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1. Mangosteen: Insect Pest And Disease Management management. Forest Tree disease and pest Diagnosis (Canada). Nursery Tree disease and pest Diagnosis (Canada). Tree Care information. forestry http://www.dpi.qld.gov.au/horticulture/5451.html | |
2. Crop Pest And Disease Management : Challenges For The Millennium/edited By D. Pr of apoptosis against pest and disease/S. Nageswari and use of nematocides in nematodepest management/D. Prasad of bioherbicides for weed management in forestry http://www.vedamsbooks.com/no26142.htm | |
3. Integrated Pest Management Tools - Landscape Nursery And Urban Forestry - UMass Agriculture and forestry Agricultural Chemicals pesticides (42). Home Gardens pest and disease Control (45) information on pest and disease control and management, organised by http://www.umassgreeninfo.org/fact_sheets/ipmtools.html | |
4. A Taylor & Francis Journal: International Journal Of Pest Management to control strategies; assessment of pest and disease damage (damage and economic thresholds); Researchers in agriculture, horticulture, forestry and stored products pest management. http://www.tandf.co.uk/journals/tf/09670874.html | |
5. Dow AgroSciences Canada Crop protection company with diverse interests, including weed, insect and disease management for agricultural crops, forestry and urban pest management. http://www.dowagro.ca | |
6. Integrated Pest And Disease Management and transfer knowledge and technology for pest and disease management to farmers FederalBiological Research Centre for Agriculture and forestry (BBA), and http://www.ciat.cgiar.org/ipm/ | |
7. Omniseek: /Recreation /Gardens /Pest And Disease Control /Science: Agriculture: html) / i . Integrated pest and disease management. Plant protection involves the timely identification and control of (http//www.forestry.ac.cn/zglyjs/4y.htm) . Albright.html http://www.omniseek.com/srch/{35850} | |
8. Innovative Pest And Disease Management In Horticultural And Plantation Crops/edi in integrated pest and disease management of crops integrated approaches for themanagement of nematodes Innovative strategies for pest control in forestry/OK http://www.vedamsbooks.com/no19790.htm | |
9. Armed Forces Pest Management Board Armed Forces pest management Board Technical Information Memorandum No. 18 Installation pest management Program Guide Published and Distributed by the DEFENSE pest management INFORMATION ANALYSIS CENTER Forest Glen Section or incidence, of vectorborne disease. 4. Documented complaints resources program (Land management, Agronomy, forestry, Wildlife) use pesticides http://www.afpmb.org/pubs/tims/tim18.htm |
10. IPM Commodities - Forestry, Greenhouse/Ornamental, Household/ Identify and promote environmentally friendly methods of pest and disease controlContinue developing resistance management strategies for pests http://paipm.cas.psu.edu/commod2.html |
11. Forest Protection and subtropical forest entomology and pathology; Forest pest and disease surveillancesystems forestry quarantine and exotic pest incursion management. http://www.dpi.qld.gov.au/qfri/8176.html | |
12. Forest Protection And Management employees have been established, and 60,000 people are engaged in forestry administrativeand management work, which . 3. Forest pest and disease Control. http://www.forestry.ac.cn/zglyjs/4y.htm |
13. Department Of Natural Resources And Conservation FORESTRY DIVISION FOREST PEST M LINKS Current Regional Insect disease Outbreaks USFS Forest contact Steve KohlerForest pest management Specialist Service forestry Bureau DNRC http://www.dnrc.state.mt.us/forestry/ServiceForestryPrograms/ForestPestManagemen | |
14. Forestry Tree Research Intergrated crop management strategy Costeffective, safe, environmentallyacceptable pest and disease management, including disease epidemiology http://www.hri.ac.uk/site2/research/trees2/pathology.htm | |
15. Disease : TreeLink : The Community Forestry Resource June 9, 1995 issue of Horticulture and Home pest News, presented 160 Armillaria RootDisease A guide and diagnosis, infection patterns, and management of this http://www.treelink.org/linx/?navSubCatRef=10 |
16. CSFS Montrose District - Forest Pest Management A set of pest management sheets, (some in PDF format only), with detailed information on specific Category Science Agriculture forestry pests and diseases...... the US Forest Service Colorado State University Integrated pest management WesternUS Integrated pest management Forest Tree disease and pest Diagnosis (Canada http://lamar.colostate.edu/~montrose/pests.htm | |
17. North Central Forest Pest Workshop 1999, Agenda 815 AM, pest management in the Urban Forest. Dutch Elm disease managementin Winnipeg. Mike Allen City of Winnipeg forestry Department. http://www.na.fs.fed.us/spfo/ncfpw/ncfpw99/agenda.htm | |
18. Many Roads Lead To Innovation: Examples Of Disease And Pest Management Research forest/forest health/forestry/fungus/gain blotch/leaf blotch disease/management/monoculture/moth growthforest/optimal/pest/pest management/plantation/plantation http://members.forestry.crc.org.au/refs/ref9796.htm | |
19. Key Research Portfolios plantations, farm and urban forestry;; Silvicultural regimes to produce highquality timber products;; Integrated pest and disease management regimes for http://www.forestsciencecentre.vic.gov.au/research.html | |
20. State And Private Forestry: Forest Health Protection - USDA Forest Service mistletoe management, insect and disease pests of inventory, field crew supervision,pest management surveys and General forestry, ground and aerial detection http://www.fs.fed.us/r1-r4/spf/fhp/aboutus/ | |
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