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61. Curriculum Vita June 1992. Areas of Specialization. phenomenology, philosophy ofCognitive Science, philosophy of Mind. Areas of Competence. Logic http://www.jeffyoshimi.net/cv/curriculumvita.htm | |
62. Homepage For Yoko Arisaka include modern Japanese philosophy, Chinese philosophy, 19th and 20th CenturyEuropean philosophy (emphasis in phenomenology), philosophy of consciousness http://www.arisaka.org/ | |
63. Philosophy : Movements : Phenomenology Analytic philosophy and phenomenology by Harold A. Durfee Paperback December 1976List price $126.50 Click here to compare prices at dozens of online stores http://www.allbookstores.com/browse/PHI018000 | |
64. Welcome To ASSC5 (OVERVIEW) conference). THE CONTENTS OF CONSCIOUSNESS. Perception, Attention,and phenomenology. THANK YOU FOR HELPING MAKE ASSC5 A SUCCESS. FOR http://www.duke.edu/philosophy/assc5.html | |
65. MVCC Philosophy Resources: Existentialism And Phenomenology This page is full of useful links to well designed and comprehensivesites dedicated to existential philosophy and phenomenology. http://www.mvcc.edu/catalog/humanities/philosophyresources/existenz.htm | |
66. Dean Komel - Department Of Philosophy, Ljubljana Hermeneutics, phenomenology, philosophy of culture, anthropology, history of philosophy,philosophy of art, philosophical translation and terminology, Slovene http://www.ff.uni-lj.si/filo/english/staff/komela.htm | |
67. Philosophy Graduate Schools Friendly To Continental Philosophy Others are aesthetics, epistemology, ethics, history of philosophy, metaphysics,phenomenology, philosophy of language, philosophy of mind, philosophy of http://www.earlham.edu/~phil/gradsch.htm | |
68. BOOKSTORE Amazon Bestsellers - Phenomenology Theism Eastern philosophy - Philosophical Movements Criticism - Deconstructionism- Existentialism - Humanism - phenomenology - Pragmatism Rationalism http://radicalacademy.com/bksamazonbest125.htm |
69. Department Of Philosophy At Penn State Submissions or requests for information should be sent to Research in phenomenology,Department of philosophy, The Pennsylvania State University, 240 Sparks http://philosophy.la.psu.edu/Faculty/journals.htm |
70. UW Press - : The New Yearbook For Phenomenology And Phenomenological Philosophy philosophy. The New Yearbook for phenomenology and Phenomenologicalphilosophy Volume II Burt Hopkins and Steven Crowell, Editors http://www.wisc.edu/wisconsinpress/books/2759.htm | |
71. UW Press - : The New Yearbook For Phenomenology And Phenomenological Philosophy philosophy. The New Yearbook for phenomenology and Phenomenologicalphilosophy Volume1 Burt Hopkins and Steven Crowell, Editors The http://www.wisc.edu/wisconsinpress/books/2711.htm | |
72. STAFF Department Of Philosophy The Wittgenstein Archives Bjørn Holgernes Førsteamanuensis Born 1947. Research interests include existensialism,phenomenology, philosophy of religion and science ethics. http://www.hf.uib.no/i/Filosofisk/staff.html | |
73. Listings Of The World Society Philosophy Current Movements FenEsi phenomenology and Existential philosophy Post Review Links to sites (indifferent languages) on phenomenological and existential authors and subjects http://listingsworld.com/Society/Philosophy/Current_Movements/Phenomenology/ |
74. Phenomenology underlies it. It was this version of phenomenology that most significantlyinfluenced the philosophy of Heidegger. History of philosophy. http://www.philosophypages.com/hy/6i.htm | |
75. Books / Nonfiction / Philosophy / Phenomenology 7. MerleauPonty's Ontology (Studies in phenomenology and Existential philosophy)MC Dillon / Paperback / Published 1997 Read more about this title http://www.bookmag.com/books/nonfiction/203.html | |
76. Phenomenology And Philosophy, By Don Boland - Universitas Number 9 (2001) phenomenology and philosophy. Thus, We are the true positivists , Husserl says in1913 in his Ideas for a Pure phenomenology and Phenomenological philosophy . http://www.cts.org.au/2001/phenomenology.htm | |
77. Philosophy: Periods,disciplines Current Studies in phenomenology. A Quarterly Journal of philosophy. . phenomenologywebsites. . Society for phenomenology and Existential philosophy . http://www.zeroland.co.nz/philosophy_websites.html | |
78. 161-226 Contemporary European Philosophy I: Phenomenology And Existentialism 161226 Contemporary European philosophy I phenomenology and Existentialism. Note.Available as 161-326 at 3rd-year level. Credit Points. 16.7 2nd and 3rd year. http://www.unimelb.edu.au/HB/1998/subjects/161-226.html | |
79. 161-020 Contemporary European Philosophy I: Phenomenology And Existentialism Thought 161020 Contemporary European philosophy I phenomenology andExistentialism. Note. Formerly available as 161-226/326. Students http://www.unimelb.edu.au/HB/1999/subjects/161-020.html | |
80. Existential-Phenomenology phenomenology page is part of Mythos Logos, Home page of Brent Dean Robbins,dedicated to the promotion of existentialphenomenological philosophy, http://www.mythosandlogos.com/ep.html | |
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