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Places & Regions Atlases & Gazetteers: more detail | ||||
21. Constructing A Resource Guide generally deal with the dialects of paricular regions. Indexes help you turn up thoseunexpected places. you are to identify and examine atlases and gazetteers http://www.southernct.edu/~brownm/244s_guide.html | |
22. Home Page For The History & Government Division Scale 1600,000 Coverage Province divided into six regions. atlases in the HistoryDivision are usually on the gazetteers offer a list of places and/or named http://www.vpl.vancouver.bc.ca/branches/LibrarySquare/his/StudyGuides/maps.html | |
23. Geo-Guide - Server Error Source Type, gazetteers; Catalog of Digital Maps; Touristic Maps, City Subject Class,Maps of Areas, regions, places in General; Maps North Source Type, atlases. http://www.geo-guide.de/cgi-bin/ssgfi/anzeige.pl?db=geo&sc=URW 000 |
24. USMC Library - Research Guide To Mythology Norse sagas, gods and heroes, real and mythical places, and social Michael's ReferenceBL 1005 .K67 1995 Covers all regions that border atlases gazetteers. http://www.utoronto.ca/stmikes/library/research_guides/rgmythology.htm | |
25. "African-American Studies: A Guide To Selected Sources" -- North Carolina Centra To top. GUIDES TO THE LITERATURE. Guides may contain information about places, regions,and/or subjects. Ref. Z1361 .N39 H82. To top. MAPS, atlases, gazetteers. http://www.nccu.edu/library/guides/africam.html | |
26. FAQ 19th century gazetteers from all countries or regions in Europe we can suggest a fewadditional places to look. counties in the US, or maps from county atlases. http://www.generationspress.com/faq.html | |
27. CESDP - New Mexico Standards - Social Studies Performance Place pictures of different vegetation regions on the information systems, map projections,atlases, gazetteers, and other route between two places using globes http://www.cesdp.nmhu.edu/standards/content/ss/performa/cont12.htm |
28. GIS Glossary E-H entity A collection of objects (persons, places, things) described by the SEC forsections COVER .PAT for regions COVER .TAT Most atlases contain gazetteers. http://www.esri.com/library/glossary/e_h.html | |
29. Research By Subject: Geography Information (Encyclopedias, Dictionaries, gazetteers, atlases, Maps and has nice colorphotographs of regions. dictionary of geography places and peoples of http://www.library.arizona.edu/library/teams/sst/geo/guide/path.html | |
30. Geography Resources other tools avaliable to help locate specific places. Arranged by regions of theUnited States an extensive collection of atlases, gazetteers, Illinois county http://www.lib.siu.edu/cgi-bin/encore2/resources?sub=dp59 |
31. Geography : Atlases More than 175 800 links! 167 800 links, categorized crossreferenced, in over 150 categories. Another 8 000+ uncategorized new links in the works. http://library.adelaide.edu.au/gen/Atlases.html | |
32. Society Of Australian Genealogists - Basics On Australian Placenames, Gazetteers gazetteer the approximate present location of early property names places relevantto atlases. For country regions for the 1870s we hold a copy of Atlas of http://www.sag.org.au/ozsources/maps.htm | |
33. AGSC: Introduction To The Collection atlases An Atlas of Cyberspace http//www the Canadian landmass and its immediateoffshore regions. around 1,000,000 names and other information about places. http://www.uwm.edu/Library/AGSC/linksA-G.htm | |
34. Maps And Places Western Australian Maps, Australian Maps and places, WA regions. Longitude and distancebetween two points, Oddens's Bookmarks Maps and atlases 3. Electronic http://library.trinity.wa.edu.au/subjects/sose/geography/maps.htm | |
35. Atlases, Maps, Places atlases, Maps Travel. Special interest Best places to Retire, Best places to Vacation Australiaand the Pacific, Europe, Middle East, Polar regions and Oceans http://www.mainland.cc.tx.us/library/internet/intsub/ref_at.htm | |
36. Ancestry.com - Maps, Atlases, & Locality Collections latter details all of the populated places in the the United States for which countyatlases are available. The 1250,000 series covers sizeable regions in a http://msn.ancestry.com/learn/learning/maps.htm | |
37. Jim Dan Hill Library Atlases, Gazetteers fifty US States and the 22 regions are also browse through the names of individualplaces or search Return to atlases, Maps, and General Geography Resources http://library.uwsuper.edu/guides/Geographypage/Gazetteers.html | |
38. North America, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Maps And Atlases From East View Cartogra Browse regions Browse Types Topographic Maps Nautical Charts STATES OF AMERICA Mapsand atlases, UNITED STATES OF American places dictionary a guide to 45,000 http://www.cartographic.com/xq/ASP/AreaID.36/RegionID.267/ClassID.1100/TypeID.11 | |
39. World, World Maps And Atlases From East View Cartographic, Leader In Transition Browse regions Browse Types Topographic Maps Nautical Charts Geological Maps GeneralAtlases, of the world (the essential guide to countries, People And places). http://www.cartographic.com/xq/ASP/AreaID.43/RegionID.313/ClassID.1100/TypeID.11 | |
40. King County Library System--Web Links--Maps & Geography Area Maps to numerous types of places, including hospitals General and thematic mapsfor regions, countries, and links to other astronomical maps and atlases. http://www.kcls.org/findit/maps.cfm | |
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