.voicenet.com/~sakossor/Pe1_5.html | |
87. Education Secretary Nominee Fields Questions his campaign pledge to increase state funding for pennsylvania's public schools businessesthat donate money for scholarships to private and parochial schools. http://www.post-gazette.com/localnews/20030213edsecregp7.asp | |
88. The Commonwealth Foundation vocal critics of the tax credits remains the pennsylvania State Education childrenwhose families already have them enrolled in private and parochial schools. . http://www.commonwealthfoundation.org/education/patnewsEITC.shtml | |
89. Relocation - Main Line, Pennsylvania Line traditionally refers to those municipalities along the former pennsylvania Railroad's main Excellent public and parochial schools can be found in Wayne. http://www.startzman.com/relocation/patowns-mainline.htm | |
90. Background Of The Pennsylvania Alliance For Democracy schools have combined to create a higher than normal preference for parochial educationamong the state's Catholic communities. 10 Furthermore, pennsylvania http://www.padnet.org/bkgd.html | |
91. ECS Issue Site: Vouchers is the use of public money in private and parochial schools, usually through For example,Arizona, Florida, Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota, pennsylvania and Puerto http://www.ecs.org/html/issue.asp?issueID=149 |
92. Philadelphia Inquirer | 06/30/2002 | Voucher Decision Ushers In A New Era decision will most certainly accelerate the movement to adopt such a program inPennsylvania. It would affect most heavily Catholic parochial schools, by far http://www.philly.com/mld/inquirer/news/editorial/3574587.htm | |
93. Today's Catholic Schools can assist students in parochial schools. This topic has public aid do parochial schools and their students get aid students attending parochial schools hinges on the resolution http://www.edexcellence.net/library/connell%20html%20revised.html | |
94. Boulder Community Network: Education Center Christian Cottage schools, 3691678, 688-6626. Desiderata School, Inc. Friends'British Primary School, 5465 pennsylvania Ave, Boulder 80303, 449-1999. http://bcn.boulder.co.us/univ_school/other/oth.html | |
95. Real Estate In Berks County, Pennsylvania - Move With Mitch Darcourt! Berks County by visiting the Reading and Berks County pennsylvania Visitor's Bureau Additionally,you can find information about area schools by clicking the http://mitchdarcourt.com/community.htm | |
96. The Holocaust Education And Resource Center Of Scranton, Pennsylvania Dedicated to the preservation of memory. The facts and lessons of pre-Holocaust life and of the Holocaust Category Regional North America Arts and Entertainment Museums...... realms 1) community education and commemorations , 2) educational outreach programsto both teachers and students in areawide public and parochial schools . http://jfednepa.org/hmrc/ | |
97. [ Good Schools Pennsylvania ] In February 2000, the state of pennsylvania increased funds for private and parochialschools by 3.9%, even though enrollments in those institutions declined http://www.goodschoolspa.org/facts/index.cfm?fuseaction=testimony_jill |
98. Pennsylvania Code schools or events related to these schools or school s name, or private or parochialschool, lettered on drawn directly from the official pennsylvania Code full http://www.pacode.com/secure/data/067/chapter171/subchapEtoc.html | |
99. NEA: Good News About America's Public Schools-- Pennsylvania More pennsylvania parents are choosing public schools while our private and parochialschool enrollments Public, Private and Nonpublic schools Enrollments, 1999 http://www.nea.org/goodnews/pa01.html | |
100. - PCPE Info Series: Tuition Vouchers give state tax dollars to parents to subsidize tuition to public, private or parochialschools. The concept first surfaced in the pennsylvania Legislature in http://www.pcpe.org/infoseries/vouchers.htm | |
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