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61. Rehabilitation - Environment - Pesticides environment Canada Canadian Wildlife Service Website Hinterland Who's Who (speciesaccounts) pesticides and Birds environment Canada Canadian Wildlife Service http://www.wildlife-international.org/EN/rehab/env/pesticides.cfm |
62. Corn And The Environment- Corn And Pesticides from AGCare (Agricultural Groups Concerned About Resources and the environment a consortium of Ontario farm groups), all users of farm pesticides must be http://www.ontariocorn.org/envpest.html |
63. Healthy Families, Healthy Environment: Article It is fat soluble which allows it to collect in the tissues of living organismsand accumulate in the environment. Return to Top. pesticides. http://healthyfamiliesnow.org/Article.asp?Record=1053 |
64. New Research Examines Relationship Between Pesticides, The Environment And Human New Research Examines Relationship Between pesticides, the environment andHuman Health Pesticide Poisonings Prove 20 Times Higher Than Expected. http://www.futureharvest.org/news/pesticides.shtml | |
65. CEO - Caucasus Environment Outlook environment and Policy Measures a retrospective from 1972 to 2002. 2.8 Wastesand Hazardous Chemicals. 2.8.4 Hazardous Chemicals and Obsolete pesticides. http://www.gridtb.org/projects/CEO/ch2_8_4.htm | |
66. JosseyBass :: Fate Of Pesticides And Chemicals In The Environment JosseyBass, Fate of pesticides and Chemicals inthe environment by Jerald L. Schnoor (Editor). http://www.josseybass.com/cda/product/0,,0471502324,00.html | |
67. Pesticides & Environment pesticides environment. Dr Mushtaq Hussain Jokhio. pesticides aremainly used to control and eradicate disease vectors of desirable http://www.angelfire.com/az/Sindh/envi11.html | |
68. Government And The Environment Site Map General Account Office (GAO) 1990 Report on the failure of EPA andFTC to enforce FIFRA on Prohibited Safety Claims regarding pesticides. http://www.getipm.com/government/sitemap-g.htm | |
69. Pesticides And Agrichemicals [Ministry For The Environment] The Ministry for the environment has many areas of work that either relate directlyto agrichemicals and pesticides, or have relevance to this area http://www.mfe.govt.nz/issues/hazardous/agrichemicals/ | |
70. Pesticides In The Soil Environment Processes, Impacts, And pesticides in the Soil environment Processes, Impacts, and Modeling. The impactof pesticides on the environment is also included. HH Cheng, ed. http://www.forages.css.orst.edu/Resources/Media/Publications/Jenny/books299.html | |
71. BIOREGIONAL: Apr99 : Food Security, Pesticides & Environment Food Security, pesticides environment. http://csf.colorado.edu/bioregional/apr99/0064.html | |
72. Food Security, Pesticides & Environment Date Thread Food Security, pesticides environment.by Dr. Aslam Pervez Umrani. 26 April 1999 1831 UTC. http://csf.colorado.edu/forums/egt/current/msg00254.html | |
73. Links: Environment - MCS - Pesticides - Solutions News and Articles on the environment. Fight against the Poison (Chemical and Pesticide)Industry. Kids / Schools healthy environment. Nice Places on the Web. http://www.safe2use.com/data/links.html | |
74. Environment DEC: Ohio Company Fined For Failure To Register Pesticides approximately 12,000 pesticides registered for sale, distribution and use in NewYork State. Registrations are good for two years. Return to environment DEC. http://www.dec.state.ny.us/website/environmentdec/2003a/pesticidedec2.html | |
75. MOVEMENT OF PESTICIDES IN THE ENVIRONMENT MOVEMENT OF pesticides IN THE environment. INTRODUCTION. Following releaseinto the environment, pesticides may have many different fates. http://www.uoguelph.ca/GTI/urbanpst/movement.htm | |
76. Finnish Environment Institute / Project For Preventing Russia's Obsolete Pestici The aim of the Arctic Council project is to reduce emissions of obsolete andprohibited pesticides into the environment in the area of Russian arctic. http://www.vyh.fi/eng/current/press/syke/2002/r020731.htm | |
77. Healthy People Healthy Environments (Pesticides) - Toronto Public Health The effects of pesticides are not limited to the plants to which theyare applied. They also affect humans, animals and the environment. http://www.city.toronto.on.ca/health/reduce_pesticide.htm |
78. Children's Health And The Environment: Pesticides 6) Picturing pesticides impact on kids. Science News, p. 358. Steingraber, S.(1997) Living downstream An ecologist looks at cancer and the environment. http://www.ktca.org/newtons/epa/pesticides.html | |
79. Pesticides Regulations - Environmental Protection & Assessment - Department Of E But if proper care is not taken, pesticides can harm the environment by contaminatingsoil, surface and ground water. They can also kill wildlife. The Law. http://environmentyukon.gov.yk.ca/epa/summary.shtml | |
80. PAN AP Pesticides Q A pesticides and the environment. pesticides and Agriculture. Feedback. pesticidesand the environment. 1 How do pesticides harm the environment? http://www.panap.net/faq.cfm?category=Environment |
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