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Permaculture Agric: more detail |
61. Sitios Internet De Orgánicos Translate this page En inglés. http//www.permaculture.co.uk. En español. http//www2.uji.es/crie/agric/indice.htm.San Diego Earth Times Revista sobre agricultura orgánica. http://www.cci.org.co/calidad1/organicos/dirinternet.html | |
62. This Is Vermont - Links http//www.state.vt.us/agric/fairs.htm agricultral Fairs in a water system, findinga spring, preserving food, homeschool, permaculture, homestead businesses http://www.thisisvermont.com/linksindex.html | |
63. Murdoch University Environmental Science 2000 Annual Report Researchers R. Bell, K. Frost, M. Wong (CSIRO), S. Loss (CSBP Wesfarmers),R. Brennan (agric WA). permaculture video and booklet. http://macserv.murdoch.edu.au:16080/2000/ar00reseland.html | |
64. Home > Agriculture > Farming Methods, Techniques And Equipment > Organic Farming courtesy of Mailbase). organic farming. ecolagric-cee,Discussion of permaculture Association, An educational charity...... details. ( http://agrifor.ac.uk/hb/3e76b8391bd5511503ff9ad19b9e2d1a.html | |
65. Issue3page15 Special officer organic farming (NSW agriculture). Robyn Neeson Yanco NSWPh (02) 6951 2611 email neesonr@agric.nsw.gov.au. permaculture Institute. http://www.lis.net.au/~rtn/contents/issue3page17.htm | |
66. South African Environmental Web Pages http//www.arc.agric.za/. http//www.echoenviro.org.za. EduPlant EduPlant isa national school permaculture competition. http//www.eduplant.org.za. http://www.environment.gov.za/Enviro-Info/env/salinks.htm | |
67. EnviroOne - Environmental Search Results is interested in anything organic farming, sustainable agriculture, permaculture,market farming Food and Rural Development No Summary www.agric.gov.ab.ca/. http://www.enviroone.com/searchresults.php?searchtext=Agriculture |
68. Mike Smith, Permaculture, Discussion Lists & Net Perma. Jour Mike Smith, permaculture, Discussion Lists Net Perma. Hi, My name is Mike Smith and I am the editor of several environment newsletters in Australia (full list of other functions at end of this message). http://www.ibiblio.org/intergarden/permaculture/mailarchives/2/msg00036.html | |
69. SD16. Permaculture SD16. permaculture (updated 2.1.32 Bell, Graham, 1992, 'The permacultureWay', Thorsons, London. Burnett, Graham, 2001, 'Introduction http://www.nottingham.ac.uk/sbe/planbiblios/bibs/Greenis/A/16.html | |
70. Links To Important Sites edu soilsl soils-l@unl.edu listserv@unl.edu trickle-l trickle-l@unl.edu listserv@unl.edusalinity-l salinity-l@unl.edu listserv@unl.edu ecol-agric ecol-agric http://ces.iisc.ernet.in/hpg/envis/gislinks.html | |
71. ATCROS Table R -- Educational Facilities W brookman@bigpond.com www.users.bigpond.com/brookman . DCourses in permaculture,organic growing, farm forestry . W . DAgric research centre. http://www.aoi.com.au/atcros/RM.htm | |
72. RDS, Tema: Agricola, Sitios Interesantes Relacionados Research Coordination http//www.permaculture-institute.org Permacultura. http://rds.org.hn/docs/listas/agricola/sitios.htm |
73. Straw Bale Resources 2000: Key Articles & Older Material Bainbridege, DA 1988. Better homes with gardens. Amandla 18 (reprinted PermacultureActivist) Bainbridge, DA and Myhrman, M. 1991. North Dakota agric. Exp. http://www.ecocomposite.org/building/articles.htm | |
74. No.16 Natural Resources women. It is published distributed free. If you would like to contributeplease contact sonia.muir@agric.nsw.gov.au. The views http://www.agric.nsw.gov.au/rwn/cweb/october-1998/ | |
75. People- & Planet-Friendly Events, Resources, Jobs & Fun Http://www.planetfriendl Annual Conf. of the agric. Inst. of Canada. $50$315. Univ. of Guelph. PERMACULTUREDESIGN FUNDAMENTALS, Thurs July 12 - Fri July 20, near Orangeville. http://www.planetfriendly.net/events.html | |
76. Search SUSAG Abstracts J. Prod. agric. 9485490. Jungck, JR 1985. Perennial polyculture, permacultureand preservation the principle of diversity. Am. Biol. Teacher 47(2)72-76. http://www.css.cornell.edu/courses/190/SUSAG-search.html | |
77. Internship- ALTERNATIVE BUILDING/AGRIC. - BLACK MOUNTAIN, NC - PAID - SUMMER/FAL Internship ALTERNATIVE BUILDING/agric. Work activities will include permaculturelandscaping and gardening, helping with the development of water systems and http://lists.hampshire.edu/pipermail/corcinternshipseekers/2002-June/000447.html | |
78. Paper Of Dr. Karami & Et Al. adherence of three Iranian groups were considerabley lower than that of the USApermaculture group. Professor and Inst., respectively, Department of agric. http://www.iut.ac.ir/jagri/issue3/karami.htm | |
79. Untitled Document PermanentPublications Earth Repair Catalogue http//www.permaculture.co.uk/menu.htm; http://www.criecv.org/es/ae/infoae/biblioteca.html | |
80. Penfold, C, Dept Agron & Farming Sys, Mgt (Adelaide) ; Current Masters in Applied Science (agric.) near completion. permaculturedesign and implementation. CONSULTANCY INTERESTS Organic and http://www.roseworthy.adelaide.edu.au/AFS/people/homepages/penfold.htm | |
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