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21. Forestry Research Partnership practices to increase the risk of insect and disease pest problems and and technicalreports on how forest management practices may affect pest problems in http://forestresearch.canadianecology.ca/cip/index.cfm/main,37,en,324,736,774,0, |
22. City Of Toronto: Urban Forestry Services - Toronto’s Urban Forest - What D Urban forestry Services promotes insect pest and disease management programs thatare environmentally, socially and economically sound. back to home page. http://www.city.toronto.on.ca/trees/urban_foresty_what_we_do.htm | |
23. Forestry Game Management And Horticulture At Cumbria Campus Newton Rigg A good background knowledge of plant identification, pest and disease problems and Youwill also undertake contract management and the management of GIS http://www.forestry.org.uk/jobs.htm | |
24. Pitch Canker Extension Activities-UCB Center For Forestry pine. California Forest pest Council, Sacramento State Board of forestry, Sacramento,CA; in California Prospects for disease management. Target Workshop http://www.cnr.berkeley.edu/forestry/curr_proj/pitch/pitch_ext.html | |
25. Woodlot Management, Order Publications - Manitoba Conservation, Forestry Branch fact sheet provides guidelines for the sustainable management of riverbottom the mostdestructive and widely distributed forest pest in North Dutch Elm disease. http://www.gov.mb.ca/conservation/forestry/forest-woodlot/w-pubs.html | |
26. Pest Management - Plant Disease Potato Storage Rots - Manitoba Agriculture And F February, 2001 pest management Plant disease Potato Storage Rots. Peter Boswall,Potato Specialist, Prince Edward Island Agriculture and forestry. http://www.gov.mb.ca/agriculture/crops/diseases/fac44s00.html | |
27. Integrated Pest Management Plan, Trees & Forestry, Grounds & Waste In cases where the insect or disease occurrence is to pruning appropriately to minimizepest problems Operations Division Grounds Waste management Trees http://www.plantops.umich.edu/grounds/trees_forestry/Integrated_Pest_Management. | |
28. Services forest resource management (plantations and natural woodlands);; land and siteclassification for forestry purposes,; forest pest and disease management. http://www.sdnp.org.mw/frim/services.html | |
29. CSIRO - Forestry And Forest Products CSIRO forestry and Forest Products, in collaboration with State as fire management,harvesting technologies, pest and disease management, and assessment of http://www.ffp.csiro.au/fap/ | |
30. Forestry Forest Fire Prevention, Forest Inventory and Planning. Forest pest and disease,Forest Research. Forest Science Technology management, forestry Labour Safety. http://periodicals.wanfangdata.com.cn/eqikan.asp?codeID=S7 |
31. DIVISIONS: Applied Plant Science Division pests and weeds of arable, horticultural, grass, forestry and sustainable energycrops. Current emphases are on integrated pest and disease management and use http://www.afsni.ac.uk/Divisions/Applied.htm | |
32. Pest And Disease Modelling - Great Lakes Forestry Centre pest and disease Modelling. forest pests and diseases (under the current and evolvingclimate) is an important aspect of forest management and forest policy http://www.glfc.cfs.nrcan.gc.ca/landscape/pest_disease_e.html | |
33. Pest Management Of The Hemlock Woolly Adelgid - PA DCNR DCNRs Bureau of forestry is committed to integrating the latest pest managementresearch, technology adelgid and other forest insect and disease challenges http://www.dcnr.state.pa.us/forestry/woollyadelgid/pestmanagement.htm | |
34. DPIWE - Forestry Certificate 2 forestry Growing and management, Weed Identification, Insect Identification WeedIdentification disease Identification, Yes, 2 in Horticulture, pest disease http://www.dpiwe.tas.gov.au/inter.nsf/WebPages/EGIL-52S4LZ?open |
35. Course Calendar levels in forestry and natural resources development projects, and incorporatesfield exercises in participatory techniques. * pest and disease management in http://www.itto.or.jp/newsletter/v7n2/31course.html | |
36. Open Directory - Science Agriculture Forestry Pests And on this disease. Includes history, hosts and symptoms, ecology, control and management,recent publications, and events. US forestry Service pest Alerts http://newhoo.com/Science/Agriculture/Forestry/Pests_and_Diseases/ |
37. Turfgrass Washington State University Extension, text on pest and disease management for plantsfrom Extension, includes lists of resources for forestry for urban http://www.msue.msu.edu/msue/iac/turfturf.html | |
38. Urban Forestry Bibliography - D NJ Shade The forest and the street forestry integrated pest management Diagnosisof ill and vegetation Treatment for beech bark disease Gale damage http://www.msue.msu.edu/msue/imp/modb1/modb1d.html | |
39. UNITED STATES FOREST PEST MANAGEMENT (in VSCCAT) Forest Insect and disease management. United States. Forest pest management. forestrybulletin R8FB/P. Search under forestry bulletin R8-FB/P. United States. http://scolar.vsc.edu:8003/VSCCAT?A=UNITED STATES FOREST PEST MANAGEMENT |
40. Forestry Economic Forest Researches, Forest Fire Prevention. Forest pest and disease,Forest Research. Forest Science Technology management, forestry Labour Safety. http://www.sci.com.cn/eqikan.asp?codeID=S7 |
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